super robot clone

Chapter 243 The Curtain Opens

In the evening, hundreds of thousands of Somali people crowded into the white sandy beach of Mogadishu port.These are all Somalis who spontaneously came to meet the "Vila Bay". Among them are ordinary people in Mogadishu, many Somalis who came from other places, and even intelligence personnel from all over the world.

After the news that the Ahdi Brigade and the Mogadishu Guards jointly hijacked the US Navy's "Vila Bay" came out, it quickly aroused strong repercussions in Somalia.

No one would have imagined that such a powerful strongman existed in Somalia.

Hijacking a U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser?Many people dare not even think about it.

The Ahdi Brigade and the Mogadishu Guards not only did this, but even succeeded.

What is even more surprising is that these two warlords actually proposed to the United States that the Americans must apologize for the war in Somalia 18 years ago and pay a billion-dollar war reparation. But overwhelmed by a rapidly rising sense of pride.

The ordinary people in Mogadishu who lost their loved ones in that battle were even more tearful and excited.

Many radical militants who were aroused by this incident even went directly to the headquarters of the Ahdi Brigade and the People's Guards in Mogadishu, asking to join these two armed forces, some of whom were highly educated overseas Somali hot-blooded youth.

However, at Chen Xin's request, these requests were politely declined by the Ahdi Brigade and the People's Guards. As for the highly educated Somali youths, they registered their information one by one.Prepare to wait until the "Vila Bay" incident is over before making any plans.

Because of this, when it was learned that the "Vila Bay" might arrive in Mogadishu today.Countless Somalis flocked towards this port city, welcoming the pirates who participated in the robbery as if welcoming a triumphant hero.

The sunset has covered the western sky, and under the reflection of the setting sun, a small black dot suddenly appeared in the red curtain.

"Look, boats! boats! They're back!"

It wasn't just whoever yelled first, the crowd suddenly became commotion, many people waved their flags towards the little black dot on the sea-sky intersection line, and cheered loudly with slogans.It doesn't matter whether the people on board can see or hear it.

"Hey, you guys did a great job!"

"Kill those Yankees!"

"By Allah, our hero is back!"

"Long live Somalia, long live the Ahdi brigade, long live the People's Guard!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"


The original chaotic shouts gradually gathered together, and finally only two words remained. The sound of "Long Live" resounded through the clouds in Mogadishu Port.

As the distance gradually approached, the people on board also gradually discovered this amazing scene. Many pirates who were resting on duty also ran to the deck one after another, holding their guns and cheering loudly, echoing the people on the shore.

"Moreira, there are a lot of people on the shore. Are they all here to pick us up?"

"I think it should be!"

Moreira stared blankly at the scene in front of him, thinking, would Sha Ya see herself among the welcoming crowd?

The shouts on the shore seemed to have infected the pirates on the ship, and many people also shouted.

Caesar, who was standing beside Moreira, grinned loudly, raised his gun and shouted: "Long live!!!"

for a while.The entire coast of Mogadishu fell into a sea of ​​joy.

No one knows, in a dark house in Mogadishu.A radio wave was directly connected with the satellite in the sky, and then quickly sent to the other end of the earth.

Standing in front of the porthole of the bridge, Chen Xin shook his head with some emotion. The scene in front of him made him seem to have traveled back to China, which won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea more than 60 years ago. Perhaps poor and weak countries are more likely to inspire national pride. .

Ahdi, who was standing beside him, asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you, chief?"

Chen Xin smiled and said, "It's nothing! Why don't you go out with Yusuf and the others."

Ahdi said: "The ship is about to arrive at the anchorage. Let's move the Americans to the shore first! Now is not the time to celebrate."

At this moment, the voice of the steel hammer rang in Chen Xin's ears. Chen Xin's face changed slightly, and he turned to Ah Di and said, "Go down and make arrangements first! Act according to the original plan."


Seeing Ahdi's figure disappear at the door, Chen Xin said, "Gangyi, what's going on?"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, just now the low-frequency sonar found that there was an abnormal sound signal in the sea water at a depth of about 30 meters ten miles away, but it disappeared soon. Do you want to continue to increase the power monitoring?"

Chen Xin frowned and said, "Do you suspect it is a nuclear submarine of the US military?"

Gang Beng nodded and said: "It should be them. The sea area where the 'Vila Bay' is currently located is too shallow, and it is easily disturbed by various clutter. It can only barely receive part of the acoustic signal, but I can be sure. , That is indeed a US nuclear submarine."

Chen Xin nodded and did not speak. When the George Washington left, the two nuclear submarines also left the waters where the aircraft carrier was located. They did not expect to come back so soon.


"Torpedo tubes filled with water."

"The torpedo tube is filled with water."


"Pressure completed!"

"Ready to launch!"

"Three, two, one, launch!"

The sound of instructions kept ringing in the Seawolf-class "Jimmy Carter" nuclear-powered attack submarine. It was tense and orderly. Following the order to launch, the hull of the nuclear submarine shook slightly, and six black shadows were successively captured. Sea water pushed out of the torpedo tubes.

At the same time, another Los Angeles-class nuclear submarine also completed the release of frogmen.

There are a total of twelve Marine Corps frogmen. In addition to the standard diving equipment, each of them also holds an underwater auxiliary power system in their hands. Gadishu coast.

Under the guidance of the commander, the frogman team quickly completed the formation sailing work.


There was a lot of people on the deck of the George Washington aircraft carrier. Most of the carrier-based aircraft had been transferred to the hangar. Only four Ospreys from Manama, the capital of Bahrain, and eight temporary amphibious aircraft from the Goodman Richard remained on the deck. Compared with the super hornet, the "a-v"-8b Harrier attack aircraft that came over from the attack ship, the sea ray, which is slower and can take off and land vertically, is undoubtedly more in line with the requirements of this special operations operation. It will accompany the operations of special forces and provide them with air support.

The Super Hornet will attack again after all the action units take off, and carry out air strikes on the camp of the Ahdi brigade and the Mogadishu Guards to prevent them from supporting the pirates on board.

No one thinks that the pirates have weapons capable of threatening the U.S. naval aviation, and the intelligence that has been passed in from Mogadishu these days also supports this view.

Inside the USS Washington aircraft carrier bridge, Major General William Hope looked at his watch, and the orderly said: "It's almost time, notify the soldiers of the Special Forces, get ready to go!"


The deck quickly became busy, and laser-guided bombs, Hellfire missiles, etc. were hung under the wings of fighter jets.

Soon, in the hopeful eyes of all the sailors on the ship, four Ospreys took off first, and half an hour later, eight "a--v" 8b sea rays followed suit.

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