super robot clone

Chapter 221 Lollipop

"Threat text message?"

270 turned his head and signaled Liang Hong to close the door, and then said to Chen Xin in a low voice: "You don't know, the news that a group of Chinese have come to Mogadishu has gone crazy for a long time. Text messages were sent to my mobile phone. Some said that their family members were seriously ill and asked for money, some directly said that they were short of money and wanted us to give money, and today’s is even more exaggerated. Not only did my mobile phone receive text messages, Liang Hong’s He also received it. He said that if we don’t give him one hundred thousand dollars, we won’t guarantee our personal safety in the future.”

Chen Xin frowned and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

270 said: "Let's take a look first, I suspect that there is an inner ghost among the security guards, who leaked our phone number, otherwise it would be impossible for so many text messages to come, we are afraid to go out now, for fear of security guards. They will attack us directly. If it is impossible, we can only replace the security captain."

Chen Xin nodded and said, "What about the person who sent this text message?"

270 said: "Wait, I guess the other party will come to you soon."

Sure enough, after lunch, a black man in a plaid shirt appeared in the hotel, looking for 270.

270 asked him to meet in the small courtyard downstairs, and Chen Xin joined in the fun and followed.

After all, it was fate to meet 270 and the others, and they were compatriots. If they encountered any troubles, Chen Xin had no reason to ignore them.

"One hundred thousand, as long as you give me one hundred thousand dollars, I can guarantee your safety. I am the king of this area, and I am in charge of everything here. Do you understand?"

The other party's English was quite poor, with a strong accent, but Chen Xin managed to hear clearly.

Liang Hong, 270's girlfriend, was interpreting at the side, with a forced smile on her face.

"And what happens if we don't pay the money?"

A smirk appeared on the thin black man's face, and he said, "It's okay if you don't give it, but if you go out this door, if any of you fall into my hands, it won't be settled with a hundred thousand dollars. At that time, what I wanted was 100 million!"

Everyone in the 270 group was silent. Finally, Liang Hong said: "Then can you give us some time? We need to discuss it."

The black man nodded and said, "Okay, but I only give you one day, and you must give me an answer before noon tomorrow!"

After finishing speaking, he swayed and went straight out of the hotel.

270 spit, and said with a sullen face: "It's too much to deceive people, I don't believe what they can do to us if we really don't give it!"

Liang Hong and the others did not speak.

Chen Xin picked a weed from the flower bed next to him and put it in his mouth. After thinking for a while, he stepped forward and patted 270 on the shoulder and said, "Brother Zhang, do you have guns?"

270 said strangely: "Yes, but..."

Chen Xin said: "Give me a gun, a pistol will do."

270 said: "Brother Yang, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "Thanks to you for taking care of me these few days, let me solve this trouble for you!"

Including 270, everyone looked at Chen Xin with strange eyes.

270 hesitated and said, "Brother Yang, this..."

Chen Xin laughed and said, "Why? Don't you believe me?"

270 said: "It's not that I don't believe you, but..."

Chen Xin patted him on the shoulder and said, "There's nothing to worry about. Do you think I'm someone who wants to die? Give me the gun, and I'll take care of the rest."

Finally, a Glock 17 and four magazines full of yellow bullets were handed over to Chen Xin.

Chen Xin clumsily loaded the magazine, and then loaded the bullet. Even amateurs like Liang Hong and Hu Zi could tell that Chen Xin rarely played with guns.

270, who had been in the army, could tell at a glance that Chen Xin had a non-professional background. He couldn't help but feel a little regretful, and was about to persuade him, when Chen Xin suddenly opened the safety of the pistol and fired a shot towards the upper right.

With a bang, a white seagull hovering over the small courtyard fell headlong into the courtyard.

270 They stared at Chen Xin dumbfounded.

Chen Xin smiled and said, "Sorry, my hands are a little raw."

But soon, everyone couldn't laugh anymore. There was a burst of gun bolts, and the hotel security guards on duty at the commanding heights all pointed their guns at Chen Xin and the others. What's more exaggerated was that Even the heavy machine gunners on the bunker on the roof turned their guns on them.

"What are you doing? No shooting in the hotel!"

Chen Xin quickly raised his hands and said loudly in English: "I'm sorry, sorry, I just tried the gun just now, there is no other meaning, just make fun of me!"

Soon, the person in charge of the hotel came out and sternly warned them not to shoot in the hotel. Finally, under the coordination of 270, Chen Xin paid one hundred dollars to settle the matter.

After the gun test was over, Chen Xin got the pickup truck key from 270, and then walked out of the hotel slowly.

Liang Hong couldn't help being a little worried: "Do you think Xiao Yang will be in danger? What if something happens at that time?"

270 said: "Do you think Brother Yang is an idiot?"

Liang Hong shook his head and said, "It's not like that."

270 said: "That's it. Since he dared to come to Mogadishu alone, he must have the ability to survive here. Didn't you pay attention to the shot just now? He didn't look up at all. Shooting down that bird is all about feel, and I don’t know what his background is, but he has such ability at a young age.”


Chen Xin drove the pickup truck around the chaotic streets of Mogadishu according to Gangbi's navigation prompts. When the black man left the hotel, Gangbi had already set his sights on him.

About ten minutes later, the pickup truck stopped outside a small two-story building.

The small building has an Islamic style as a whole, with a white circular dome. In Mogadishu, this small building can already be regarded as a mansion.

There is a guard on duty at the gate, but Chen Xin feels that the guard is only [-] or [-] years old, with a childish face, but the posture of the gun is quite standard. When Chen Xin passed by, he was smoking and playing with others .

Seeing Chen Xin approaching, he immediately became vigilant, pointed his gun at Chen Xin, and shouted, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Chen Xin quickly raised his hand.Pointing to the handbag.In English: "Didn't your boss ask us for money just now? I am the representative of those Chinese, and now I am sending you money."

The kid immediately relaxed, put down the gun, looked at Chen Xin a few times, and said, "You wait here first, I'll go in and report to the boss."

After waiting for less than a minute, the little ghost rushed out of the house and said, "Come with me, our boss tells you to come in."

Chen Xin nodded with a smile, took out a lollipop from his bag and handed it to him, "Here for you."

The kid hesitated for a while, took the lollipop, and showed Chen Xin a childish smile.

Chen Xin followed behind the little ghost with a smile. When passing by the hall, more than ten militants were sitting around playing dice and gambling, yelling from time to time, paying no attention to Chen Xin's arrival.

Chen Xin followed the little ghost to the second floor.

The decoration on the second floor is quite luxurious, with huge crystal chandeliers, leather sofas, LCD TVs, and a fireplace on the wall. I don’t know what’s the point of installing a fireplace in Mogadishu, a tropical city where the lowest temperature is not lower than ten degrees. use.

The boss was drinking red wine while flirting with a black beauty in his arms. When he saw Chen Xin coming, he pointed to the sofa and said, "Sit! Did you bring the money?"

Chen Xin sat down on the sofa and said slowly, "Here it is! It's in the bag."

The other party nodded and signaled Chen Xin to put the money on the coffee table.

Chen Xin laughed, put his hand into his bag, and instantly took out a pistol, aiming the black muzzle at the black boss.

Boss Hei gave a big jump, and quickly raised his hands, with a look of horror in his eyes, he shouted, "You...what are you going to do?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "I don't want to do anything, I just want to send you to the King of Hades!"


A trace of blue smoke slowly emerged from the muzzle of the gun.

Boss Hei fell headfirst on the sofa, his eyes opened blankly, a blood hole appeared on his forehead, blood mixed with white brains gurgled out from the muzzle of the gun, he never thought until his death that he would take a casual trip today The door, unexpectedly provoked an evil star that even an American could not afford to provoke.

The beautiful black woman sitting next to him opened her arms and screamed in horror.

Chen Xin blew lightly on the muzzle of the gun, the green smoke dissipated, and the sound of footsteps and shouts sounded in the corridor. It was obvious that Boss Hei's subordinates had heard the movement and went upstairs.

Without hesitation, Chen Xin stood up and walked to the door. The sound of pistols began to ring out rhythmically. From time to time, screams and the sound of a human body rolling down the stairs could be heard.

At the end, Chen Xin suddenly turned around and shot at the black beauty who was pointing a gun at him in the room. Unbelievable eyes flashed in the eyes of the black beauty, she let go of her index finger from the trigger, and fell limply down.

Chen Xin sighed: "I didn't want to kill you, why bother!"

There was no movement downstairs. Chen Xin walked down the stairs. There were more than ten corpses lying on the stairs. Blood flowed down the stairs, gurgling into a river of blood.

As soon as he came out of the stairs, gunshots like popping beans suddenly sounded in the originally quiet hall.

The remaining five or six blacks took ak47 and fired at Chen Xin in burst mode!

At this time, an astonishing scene appeared. In less than a millisecond, Chen Xin suddenly opened a pair of light gray metal wings behind him. The moment the bullet was shot from the muzzle of the gun, the metal wings began to dance violently. .

The bullets jingled on the metal wings, sparks flew, and none of them could escape the interception of the wings and hit Chen Xin.

Until all the bullets were fired, those black men still tightly pulled the trigger, staring at Chen Xin, who was so unharmed.

After a while, one of them suddenly dropped his gun and ran towards the door, shouting loudly as he ran, "The devil, he's the devil!"

The rest of the blacks were only less than a second slower, and they followed him towards the door.

The sound of pistols sounded rhythmically again, and soon everything fell silent.

Apart from Chen Xin, there were no living creatures in the hall.

Do not--

Right at the door of the hall, one hand was holding the edge of the door, and his black and white eyes were staring at Chen Xin who was walking towards him.

"Why didn't you shoot me?"

The black kid looked up at Chen Xin, moved his left hand behind his back to his front, opened his fist, and inside was the lollipop that Chen Xin had just given him. (To be continued.)

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