super robot clone

Chapter 212 Open the door, check the water meter!

Gang Bian noticed something strange about Chen Xin.

"Old bean, what's the matter? What happened?"

Chen Xin hung up the phone, turned his head to Gangbi and said, "Gangbi, do you still remember the guy who bought model airplanes in Su Xiaoxiao's online store last time? He is here again, and this time he wants to buy 250 planes!"

Chen Xin described the situation of Su Xiaoxiao and Gang Yan carefully, and Gang Yan flashed his electronic eyes and said, "Old Dou, why don't I check that guy?"

Chen Xin thought for a while, then called Su Xiaoxiao back, got the mysterious person's QUQUAN number from her, and then said to Gang Bian, "Gang Bian, I will leave it to you!"

Gang Bian nodded, jumped onto Chen Xin's desk in twos and ones, and directly merged with the desktop above it.

The computer fan suddenly became louder, and the DOS interface began to appear on the LCD screen, and lines of code flew across the display.

The room was quiet, and Chen Xin was a little restless.

A few minutes later, ripples suddenly appeared on the LCD screen of the computer. Immediately, the surface of the LCD screen seemed to melt away, and the steel metal poked its head out from the inside, and said to Chen Xin: "Old Dou, things have exploded."

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Gangyi, have you found out what's going on?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, you'll know it when you see it!"

Saying that, Gangzhu jumped out of the computer directly, the LCD screen flashed, and a pdf file appeared on the screen, which turned out to be a resume file of a foreigner, with his 2-inch photo attached.

Chen Xin frowned and said, "Who is he?"

Gang Bing explained: "This is the relevant information I found from the Ministry of Public Security's intranet. This guy is called Aziz, and his father is the deputy speaker of the Syrian Parliament. He bought the previous batch of drones for the Syrian government forces. "

Chen Xin almost spit out a mouthful of water, he was dumbfounded and said, "I'll wipe it! Is this okay?"

Before that, the reason why he asked Gangbun to produce such a batch of aircraft models with outstanding performance was just to let Su Xiaoxiao have something to do and get rid of the shadow of the 500 million loaned from him as soon as possible.

Who would have thought that these drones, which should be strictly model airplanes, would appear on the Syrian battlefield thousands of miles away.

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, things don't stop there, you can read the next news!"

The computer screen began to pop up one page after another, explaining the recent Syrian drone incident clearly from beginning to end.

Chen Xin quickly figured out the cause and effect of the matter.

"Gangbang, I think we should buy lottery tickets, so we can win the jackpot!"

For this, Chen Xin didn't know whether to say he was lucky or unlucky.

The point is that the drone incident happened so unluckily.

During this period of time, he has been busy with the secret base of the Bureau of War and Negligence and the transformation of the Kai Ruide Machinery Factory, neglecting to pay attention to the current political news.I didn't expect an impromptu act.There was such a big commotion all over the world.

Just look at the global media's comments on this so-called drone. If you don't know it, you really think that China has really developed Zenith Star technology.

Chen Xin frowned and paced around the office, although it seemed to him.It's not really that drone at all.It's just a whim game between him and Gang Zhu.Gang also only modified the polymer lithium battery and infrared reconnaissance system in the drone, and other components are still civilian products.

If these model airplanes are bought by ordinary airplane model enthusiasts, at best they think that the performance of this airplane model is a bit higher than that of other manufacturers.I don't think too much about it.

But now things are so big, and it is said that some of them were captured by the Syrian rebels. Chen Xin is sure that there are countless research institutions in western countries who are interested in this drone. The polymer lithium battery used is ten times that of existing products, so it's really interesting.

The temptation of super metal-polymer batteries is not something ordinary countries can resist. At that time, let alone the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia and Japan, plus China at the center of the incident, everyone will look for this wireless battery. The true origin of man-machine.

Moreover, with the capabilities of the Chinese intelligence agency, Su Xiaoxiao will be found out sooner or later. No matter how I explain that it has nothing to do with this incident, no one will believe it.

"Old man, what should we do next?"

Chen Xin turned around the desk a few more times, and suddenly said: "Forget it, this matter may not be covered with fire, soldiers will block it, water will cover it, at worst, the military will come to the door, and we may not be afraid of them! "

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, what should we do about Aziz? Are the model planes still on sale?"

Chen Xindao: "Sell it! Why not sell it? The money delivered to your door is not worth it! But this time it can't be the price of last time. It's [-] US dollars a piece. Whether you want to buy it or not, by the way, this time you put The radio control system of this aircraft model is also strengthened to add more obstacles to the Syrian opposition. Now that we have entered the game, we might as well play a big game.”


In an ordinary apartment in Mingzhu City, when Abdullah Aziz watched the Koukou interface where the other party agreed to the transaction and was willing to provide an enhanced drone reply, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and could not help Putting palms together, he muttered to himself: "God bless! Amen!"

As he said that, he quickly logged into his online bank and transferred a huge sum of 250 million US dollars to the account provided by the other party.

The next thing is to arrange the sea transportation. In order for these drones to reach Syria smoothly, Aziz still has a lot to do.

Aziz put on his coat and was about to go out when there was a knock on the door.

Aziz was slightly taken aback. Although he had lived in China for five years, after the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, he moved from bj to Mingzhu City. Thought he was back home.No one would have imagined that he would hide in a small apartment in Mingzhu City and provide help for his motherland within his ability.

The apartment where Aziz lived was quite secluded, and apart from the landlady, few people would come to bother him on weekdays.

Aziz put on his coat and said in Mandarin with a slight accent, "Who is it?"

"Open the door, check the water meter!"

Aziz leaned closer to the cat's eye, and there was a middle-aged uncle in blue overalls standing outside the door.

The middle-aged uncle carried a work bag on his shoulders, and there were various tools in it. Aziz didn't see anything unusual.

"Wait, open the door right away!"

Aziz returned to the room in a hurry to log off his account, then cleared the transfer records of the online banking, and then walked out unhurriedly to open the door.

"Don't move! Police!"

As soon as the door opened, the middle-aged man from before disappeared, replaced by a middle-aged policeman in police uniform, with a black muzzle pointed at Aziz's forehead.

Cold sweat broke out on Aziz's head. It was the first time he experienced such a scene in China five years ago.

At this time, the middle-aged man who checked the water meter stood up from behind the policeman and said to Aziz with a smile: "Mr. Aziz, I am sorry to inform you that you have been arrested on suspicion of arms smuggling! Walk!"

Immediately, two young policemen came up to arrest Aziz, and the rest of the police rushed into the apartment where Aziz lived. The middle-aged man in blue overalls said: "Search for me, notebook Computers, bank transfer bills, customs clearance certificates...everything must not be let go!"


United States, University of California, Los Angeles, Condensed Matter Physics Laboratory!

A laboratory assistant excitedly came to Dr. Boris with a report and said: "Dr. Boris, combined with the spectral analysis of this polymer and the observation results of the electron microscope, we have successfully mapped its The molecular structure is really incredible..."

Dr. Boris took the document from his assistant and looked at it for 5 minutes before raising his head and saying, "Jon, help me contact Professor Mendes!"


China, Mingzhu City State Security Bureau.

In the interrogation room, Aziz had already calmed down from his fear at the beginning, carefully surveying the surrounding environment.

At this time, the middle-aged man who played the role of the employee of the water company before walked in slowly with a case file in his hand, and said to Aziz: "Mr. All the evidence, as long as you cooperate with our work, then..."

The middle-aged uncle paused for a moment, took out his lighter and put the case file directly on the flame of the lighter, saying: "They will no longer exist!" (To be continued...)

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