super robot clone

Chapter 240 Facial Paralysis

The so-called U.S. Army's First Special Forces D Combat Detachment is the famous "Delta" special forces.

18 years ago, they fell into the sand in Mogadishu, and 18 years later, they came back again.

With a serious expression on his face, Lieutenant General Brown walked slowly to the soldiers in line and said, "Brothers, the extremists once again put the shackles of terror on the head of the United States. This time, they provoked the entire United States of America army. Then , as soldiers, we must use military methods to resolve battles, and use bullets to tell those terrorists the price they have to pay for offending the United States! Brothers, think about the 69 innocent souls who fell under the guns of pirates , There are more than 300 sailor brothers on the Vila Bay waiting for us to rescue. At this time, the whole world is watching us. The United States needs you to stand up and bring our sailor brothers back and tell those pirates, The Delta Warriors who died in Mogadishu 18 years ago are back."

"Fight, fight, fight!"

The soldiers of "Delta" raised their guns and shouted.

Lieutenant General Brown's speech was very effective, and the morale of the soldiers was quickly boosted.

"I also want to say that this will be an unprecedented rescue operation. If it succeeds, it will be recorded in the history of special operations in the world. If it fails, then the United States will become the laughing stock of the world. This time, not only Only you, under the water, the nuclear submarine will carry the frogmen with seals to cooperate with us. In Kenya, the soldiers of the [-]rd Special Operations Regiment are gathering. They are going to the city of Mogadishu. With the assistance of the African Union Army, Rescue the hostages sent to land. And you are about to perform the most difficult task. Storm the Vila Bay, rescue the crew who are still on board, and send those pirates to hell. Manama has already set it up for you You have two days to familiarize yourself with the structural model of the Vila Bay's hull. You must memorize every cabin and every passage in it. As long as one terrorist misses it, it may cause serious consequences. "

"Also. I want you to notice that this group of pirates is definitely not a rabble. They have strict organization and discipline, and they are large in number. Most importantly, they hold the lives of more than 300 navy brothers in their hands, which means They can threaten us with killing at any time. Therefore, this operation must adhere to the characteristics of fast, ruthless, and accurate. Every location of the bridge, hangar, and engine room must be in place within the predetermined time node. The specific details will be I will tell you about it in the following pre-war regular meeting. Now everyone listen to my password, rest, stand at attention! Disband below! Your barracks are in the three-story building at the end of the runway. Everyone has half an hour The rest time, half an hour later to the conference room for a meeting."

The soldiers made a noise, one by one picked up the bags on the ground, and walked towards the barracks.


At the same time, in Mombasa, Kenya.In Jubail, Saudi Arabia, even on the USS George Washington.This scenario has played out more than once.

This time, in order to rescue more than 300 sailors who were hijacked by pirates, almost all the intelligence agencies and special operations systems of the United States were mobilized.

Satellites, high-altitude reconnaissance planes, naval fleets, nuclear submarines, drones, and CIA agents active in Somalia, every day new forces join this most complex rescue operation in history.

America, the White House.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta handed the report code-named "Somalia Spring" to the desk of US President Ao Guanhai, looked at Ao Guanhai sitting behind the desk and said in a low voice: "Mr. President, this The plan is waiting for your signature."

Ao Guanhai turned a few pages, turned his eyes to the window and said, "How are the people outside the White House? Were there many people when you came?"

Leon Panetta's face was a little ugly, and he said, "There should be several thousand people."

Since the news that the "Vila Bay" was hijacked by pirates came out, family members of the sailors came to the lawn in front of the White House to sit-in and petition every day, and even family members went on hunger strike, demanding that the government agree to all the conditions proposed by the pirates.

At the beginning, the U.S. government also tried to contact the pirates through negotiations, but the first condition put forward by the pirates made it impossible for the Americans to step down.

They demand that the United States must apologize to the Somali people who died in the battle of Mogadishu 18 years ago, and pay one billion U.S. dollars in war compensation.

After the news came out, the whole world was shocked.

No one would have thought that the pirates would make such a request. The old story of the Battle of Mogadishu 18 years ago was brought up again, and the face of the United States was completely lost.

The White House spokesman immediately held a press conference, rejected the conditions proposed by the pirates, and said that the Somalia operation 18 years ago was a peacekeeping operation carried out under the framework of the United Nations, and the US government would never apologize to Somalia for this incident.

In the United States, this statement by the pirates also caused a huge storm. Many people gradually changed from supporting the negotiations at the beginning to rejecting the peace talks later, demanding that the US military act as soon as possible to save the sailors under the guns of the pirates.

An unprecedented scene also appeared on the White House Petition Online, which was launched not long ago. More than 1000 million netizens petitioned for peace talks with pirates, but at the same time, more than 1000 million netizens also supported the rescue by force.

In response, the White House ultimately responded with no comment.

The media is even more turbulent. Every day, peacemakers and radicals publish articles and scold each other on it. The entire United States is almost torn apart because of this incident.

However, it was indeed the latest CIA report on the situation in Somalia that finally made Ao Guanhai decide to solve the "Vila Bay" issue by force.

The report pointed out that the situation in Somalia has undergone astonishing changes due to the intervention of unknown forces. Many armed organizations and tribal leaders have expressed their support for the actions of the Ahdi Brigade and the Mogadishu People's Guards. The Somali Al-Shabaab even publicly issued a statement If Ahdi, the mastermind of the piracy incident, can serve as the head of the new Somali government, they are willing to join the reconstruction work in Somalia.

This made the US high-level see a dangerous signal. The issue of the "Vila Bay" is not only a matter of the lives of these [-] sailors, but has risen to the point where the US's global anti-terrorism operations are closely related.

If it is allowed to grow and develop, the threat to the United States in the future will be no less than bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.


While the United States was in full swing preparing to rescue the more than 300 kidnapped navy soldiers, Chen Xin also got into a little trouble on board the Vila Bay on the way to Mogadishu.

"Qiao Ting wants to see me?"

The information from the No. [-] humanoid robot immediately made him frown.

Although robot No. [-] is the same as himself in terms of body shape and appearance, his skin is made of silicone after all, so it is okay to deceive strangers. If you know someone you know well, you can learn from Chen Xin's face after a little longer contact. His expressions and behavior habits are very different from usual, and it will be troublesome if domestic suspicion is aroused.

After provoking such a great enemy as the Yankees, Chen Xin was not going to put China in his opposition.

"Gangzhen, what should I do? Even if I fly back now, it may be too late."

Qiao Ting has left Jiangcheng Airport and is on her way to his office in Kai Ruide Machinery Factory.

Gang Bian pouted his chin, thought for a moment and said, "Old Dou, there is a way, but if you can fool Qiao Ting, then I can't guarantee it!"

Chen Xin said: "What method?"

Gang Bian whispered a few words in front of Chen Xin, Chen Xin opened his eyes wider and bigger, and murmured: "Damn it, is this okay?"

The method provided by the steel 镚 is very simple. It has a way to directly connect Chen Xin with the No. [-] silicone robot through the brainwave detection system of Little Butterfly's helmet. In this way, No. [-] robot and Chen Xin can be regarded as the same person no matter what they say or do. , the only thing that cannot be solved is how to solve the facial expression problem.

"Old Dou, why don't you just tell Qiao Ting that writing programs is too tiring, and you've become paralyzed!"

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