super robot clone

Chapter 210 Super Base

The rays invisible to the naked eye began to scan the palmprint fingerprints on Chen Xin's hands, and soon, with a click, a monitor with an extremely smooth surface like flat glass popped up, on which the 26-letter keyboard and the light of the iris scanning frame of facial features were reflected. It looks very sci-fi.

"Please enter the Chinese password and point your face at the scanning frame!"

Chen Xin opened his eyes wide, pointed his face at the hidden camera, and quickly typed the word "steel 镚" on the keyboard.

Soon, the electronic sound prompt sounded.

"Iris scan complete..."

"Comparison of facial bone features is complete..."

"Welcome to Base One, Mr. Chen Xin."

The middle part of the bookshelf was sunken in silently, and separated from the two sides, revealing a two-square-meter elevator space.

Chen Xin walked in, the elevator door closed slowly, and the bookcase returned to its original state, as if nothing had happened.

There are only two buttons in the elevator, one is "o" and the other is "u".

"o" leads to Chen Xin's office, and "u" leads to the underground.

Chen Xin pressed the u key, and the elevator started to descend.

A few seconds later, the elevator stopped slowly, the steel door opened, and under the illumination of the xenon lamp, an empty underground space appeared in front of Chen Xin.

The underground passage, which has been excavated for less than half a month, has extended to about 50 meters underground. Dozens of robots with strange shapes and different functions are busy working inside, and there is no response to Chen Xin's arrival.

Among them are excavation robots responsible for digging, transfer robots responsible for transporting mud and rocks, and industrial robots responsible for building power systems and other auxiliary tasks.

, The front part of the body of the digging robot is equipped with a roller steel knife. Whose steel knife is specially made and reinforced by steel.

The crawler transfer robot is like a huge forklift, which transfers the mud and rocks dug by the excavating robot to the huge conveyor belt.It is then sent directly to the ground on a conveyor belt.

Whenever this underground space expands for a certain distance, industrial robots will erect steel frame structures in the underground space, and each stress point has been carefully calculated to prevent collapse accidents.

And as the underground space expands, more robots can be put into work, and the progress of the project will naturally be faster.

Of course, the strangest robot among them looks like the protagonist in "Robot Story". It is the chief engineer of this underground super project, the artificial intelligence "WALL-E", and all robots are controlled by it!

I saw Chen Xin come in.Wally greeted him with a "hangchihangchi".Said electronically: "Master. You are here. Where is the steel boss?"

The steel coin that was originally hung on Chen Xin's body in the form of a watch jumped off Chen Xin's wrist and said, "Wali, I'm here!"

Wall-E shouted: "Boss Steel Boss!"

There was an intimacy in his tone.

Gang Jun only told Chen Xin about Wali when Su Xiaoxiao left Chen Xin's home to report to the crew of "Country Teacher", in case Chen Xin suspected that Su Xiaoxiao had come into contact with the secret of "Wali".

Chen Xin never thought of it.Gang Beng would play a little joke with him on this matter.

"Wali, you did a good job. We must speed up and finish the underground base within half a year."

Wali turned around and said, "Master, don't worry, with me and Boss Gangwei here, half a year will definitely be fine."

Chen Xin smiled and nodded, "Then it's up to you!"

When it was learned that the artificial intelligence was successfully cultivated, it coincided with the imminent transformation of the Kay Rucker Machinery Factory.Chen Xin then discussed with Gang Bian and prepared to excavate the underground base of Longtoushan.

Design blueprints and steel tools have been prepared, but the construction process of the base is far from being as simple as Chen Xin thought.

The construction work can be handed over to construction robots made of steel, but how to deal with the large amount of sand and mud produced in underground excavation?How to solve the problem of groundwater infiltration?What about the power system?How should building materials be transported in?

These are big questions.

It is almost impossible to hide a huge construction like this, which is almost comparable to a national-level project.

However, Chen Xin finally thought of a solution that was not a solution.

That is, with the help of the transformation process of Kay Rucker Machinery Factory.The building materials and sand are sent in and out through the method of pretending to be fake.

In fact, in this underground space, in addition to the secret elevator in Chen Xin's office, there are two conveyor belt passages, which are mainly used to transport mud, rocks and building materials.

The location where the conveyor belt exit is located, Chen Xin found an excuse to use three-meter-high boards to enclose an independent area of ​​about five acres, which is also full of fully intelligent construction machinery and engineering vehicles.

There is only one exit, and the surrounding area is covered with cameras and infrared sensing devices. Anyone who approaches the security zone will be driven away by the security guards.

And these engineering vehicles, which are mainly used to transfer the mud and rocks transported up from underground engineering, are also equipped with holographic projection equipment inside to project the driver's image on the driver's seat.

As for how to deal with these mudstones in the end, it is much simpler.

Xinghuan Group bought Wujiang Industrial Park and is preparing for large-scale infrastructure construction. The soil and sand are just used to level the land. After the construction of the entire sci-fi film and television city is completed, millions of cubic meters of soil and sand will be silent. The place will be integrated into the construction of the sci-fi film and television city, and under the Kai Ruide Machinery Factory and Longtou Mountain, there will be a super underground base belonging to the Bureau of War.

After looking around, everything was normal. Chen Xin said to Gangbang, "Gangbang, there is a new batch of metal materials arriving today. Work hard and make another batch of robots. In addition, the batch of silicone will also be delivered today." By then, the manpower shortage should be eased a lot. Are you sure others can't see it?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, this is not a big problem. As long as you don't look closely, I'm sure no one will notice anything unusual. Besides, if we don't do this, the secret of the underground base will be lost sooner or later."

This is also impossible. The project has just started, and with the help of the three-meter-high fence on the ground, it can still cover up the secret, but if it continues like this, sooner or later someone will discover the anomaly.

Therefore, a considerable number of security personnel must be arranged on the ground, and Chen Xin could not find reliable people to do this. After Chen Xin thought about the security work on the ground part of the underground project, he agreed.

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