super robot clone

Chapter 234 Recruitment Announcement

The photoshoot lasted for nearly half an hour, and the Senas 340a has been flying around the guided-missile cruiser "Vila Bay" to meet the various demanding shooting requirements of Wells.

The "Nansen" guided missile frigate also did not stop warning Wells and the others, but the other party did not leave, and the "Nansen" had nothing to do. They could never attack a civilian aircraft.

Besides, it was an American cruiser that was hijacked, and the Norwegians didn't try their best to help the Yankees chase away the reporters.

What made Wells even more excited was that the pirates seemed to know that they were reporters, and they cooperated very well.

They quickly hung two huge curtains on the bridge, with large sections of text written in Somali and English respectively.

"Look, what's written on it?"

Jessica read one of the slogans through the binoculars.

"The US Navy's 'Vila Bay' guided missile cruiser was suspected of intruding into Somali territorial waters, and the Somalia pirate group (somalia pirate group) has detained the 'Vila Bay' in accordance with the law. If the US government has objections to this action, it may Sent people to the headquarters of the Somali Pirate Group in Mogadishu to start negotiations on the detention incident. The Somali Pirate Group (spg) adheres to the basic policy of taking money and releasing people in a humanitarian spirit, and strives to achieve scientific kidnapping, democratic distribution of spoils, and release in accordance with the law. People. Suohai Group is willing to cooperate with governments and companies all over the world to make its due contribution to ensure the safety of the lives and property of the detained persons and to maintain the credit of Suohai Group.”

"What is this about!"

Jessica couldn't help but put down the binoculars and said to Wells.

Wells said with great interest: "Don't stop. Keep reading!"

"In addition, the Suohai Group solemnly announces to all countries in the world that from now on, the Suohai Group does not welcome the escort operations of governments in the Gulf of Aden. If the relevant countries still do not listen to the advice, the Suohai Group will have to take action to protect Somalia. Otherwise, the Vila Bay will be a lesson for you! As for merchant ships from various countries, the Somali Pirate Group will charge relevant security fees at the rate of one dollar per ton. As long as this fee is paid, the Somali Group will Guarantee your safe navigation in the Gulf of Aden. It should be noted that this income will be mainly used for infrastructure reconstruction in Somalia. In this way, it will not only solve the long-standing piracy problem in the Gulf of Aden, but also provide benefits for countries all over the world. It saves a lot of escort costs. If the relevant countries are interested in this cooperation, welcome to Mogadishu to discuss cooperation business—an announcement by the board of directors of the Somali Pirate Group!"

Jessica, Wells, and Abidjan looked at each other in blank dismay.Soon he couldn't help laughing.Haha laughed out loud.

These pirates are so much fun.They actually used this method to ask for a ransom from the Americans, but why do they have such confidence?Wells had a vague premonition that the waves caused by this ship hijacking operation might far exceed his expectations.

"Jessica. Quickly read what is written on the curtain next to it."

Jessica nodded, holding a binoculars and said, "This is a paragraph—recruitment revelation?"


Do you have the heart to live in a hut less than 10 square meters?

Do you have the heart to watch your girlfriend struggle with you for the rest of her life and still not be able to afford a house?

Do you have the heart to watch your parents cut back on food and spend their little pension to help you pay off your mortgage?

This is where your dreams come true.

If you join us, you will receive favorable treatment, complete equipment, free board and lodging, a pair of large underpants, a pair of flip flops, an ak47, a basic salary of $800 + commission, a mobile sea view suite all day long, more pay for more work, as long as you work hard, Buying a property in a metropolis is no longer a dream, getting two votes, joining the upper class, and directly talking to Obama is no longer a distance.

Don't hesitate any longer, I will give you a piece of sea, and exchange for a miracle in your life!

join us, you will

1. Work in Somalia, a beautiful anarchic country with sunny beaches

2. Enter the very promising ship escort industry

3. Have a much higher salary than their peers.A monthly income of one million is not a problem

4. Have the opportunity to drive the largest oil tanker in the world, and have the opportunity to see the sea power of various countries in the world

5. Driving a luxury car, living in a villa, how many wives are not a problem

Recruitment position

1. The captain, responsible for driving the escort ship, the number is not limited

2. Weapon operators, responsible for training the operation and use of various light weapons within the group, including rpg and portable missiles. The number of people is not limited

3. Accounting, responsible for clearing up financial revenue and expenditure issues of governments and companies of various countries, and participating in security fund negotiations on behalf of pirate groups, the number is not limited

4. After receiving the training, the management trainees will directly enter the leadership position, responsible for the daily escort work of small ships, and accumulate strength for the long-term development of the group. The number is not limited

5. Reserve cadres are responsible for the daily administrative work within the base, and can also participate in specific offshore operations if necessary. The number is not limited

6. Secretary of the ship committee, responsible for guiding the daily ideological work of the sailors, and fully presiding over the daily work of the whole ship, the number of people is limited

Recruitment target

Undergraduates and postgraduates who graduated in 2013 from all over the world, regardless of major and gender


The cabin was completely silent, and Wells and Jessica were completely speechless about the pirates' mischief.

Soon, the pilot Abidjan broke the silence: "If they want to recruit pilots, I will also join."

Wells and Jessica couldn't help patting Abidjan on the shoulder and laughing.

It wasn't until the plane's fuel light went red that Wells had to end the shoot, and he couldn't wait to post the photos.

He believes that in the next period of time, Mogadishu will become the focus of the world.

Inside the bridge, Chen Xin looked at the small plane that was going away, and was very proud of his sudden wicked taste.

At this time, the negotiations between Ahdi and the Nansen have also ended. They will hand over the injured and killed US military officers and soldiers to the NATO allies. NATO will also provide fuel, food, and fresh water to the "Vila Bay" as soon as possible. For supplies, as for the high-powered tugboat Chen Xin mentioned, the United States has urgently mobilized it from the Saudi naval base, but it will take at least 36 hours to reach the waters where the "Vila Bay" is located.

At [-] pm local time in the Gulf of Aden, the Italian Navy's San Marco amphibious dock landing ship and the US Navy's Higgins guided missile destroyer were long overdue.

According to the agreement reached before, under the close surveillance of the pirates, the NATO allied forces began to dispatch helicopters to transfer many wounded to the San Marco dock landing ship with better medical conditions. A ch-53 "Super Stallion" helicopter from Saudi Arabia was picked up to the inland area.

The remaining 69 corpses were also transferred before [-] o'clock that night.


After eating the dinner prepared by the captured old American cooking soldiers on board, Chen Xin looked at the duty schedule arranged by Ahdi. At present, the captured American soldiers are mainly held in public areas such as flight hangars and restaurants, arranged by Ahdi Twelve detachments were sent to guard the prisoners.He arranged the remaining eight teams in various key areas on the ship. Some were in charge of looking out, and some were in charge of preventing underwater frogmen. The time for duty and rest was very reasonable.

Coupled with the support of steel 镚, the Yankees basically have no possibility of launching a surprise attack.

Chen Xin nodded in satisfaction. This Ahdi is a good management talent. As long as he continues to maintain this performance, Chen Xin is willing to develop him into an important member of the Zhanhu Bureau.

Returning the duty form to Ah Di, Chen Xin said: "Old Ai, I'm going to go out next time, and you will be responsible for the matters on the ship."

Ahdi was taken aback and asked, "Boss, what are you going to do?"

Chen Xin patted him on the shoulder, laughed and said, "Did you read the announcement in the afternoon?"

Ah Di nodded, not knowing what Chen Xin meant.

Chen Xindao: "Old Ai, have you thought about the future?"


Ahdi was a little confused.

Chen Xindao: "Somalia cannot continue to be turbulent and divided forever. I need a unified Somalia to do things for me! Therefore, what I have to do these two days is the same as what I did in Mogadishu some time ago. I must make the northwestern Somalia All the armed forces of Lan and Southwest Somalia have reached a consensus to reorganize the Transitional Government of Somalia, so when you return to Mogadishu this time, you must be well prepared..."


Ahdi was both surprised and happy. What he was most worried about was that Chen Xin would abandon them after using them, and let them face the wrath of the Yankees alone. Now, according to Chen Xin, he actually wanted to unify the whole of Somalia. For a while, Ah Di actually felt tears welling up in his eyes. (to be continued..)

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