super robot clone

Chapter 189 Sweeping the World

When Chen Xin came to the backstage of the theater, Wang Xiaoyue rushed forward to hug Chen Xin and said, "Brother Chen Xin, you were so handsome just now."

Chen Xin chuckled, touched the girl's head with his hand, and whispered in her ear, "Xiaoyue, everyone else is watching!"

The backstage is full of the main creative personnel who participated in the filming. They already knew about the relationship between Chen Xin and Wang Xiaoyue, so they all looked at them with a smile.

Wang Xiaoyue's pretty face flushed slightly, she reached out and twisted Chen Xin's waist, and then broke free from Chen Xin's arms.

Chen Xin went up to shake hands with the main creators one by one, thanking them for their hard work in the past few months, and then went out again to bid farewell to those industry colleagues who participated in the premiere of "Country Teacher" with Yu Shijian.

At this time, news about Cybertron Digital and Horse Racing Gallop Films' decision to donate half of the box office profits also quickly spread on the Internet.

The news first broke through some movie stars who participated in the premiere through their personal w**, and then it was quickly confirmed by major media. For a while, discussions about donations were hot w**, and then gradually spread to all major media outlets. Bars and forums.

Some people applauded Cybertron Digital and Horse Racing Films, thinking that this is the attitude that a responsible film and television company should have. Some people think that they are grandstanding, and they are suspected of using this to hype "Country Teacher".

However, someone soon stood up and refuted, saying that according to the current popularity of "Country Teacher" in the world, does it still need to use hype to earn attention?

Besides, Cybertron Digital announced that it donated half of the box office profits. Even if some movie fans went to the theater to support "Country Teacher" because of this, the box office would only increase by [-] to [-] percent at most. For Cybertron Digital In terms of doing so, it is really not worth the candle.

Voices of doubt were quickly drowned in the saliva of netizens, and more than 90.00% of netizens had a positive attitude towards Digital Cybertron's approach.

Like the last 3D version of "Bring Her Eyes", this time "Country Teacher" also adopts the zero-point premiere mode. More than two hours after the premiere, "Country Teacher" will officially land on the national screen More than 8000 2k screens.

And one day later, "Country Teacher" will be screened simultaneously in more than 130 countries around the world, more than 3 more than "Transformers" 20 a month ago.

This is a unique scene in the history of Chinese films, so it has also received great attention from the national media.

Everyone wants to see what kind of results Chinese-language sci-fi blockbusters will achieve in the fight against Hollywood blockbusters.

That night, Chen Xin stayed in the hotel where the crew was staying, and the crew specially arranged him and Wang Xiaoyue in the same room, but it was a pity that Wang Xiaoyue's relatives came, and the two slept in each other's arms all night, unable to do anything.

The next day, when Chen Xin and Wang Xiaoyue went downstairs to have breakfast, Ning Hao smiled and put a pile of newspapers in front of Chen Xin.

"The premiere of "Country Teacher" gathered big names, and the sci-fi blockbuster was well received!" - "Capital Youth Daily".

"On the first day of the release of "Country Teacher", movie fans lined up overnight to buy tickets. The frenzy of watching movies is rare in recent years!" - "Entertainment Weekly".

"Charity or hype? "Rural Teacher" investor's box office donation has caused controversy." - "Southern People Weekly"

"The awe-inspiring Digital Cybertron, China needs such positive energy." - "Global Times"


The major media reported on "Country Teacher" in all kinds of things, but one thing in common is that basically all the reports were in the prominent positions of the newspapers, and some even gave reports on the front page headlines.

As for the quality of the film, whether it is the Internet or some professional film critics, they are almost overwhelmingly applauded.

In mtime, in just one day, more than 8.8 netizens commented on "Country Teacher", and the score was as high as 0.1, even [-] higher than "Bring Her Eyes" a few months ago points.

This is the second highest score on the list of Chinese-language movies. The first one is Chen Kaige's "Farewell My Concubine" with a score of 9.0. Teacher" does not have any comparable surnames.

Some netizens commented: "As a non-sci-fi fan, I have never read the novel "Country Teacher". This time it entered the theater purely because of Cybertron Digital and "Bring Her Eyes" a few months ago It brought me a surprise, or rather, I went for the special effects of Cybertron Digital.

Before watching this movie, I have been imagining how to write a rural teacher into a science fiction novel, and then make it into a movie. How can a movie with this theme be able to make that super blockbuster feeling?

I was skeptical until I entered the theater.

But I was wrong, Cybertron and Liu Cixin once again exceeded my expectations, I never thought that the fate of a person, a group of children, a village, a planet, in the twinkling stars Under the universe, they can be so wonderfully intertwined.

In this silent and magnificent night, all human beings should thank this teacher.He doesn't have the aura of a scientific elite, nor the honor of having peaches and plums all over the world. He is indeed just a candle, burning to ashes just to illuminate a small corner of the darkness, but when the wheel of fate strikes, thanks to his Persevere, and let the impending destruction be diverted.

When I saw two-thirds of the movie, my tears never stopped. What are you crying for?Is it the kind of tragedy that shakes a big tree with the power of a gnat, or is it the kind of persistence and dedication to the ideal of popularizing science education?Perhaps it is both, how many catastrophes will it take to pass the torch of civilization from generation to generation.This is true in small backward villages, and it is even more true throughout human history.Although the pioneering of knowledge is extremely difficult, and the resistance and destruction from the same kind are extremely strong, the struggle and hard work that is so desperate that it is contrary to biological instinct, and the relay from generation to generation, finally leads the entire human being out of the darkness.

The carbon-based fleet is like the incarnation of God, making the final judgment on human beings: despite ignorance, barbarism, violence, and arrogance, the incredible persistent desire for light and wisdom is like a blood-bathed man with a broken chest. A thorn flower, as beautiful as it is, is as precious as human beings.

Tonight, let us thank Ning Hao, Liu Cixin, Cybertron Digital and Horse Racing Pentium Film Company, China has finally produced a world-class science fiction film! "

This comment resonated with many movie fans. Many people left messages below to express their feelings. Some people said that it was not enough to watch it once, and they wanted to watch it again.

With the positive reviews from the media and the Internet, the popularity of "Country Teacher" has also risen sharply. Even in the morning of weekdays, many theaters still maintain an attendance rate of more than [-]%.

Two days later, the first-day box office of "Country Teacher" was collected one after another. Even though Chen Xin and Yu Shijian were mentally prepared for this, they were still stunned by the data in front of them.

One hundred and ten million!

After the news came out, almost all the media in China fell into a frenzy.

Just over 20 days ago, "Transformers" 3 was released in the mainland, and the box office exceeded [-] million in one day, breaking the record of the first day box office in the mainland. Many media exclaimed that Hollywood is invincible. At that time, "Country Teacher" took back this throne with such a big advantage.

This is the data obtained on Thursday's working day, and in the following days, as expected, the box office of "Country Teacher" continued to rise.

On August 500th, Friday, the mainland box office was [-] million!

On August 500th, Saturday, the mainland box office soared to [-] million in an instant!

On August 1000th, Sunday, "Country Teacher" reached its peak, [-] million!

After the first week, "Country Teacher" topped the box office list of mainland movies with a box office of 5000 million yuan.

This is the data obtained in the first four days, and there will be nearly a month to go. No one can imagine what kind of height "Country Teacher" can reach.

In foreign countries, "Country Teacher" also swept the weekly box office charts of various countries with an invincible attitude.

Japan's box office in the first week was 30 billion yen, nearly [-] million yuan!

In second place is only one billion yen.

In the traditional sphere of influence of Chinese-language films, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia together had a box office of about 7000 million yuan in the first week.

In Europe, the box office of all countries combined exceeded 5000 million euros in the first week. According to this trend, the box office of the movie will break [-] million euros without any pressure. no tears.

And in North America, the back garden of Hollywood, the first week was 500 million U.S. dollars—"Country Teacher" topped the box office charts of North American movies in a golden manner. When the goods came to the door, they arrogantly rejected it, but no one could have imagined that in just one month, this sci-fi blockbuster from mysterious China would sweep the world with such a gesture!

The board of directors of Warner Bros. smiled. Although Yu Shijian and Chen Xin ruthlessly cheated, the effort was worth it. According to the current trend, as long as Warner Bros. There is no doubt that over $5000 million in net profit will be made on The Country Teacher.

In foreign film critic circles, "Country Teacher" has also received wide acclaim, (To be continued.)

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