It was not until dawn that Chen Xin and Gang Jun finished the flight test and returned to the roof of the building.

Chen Xin came out of the building carrying the alloy box, and the two field agents of the intelligence department who were in charge of monitoring him were almost too sleepy.

Chen Xin was still in high spirits. Although the one-night flight consumed a lot of physical strength, the extreme refreshment made him feel like he couldn't stop.

If it wasn't for worrying about being seen during the day, Chen Xin would have been flying like this forever.

After returning home and having breakfast, Chen Xin felt a bit sleepy. He went directly to take a cold shower, then climbed into bed and fell asleep quickly.

This sleep was very dark, and it was not until four o'clock in the afternoon that Chen Xin was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

Chen Xin picked up the mobile phone placed by the bed, pressed answer, and said in a daze, "Hello, who is it?"

A cold voice sounded from the other end of the phone: "It's me, Qiao Ting, I'm in your company now, I have something to ask you."

Chen Xin woke up all of a sudden, and said, "Okay, then wait a little longer, I'll be there in half an hour!"

Hanging up the phone, Chen Xin asked Gangbi while putting on his clothes: "Gangbi, what do you think Qiao Ting will do with me? Could it be related to the drone incident before? How do I feel about her?" The tone is weird."

Gang Bian shook his head and said, "It's hard to say."

Chen Xin said: "Forget it, don't think about it, you will know when we meet."


When he arrived at the company, Chen Xin saw Qiao Ting in military uniform in the office.

The well-tailored uniform set off her exquisite figure, and Chen Xin couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Want something to drink?"

Qiao Ting said: "I won't drink anymore. This time I'm here, I mainly want to ask you something."

Chen Xin said, "What's the matter?"

Qiao Ting said: "Two days ago, did you help Su Xiaoxiao sell a batch of drones through tb?"

Chen Xin said that it was true, but on the surface he looked stupid, and said: "stop! stop! Correct me, it's not a drone, it should be a remote control model. Drones are an illegal business, and I never do illegal things. thing."

Qiao Ting snorted softly, and said, "You know if it's illegal, right. Where did you get these drones?"

Chen Xin said, "It's a model airplane!"

"Okay. The model airplanes are the model airplanes! Where did you get these model airplanes?"

Chen Xindao: "I ordered it from a company like sz! Oh, by the way, I also specially modified it, replacing the battery and camera system with products from the Star Ring Group."

Qiao Ting narrowed her beautiful big eyes.Said: "Star Ring Group? They still produce these things?"

Chen Xindao: "You should know that the Star Ring Group is controlled by my friends. I just mentioned a few words to them on the Internet. They recommended this product to me, saying that after modification, the performance of this aircraft model will be more powerful. , how? Are you interested in this model airplane?"

Qiao Ting stared into Chen Xin's eyes.Chen Xin looked sincere, and couldn't see anything from his eyes at all. She smiled and said, "We're not interested in these model airplanes, we're interested in the polymer lithium batteries inside."

Chen Xin said in surprise: "Is this battery very advanced?"

Qiao Ting didn't answer, but just said: "Do you think Xinghuan Group is willing to transfer the manufacturing technology of this lithium battery?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "How do I know this? Why don't you just ask Osborne, he just arrived in China yesterday."

Qiao Ting said: "Osborn is British after all, and our relationship with us is not as close as yours, and I don't think Osborne is the real helm of the Star Ring Group, right?"

Chen Xin pretended to be stupid and said: "I don't know about this. But... If you really want these batteries, I can contact my friends right now, but I can't guarantee that they will transfer the production process of the batteries to domestic manufacturers. .”

Qiao Ting was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Can you really ask? Can you do it now?"

Chen Xin looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "It's morning in Europe, so there shouldn't be any problem."

Qiao Ting nodded and said, "Then I'm sorry to trouble you, please contact me now!"

Chen Xin nodded, turned on his office computer in front of Qiao Ting, and logged into his msn account.

The name of Chen Xin's msn account is the dark blue pirate flag, which is the same as his ID in Chaoda.

Soon, Chen Xin selected a netizen named blackro from the friend column, and then typed in English: "Miss Rose, are you free now?"

Less than half a minute later, a black-colored reply came: "Little Jolly Roger, can I ask my sister for anything?"

Chen Xin blushed before typing in the dialog box: "Do you still remember the batch of polymer batteries you gave me last time? I want to build a factory in China to produce this kind of batteries. I don't know if you are willing." What about technology transfer?"

The blackness fell silent, and Chen Xin and Qiao Ting waited for nearly 5 minutes without getting a reply.

Chen Xin shrugged at Qiao Ting, who was standing behind him, and said, "They often do this, and I'm not sure whether they can get the production process of the battery."

Qiao Ting said: "Don't worry, it's best if you can succeed, it doesn't matter if you don't."

As soon as she finished speaking, a black-roaring reply came: "I'm sorry, pirate flag brother, this may not work, the main reason is that these batteries are still in the laboratory stage, and the products I gave you before were all produced in the laboratory Yes, the price is relatively expensive, and it will take at least two or three years to industrialize on a large scale."

Both Qiao Ting and Chen Xin were stunned. Qiao Ting was genuinely stunned, but most of Chen Xin was faking it.

Qiao Ting quickly said, "Quickly ask her if she can continue to provide you with this battery on a small scale."

Chen Xin nodded and typed on the computer: "Oh, thank you sister Rose, please let me know when it will be put into production, I think this battery should have a market in China. By the way, you still have experiments Room products? Can you continue to give me some more."

Blackro said lewdly: "Didn't Osborn bring you a batch yesterday?"

Chen Xindao: "Unlucky, all tm was detained by the customs."

Qiao Ting snorted softly and turned her head away.

Blackro said grimly: "Okay, I'll send you another batch, but this time the quantity is not much, and there is not much stock in the laboratory."

Chen Xin said, "Then thank you, sister!"

Blackro sent Chen Xin an emoji of blowing a kiss, and said, "That's ok, by the way, Jolly Roger, when will you come to England, my sister will definitely treat you well."

Chen Xin looked at Qiao Ting with some embarrassment, and replied: "Ah, I don't have time for this recently. I will definitely go to see my sister when I have time."

Qiao Ting blinked and pretended not to see it.

"Then it's settled!"

"A word is settled!"

At the end of the conversation, Chen Xin said: "You can also see that it's not that they don't give it, the main reason is that they can't mass-produce it themselves."

Qiao Ting nodded and said, "Then this matter is troublesome to you, and we won't let you work in vain. We will buy it from you at a price of 50 RMB per kilogram. What do you think?"

Chen Xin was taken aback, and blurted out: "Damn... this is more profitable than Dupin!"

Qiao Ting laughed and said, "As long as we keep cooperating, there will be more opportunities like this in the future."

After getting a satisfactory answer, Qiao Ting left quickly, Chen Xin wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said, "Gangbang, this girl is hard to deal with, but the price of 50 per kilogram is not a loss! "

The steel coin suddenly jumped off Chen Xin, smashed it and said with a mouthful: "Old Dou, otherwise I won't go to Africa this time, and turn the door to make batteries for them at home. 50 a kilogram is enough to buy a lot of gold." gone."

Chen Xin glared at it and said, "How dare you?!"


Qiao Ting took the military flight back to the capital overnight, and then immediately went to the intelligence department of the general staff, and reported to Peng Guochen face-to-face about her meeting with Chen Xin.

Peng Guochen took a deep breath and said, "Little Qiao, how credible do you think Chen Xin's statement is?"

Qiao Ting thought for a moment and said, "80.00%, this high-tech overseas organization should indeed exist, but the relationship between Chen Xin and them should not be as simple as he said."

Peng Guochen nodded, thought for a moment, and said, "Little Qiao, let's do this first. You must have a good relationship with this Chen Xin in the future. He may become the key to our acquisition of this polymer lithium battery technology."

Qiao Ting quickly stood at attention and saluted, "Yes!"

Seeing Qiao Ting's back disappear behind the door, Peng Guochen frowned and shook his head, saying, "I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out!"

I don't know what I'm talking about, but I can't figure it out. (To be continued, please search, the novel is better and updated faster!

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