super robot clone

Chapter 200 The Choice of the Navy

Cybertron, parking lot. .

After Qiao Ting went downstairs, she got into the passenger seat of a black Audi a4l. The driver was a middle-aged man with a dull expression, who looked a little serious.

Since Qiao Ting started to work in the VR flight simulation system project team, under her soft and hard palate, Mr. Qiao finally agreed to transfer her organizational relationship to the intelligence department of the General Staff. Perform official duties as an intelligence service officer.

"Director Yu, let's go!"

This dull man who looks exactly like Yu Zecheng in "Latent" is the director of the Seventh Office of the People's Government of ZJ Province, but in fact he is the main intelligence chief of the General Staff Intelligence Department stationed in the Southern Military Region, and is mainly responsible for intelligence work on Treasure Island.

This is the same as the signboard of the "International Institute for Strategic Studies" on the top of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff. Although the signboard of the Seventh Office of the Provincial Government Ax looks harmless to humans and animals, it does the most important work. Even the ZJ Provincial Committee The leaders of the provincial government can't control him.

"Lieutenant Colonel Qiao, how did the discussion go?" Director Yu said.

Qiao Ting shook her head and said, "Chen Xin doesn't know much. The origin of the Star Ring Group is very mysterious. It should have a lot to do with the technical team behind Chen Xin. At present, our intelligence personnel in the UK have not found much useful information. Information, the public appearances of the Star Ring Group are not the real principals. Whether it is the chairman Osborne or the general manager Vickers, the social relationship is relatively simple, and Osborne has just gone bankrupt for a few months. His bank Suddenly there is so much money in the account, it must be abnormal..."

Qiao Ting paused, and continued: "No matter what, we are partners at present. As long as the other party does not play tricks in China and abides by Chinese laws to do business and make money, we don't need to get to the bottom of it. Director Yu , you can just pay attention to it a little during this time, there is no need to make a big fuss."

Director Yu nodded and said, "I understand!"

The Audi a4 engine made a slight roar, the car started, and soon merged into the vast traffic of Jiangcheng.


Standing at the window, Chen Xin watched the black Audi a4l disappear into the distance through the glass curtain wall.

Gang Bian played the recording of the conversation between Qiao Ting and Director Yu in his ear.

Chen Xin frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Gangbi, do you think Qiao Ting has discovered something? Why do I feel that the other party's interest in the Star Ring Group is not as simple as she said?"

The Rubik's Cube on the table unfolded in an instant, transformed into a small robot, sat cross-legged and said, "Old Dou, do you want me to follow her and monitor her?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "Forget it, maybe she is probing. We do our own thing, as long as we don't expose our relationship with the Star Ring Group, we can do whatever they want to investigate."

Gang Beng nodded, and was about to speak, when its electronic eyes flashed suddenly, and said, "Old Dou, the general staff is here to look for you."

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, then laughed, and said, "Gang Bian, it seems that there is another big business coming, let's open the tt software!"

The desktop of the computer on the desk flickered, and a tt dialog box popped up, and the avatar of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff was flickering.

General Staff Intelligence Department: "Comrades from the Zhanhu Bureau, hello, I'm Peng Guochen!"

Chen Xin sat down at the desk and typed: "Hello, comrades!"

I don't know when, the General Staff and the Zhanhu Bureau began to have this kind of tacit understanding. No matter what level of political figures came forward to talk to the Zhanhu Bureau, they all called each other "comrade".

At this time, there were dozens of people sitting in rows in the data center of the Intelligence Department of the General Staff. In addition to some relevant experts from the working group to deal with the ignorance of the war, there were also several leaders from the Military Commission. One of them was wearing a white navy suit. The admiral's uniform is obviously the navy commander, General Wei Hai.

Over the past few months, as the cooperation between the Chinese side and the Zhanhu Bureau has gradually deepened, the number of high-level people who know the existence of the Zhanhu Bureau has also continued to increase.

It was at the regular meeting of the Military Commission two months ago that General Wei Hai knew the name of the Zhanhu Bureau.

Regarding this mysterious organization, General Wei Hai didn't have much thought at the beginning. This kind of game has little to do with the Navy.

It wasn't until later, when the General Staff purchased a large number of gallium nitride t/r components from the War Bureau, that General Wei Hai really started to pay attention.

Here I have to mention the "Varyag" aircraft carrier that is still anchored in DL Port.

In May of this year, the "Varyag" installed the Type 052 multifunctional phased array radar system consistent with the Type 346c China Aegis guided missile destroyer. This is China's first sea-based carrier-based phased array radar. The emergence of the Hongqi 9 missile made the Chinese naval fleet bid farewell to the maritime air defense system composed of Haihongqi 7 and Hongqi 61, and for the first time truly possessed regional air defense capabilities.

However, compared with the Aegis system of the United States, this radar has a certain gap in terms of power and stability.

However, the new-generation phased array radar system on the "Bi Sheng" test ship is still in the testing stage, and it cannot keep up with the progress of the Varyag.Therefore, the Chinese Navy had to agree to install the 346 radar system on the "Varyag".

However, the appearance of these gallium nitride components made the hearts of many people in the know suddenly feel bigger.

Someone proposed to use these gallium nitride t/r components to design a new generation of phased array radar to replace the 346 radar system on the "Varyag".

As soon as this argument came out, it caused a big debate both in the field of military industry and at the top of the military.

Some people think that this is inappropriate. On the one hand, the 346 radar has been developed for many years, and its technology is mature and reliable. Its performance has also improved a lot compared to when it first entered service, and it can fully meet the needs of the Chinese Navy.

On the other hand, the 346 radar has only been installed on the Varyag for less than three months. At this time, another radar will be replaced immediately. Not to mention the waste of money and money, the outside world may not know what to think of the Chinese navy!

Of course, many people believe that GaN components as microwave power amplifiers will be a mainstream direction for the development of active arrays in the future.Its breakdown electric field/voltage is several times and dozens of times higher than that of silicon bipolar tubes and gaas. Once it is replaced, it will greatly increase the power density of the active array on Varyag.Moreover, gan also has better high-frequency working ability and better thermal stability than gallium arsenide, and can work normally at higher temperatures.As long as the gallium arsenide components in the 346 radar are replaced with gallium nitride components, they are sure to increase the performance of the radar by two to three times, at least reaching the level of the DBR radar on the US "Zumwalt" class guided missile destroyer.

We must know that the "Zumwalt" will not be able to form combat effectiveness until at least 2015. If the Varyag is equipped with a new phased array radar based on gallium nitride components, the area of ​​​​the future "Varyag" aircraft carrier battle group will The air defense capability will be greatly improved, and it even has the ability to detect nuclear warheads flying outside the atmosphere. As long as the missiles can keep up, China will have the ability to intercept ballistic missiles by sea base for the first time.

In the end, the two sides argued that the lawsuit was brought to the top of the central government. For such a highly professional issue, the central leadership handed the ball to the navy, which was governed by the navy's own principle.

At this moment, General Wei Hai was a little embarrassed, and held several briefing meetings, but even the opinions within the navy were not unified.Some comrades think that it is better to use all these radar components on the Type 052d destroyer. Anyway, there are still three or four years before the "Varyag" aircraft carrier can form combat effectiveness. It has just been launched into service, so there is no problem of replacement or not.

Some people also think that the Varyag, as the first generation aircraft carrier of the Chinese Navy, will even become the flagship of the Chinese Navy in the future. It is unreasonable not to put the most advanced radar on the flagship.

More importantly, the Varyag's bridge has a better load-bearing structure and can be installed with a larger phased array array than a destroyer. It would be a waste not to install such a radar on the Varyag.

In the end, General Wei Hai couldn't make up his mind. Some people said, since these radar t/r components came from Zhanhu Bureau, why not ask their opinions.

So this is what happened today. (To be continued.)

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