super robot clone

Chapter 232 Somali Sailor

Jessica is a reporter at the Reuters correspondent station in Bahrain. As a top student in the Department of Foreign Languages ​​at the University of Hertfordshire, Jessica has lived in Manama, the capital of Bahrain, for more than three years.

Manama is known as the Pearl of the Persian Gulf. After the discovery of oil in the 30s, the city developed rapidly. The ancient scenery and modern facilities are in sharp contrast.

On one side are luxurious hotels, high-rise banks, and elegant mansions, on the other side are clusters of old-fashioned Arab houses, labyrinthine alleys, and camels can lie leisurely and take a nap in front of the gate of the bank with billions of funds. Ancient two-wheeled horse-drawn carriages driving in the desert and new Mercedes-Benz cars are driving side by side on the road. People learn the Quran from LCD TVs. Women wear traditional black robes from head to toe, and some wear novel Parisian fashions. .

Jessica, who graduated with a major in Arabic, quickly adapted to everything here. What made her nostalgic was that she met a handsome gentleman here. Lieutenant Colonel Reeves' confidential staff officer.

It didn't take long for the two to fall in love, and Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves even divorced his domestic wife for Jessica.

Despite the strict management of the barracks, Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves, who was dazzled by Jessica, took every opportunity to get out of the barracks and date Jessica.

After three years, the two have become close.

Today is the weekend, Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves, who finally came out once, fought fiercely with his lover in Jessica's rented apartment until late at night, and finally released the desire accumulated during this period. Both of them were extremely exhausted, Hug each other and fall asleep.

I don't know how long it took, and the harsh phone rang suddenly.

Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves turned on the bedside lamp, picked up the phone in a daze, and pressed answer. The voice on the other end of the phone said: "Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves, go back to the headquarters immediately." 'The guided missile cruiser was hijacked by pirates!"

"What? How is this possible? Today is not April Fool's Day!"

"Norway's frigate Nansen has been confirmed at the scene. Believe it or not, the chief of staff is convening a meeting. You will be dead within half an hour! That's it, I'm dead!"

The colleague's words made Hargreaves wake up all of a sudden. Hearing the beeping sound from the phone, Major Hargreaves was a little dazed.

Was the Vila Bay really hijacked by pirates?

"Honey. What's the matter?"

Jessica, who was also awakened by the phone, looked at Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves in a daze.

"Philip called me just now, saying that the guided missile cruiser 'Vila Bay' was hijacked by pirates and asked me to go back immediately."

Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves was stunned for a while, and immediately got up from the bed.

Jessica stared at him blankly.

Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves kissed Jessica's white forehead lightly, and said, "I'm sorry, baby. I'm going back soon. Besides, this matter is still in the stage of absolute secrecy, you must not Spread the word."

As he said that, the lieutenant colonel got up from the bed, put on his military uniform in a hurry, and after finishing tidying up, he hugged Jessica again and gave him a long wet kiss.Then he opened the door lightly and left.

He didn't notice the glowing eyes of his little "love ren".

As a journalist, no one does not want to discover a super news that shocks the world.

Jessica has the same dream.

It's just a pity that in the past three years of work, her life in Bahrain has been uneventful. Apart from translating news articles from the Arabic media every day, she is occasionally on business trips by her supervisor and conducting some routine interviews.

This kind of work is very monotonous.It was completely different from the life of a reporter she had previously known.

And as a young woman who has just worked for a short time, the tasks on the front line of the battlefield are also not her turn.

Over the past few years, Jessica thought that this was the end of her job.

But she never expected that just when she thought she was used to this kind of life, her boyfriend's words suddenly made her heart beat so many times faster.

But what had Hargreaves told her just now?

The US Navy's "Vila Bay" guided missile cruiser was hijacked by pirates?

God, this is incredible, right?

Ms. Jessica quickly forgot Lieutenant Colonel Hargreaves' advice.She quickly got up from the bed and picked up her work computer to search for information on the "Vila Bay" guided missile cruiser.

Soon, she discovered that the name of the "Vila Bay" was on the list of members of the NATO 258 escort fleet recently.

Jessica thought for a moment, then picked up her cell phone.Called Wells, the supervisor in London.

"What? Jessica, are you sure you're not talking in your sleep?"

Wells didn't believe the breaking news provided by Jessica at all. The US Navy's missile cruiser would be hijacked by pirates. What an international joke.

"Mr. Wells, I swear to God, all of this is true. Hargreaves told me this himself. Just now, he was called back by the Fifth Fleet Command."

Jessica swears, Hargreaves' words are still ringing in her ears, how can this matter be false.

Hearing what she said, Wells couldn't help hesitating a little. He was clear about Hargreaves' identity.

If all of this is true, the news is astounding.

The only problem is that there is no evidence. This kind of news cannot be kept secret for too long. If the US military announces it by itself, the day lily will be cold.

Wells thought about it for a moment, and said: "Well, Jessica, you book a ticket to Djibouti immediately, we will meet at Djibouti International Airport during the day, and then I will find a way to apply for a fund, we will rent a helicopter from Djibouti directly to Look for the cruiser in the Gulf of Aden. If it is really hijacked by pirates, then it will not be so easy for this warship to leave the Gulf of Aden. In addition, I have many informants in Somalia, I will ask them about the situation first..."

Wells is worthy of being an old fritter who has been in the news industry for more than 20 years, and he quickly thought of a way.

Jessica nodded and said, "Okay, Mr. Wells, see you at the Djibouti airport!"


When Chen Xin woke up on the bridge, the sun was high outside and the sun was shining brightly. Looking at the time, it was almost noon.

"Old Dou, are you awake?" The voice of the steel hammer rang in Chen Xin's ear.

Chen Xin rubbed his eyes, and said in a daze, "Gangyi, how is the repair work going?"

Gang Bian said: "The power, electricity, and communication systems have all been repaired. Now I am repairing the radar system. As for the weapon system and shipboard helicopter, it will have to wait until at least tomorrow."

Chen Xin nodded, and was about to speak, when he heard Gang Bian continue: "By the way, old Dou, the frigate 'Nansen' is watching from a nautical mile away from us, should we do something about it?"

Chen Xin picked up the binoculars, went to the porthole to look outside, and soon found the shadow of the NATO warship.

Chen Xin said: "Don't pay attention to him, by the way, has it done any outrageous actions?"

Gang Beng said: "That's not true. They just keep sending radio signals to us to call us. In addition, their helicopters are always buzzing around our heads. Without your order, the pirates dare not make any moves."

Chen Xin frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said to Gangbang: "Gangbang, how about you help me make a pirate flag out of wire?"

Half an hour later, Ahdi and Yusuf, who were called to the bridge by Chen Xin, stared dumbfounded at the work of the steel penny. A brand-new black pirate flag nearly two meters long and one meter wide was spread on the podium. On it, there is a white skull logo and an English slogan: Somali sailors!

Chen Xin pointed to the pirate flag and said, "Hang it on the mainmast! Let them know our identities!"


Yousuf happily picked up the unusually exquisite pirate flag, and ran out in a hurry.

The predecessor of the Mogadishu Guards was the Somali sailors, and he was honored to be able to use this name as a pirate slogan.

Chen Xin said to Ah Di again: "Old Ai, what happened to those injured sailors?"

Ahdi said: "Fortunately, most people's lives have been saved temporarily, but according to the military doctor, if two of them do not undergo surgery, they may not survive tonight."

Chen Xin said: "Well, you should immediately contact the 'Nansen' and ask them to send a plane to pick up the wounded. In addition, the 'Vila Bay' needs oil, water, food, and medicine supplies. You can ask them to prepare."

Ahdi was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Leader, when shall we leave?"

Chen Xin smiled and said, "The day after tomorrow, don't ask why!"


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