"This is a Chinese ship, you have no right to do this!"

The US military officer ignored Ruan Yunshan's protest and waved his hand. Two burly marines quickly stepped forward and took Ruan Yunshan aside.

"What are you going to do? Let go of our captain!"

The crew wanted to continue their theory, but the American soldiers were not polite, and directly pointed their guns at the restless crew, and the crew immediately fell silent.

The Marine Corps officer left two soldiers to guard the crew, and the rest of the soldiers were divided into several teams and searched along the planned route.

Soon, key positions such as the engine room cockpit of the "Vostok" were controlled by the US military.

Ten minutes later, the guided-missile cruiser USS Cowpens, numbered cg-10, rendezvoused with the freighter Vostok. More than 63 US Navy soldiers were dispatched to the Vostok out of fear that something might happen to the Chinese crew. Responsible for steering the ship.

The two started to turn in unison, heading towards Mombasa, the capital of Kenya, on the east coast of Africa.


Gulf of Aden.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, the Chinese Navy's Type 052c guided missile destroyer No. 171 is advancing through the waves with a fleet of more than ten merchant ships.

The tenth batch of escort formations adopted a group escort strategy. The 171 ships set out from the east of the Mandeb Strait and sailed from west to east to provide escort for merchant ships heading for the Indian Ocean.Another 054a-type guided missile frigate No. 571 departed from the assembly point at the eastern entrance of the Gulf of Aden and sailed from east to west to provide escort for merchant ships heading for the Mediterranean Sea.

Inside the bridge of guided-missile destroyer No. 171.Major General Yang Dongcheng, the commander of the formation, looked at the sea chart and discussed with the staff next to him. Then he ordered the shipboard helicopter to carry the special forces to prepare to take off and provide escort missions for some low-freeboard merchant ships.

It's getting dark soon, and it's the time when pirate activities are most active. Everyone must be vigilant to prevent these rat-like pirates from sneaking into the fleet and causing trouble.

At this moment, the on-duty correspondent of Ship 171 suddenly stood up and said: "Boss, I just received a telegram claiming to be the container ship Dongfang under COSCO Shipping. The other party said that it encountered a US Navy warship. The US military is boarding the ship."

The bridge fell silent.Immediately thereafter there was a commotion.

"What are the Americans doing?"

"Are they crazy? Gather and attack our ship!"

There was a murmur of whispering in the bridge.

Yang Dongcheng was slightly taken aback, as if he suddenly remembered something, his face changed slightly: "Contact Dongfang immediately to confirm the authenticity of the news! Also, send this information to the headquarters!"


Just two days ago.The Escort Formation Command received an order from the Navy Command.Said that the "Dongfang" container ship will arrive in the Gulf of Aden in a few days, and asked Yang Dongcheng to pay attention to the safety protection of the "Dongfang".

As for the reason, the Navy Command did not say much.Yang Dongcheng didn't ask too much.

This kind of thing just needs to be understood, and Yang Dongcheng has not experienced it before.

There should be something sensitive on the Dongfang. The military worried that some countries would bribe pirates to attack the Dongfang while the Dongfang passed through the Gulf of Aden, so Yang Dongcheng paid special attention.

Yang Dongcheng originally planned to escort the Vostok across the Red Sea after rendezvous with the Vostok, and return to the Suez Canal.

But he never expected that before the Vostok arrived in the Gulf of Aden, the Americans would intervene so rudely. Aren't they worried about a large-scale conflict with China?

The communications soldier interrupted Yang Dongcheng's thoughts again, saying: "Boss, Dongfang has not responded, I wonder if the radio station has been turned off!"

Yang Dongcheng frowned tightly, he thought for a moment, and said to the messenger: "Contact the 'Qinghai Lake' ship, let it rush to the eastern assembly point in the Gulf of Aden as soon as possible!"

At present, the comprehensive supply ship "Qinghai Lake" is resting in Djibouti. Yang Dongcheng is going to wait for these merchant ships to pass through the Gulf of Aden, and then rush directly to the sea area where Dongfang lost contact. The rest of the escort work can only be handed over to the Qinghai Lake ship. Done.

In fact, at this time, not only the Chinese escort fleet in the Gulf of Aden, but also the Maritime Rescue Center of the Ministry of Communications and the Chinese Anti-Piracy Center who received the information from the Dongfang were also boiling. The US Navy suddenly detained the Chinese merchant ship inexplicably, making everyone unable to react .

This incident has exceeded the handling authority of the Maritime Search and Rescue Center, and the person in charge will immediately report the news.


Peng Guochen was woken up by an emergency call, and just after hearing a few words, he sat up from the bed and put on his clothes.

The wife was woken up by Peng Guochen's movement, squinted her eyes and got up from the bed, and checked the time, it was 01:30 in the morning.

The wife said: "Old Peng, why are you in such a hurry?"

Although Peng Guochen would be woken up by the occasional phone ringing in the middle of the night in the past, he was always light-hearted, not as urgent as today.

Peng Guochen said: "I'm going to a meeting now, and I probably won't be able to come back in the next two days. Something really happened this time!"

After dressing, Peng Guochen quickly left the house.


The news of the detention of the Chinese merchant ship has attracted the attention of the top leaders of the central government. The head of No. [-] immediately called the President of the United States through the hotline of the head of state, and the two sides communicated for half an hour to no avail.

Four hours later, at [-]:[-] a.m. capital time, the China Maritime Search and Rescue Center and the Anti-Piracy Center announced the suspension of applications for escort missions.

At the same time, the [-]th escort fleet assembled urgently, preparing to intercept the cargo ship Vostok, which was sailing to Mombasa, Kenya.

At [-] o'clock in the morning, Xinhua News Agency announced that a Chinese ocean-going container ship was detained by the U.S. Navy for no reason. China demanded that the U.S. immediately release the container ship Dongfang and apologized to China for the incident.

At the same time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs urgently summoned the US ambassador to China and made solemn representations to the US over this incident.

One hour later, at [-]:[-] p.m. local time in Washington, the U.S. Department of Defense held a press conference at the Pentagon. The spokesperson of the U.S. Department of Defense said that someone had smuggled weapons of mass destruction to the Syrian government forces through the freighter Vostok. The boat is legally detained.

The war of words between the two sides came one after another, leaving everyone dumbfounded.

As the world's largest and second largest economic powers, conflict broke out because of a ship arrest incident, which immediately attracted the attention of the whole world.

For a while, news of the arrest of the ship was everywhere, whether it was the Internet media or the TV media.

The dusty memories of the Chinese people were quickly brought back by the arrest of the ship.

The Milky Way incident, the bombing of the embassy, ​​and the plane collision in the South China Sea, for a while, anti-American sentiment among the people quickly began to ferment. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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