super robot clone

Chapter 257 Prisoner of War Camp

"Gangbang, I'll leave it to you next!"

"Dou, don't worry, within half a month, I will give you a brand new submarine."

The transmission of the video signal was interrupted, and the body of the steel box gradually melted, turning into a pool of silver-white liquid, which silently merged into the interior of the submarine.

Compared with the two days it took to repair the "Vila Bay" cruiser, the repair work of the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine is undoubtedly much more cumbersome.

Power, electricity, communications, weapons, sonar, radar and other systems will all be rebuilt, and many pipelines will also be re-laid. It can be said that, apart from the overall steel shell structure, the interior of the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine has completely changed its appearance.

Such a large amount of engineering, even if it is handed over to an industrial powerhouse like the United States, it will not take a year or a half to complete it, but it is different for steel 镚.

In the following time, Gangzheng worked inside the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine every day, and went to the Severodvinsk Shipyard to pick up some leftovers to eat when he was hungry.

The Severodvinsk Shipyard has stood for many years. Although it has experienced the impact of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the internal stocks of various metals are still sufficient, enough for the steel to open its belly to eat. It even found some discarded titanium alloy parts inside. part.

While eating and drinking enough, the progress of the nuclear submarine transformation is also progressing smoothly.

Steel Penny first operated on the power system of the Typhoon-class nuclear submarine.

The typhoon class is currently equipped with two ok-650 pressurized water nuclear reactors with a total power of 380 megawatts. If converted into power units, it means that these two nuclear reactors can provide 38 kWh of electricity per hour, which is equivalent to a few The electricity consumption of a small town of [-] people for a day.

After testing by steel 镚, the two nuclear reactors are currently in good condition and can be used with a little repair and modification.Among them, the most modified will be the transmission gearbox that drives the generator to run. After the modification is completed, the new gearbox can increase the output power of the nuclear reactor by [-]%.

The super polymer battery coveted by China and the United States will also be used on this nuclear submarine. The super battery weighing [-] tons replaces the original diesel auxiliary power unit inside the submarine. The high-density energy will provide sufficient energy for the submarine. electricity.When necessary, the submarine can even completely shut down the nuclear reactor and use only pure electricity to drive forward.

In addition, the seven-blade large inclined side propeller on the outside of the submarine was also directly removed by the steel 镚, and replaced by two sets of magnetic fluid water jet propulsion systems.

After this series of improvements, the maximum underwater speed of the new typhoon will directly soar from the original 25 knots to over 40 knots.With the addition of artificial shark skin, it can even drop to below 90 decibels when submerged at a speed of [-] knots, which is comparable to the background noise of the ocean and smaller than the American Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarine.

All pipelines in the power system will also be re-laid, the newly introduced intelligent power distribution system, and the shipboard central computer will adopt a new command system made of steel.All the old equipment in the original command room were dismantled and recycled, and replaced by a light-curtained touch-screen control system composed of transparent metal glass with a very sci-fi touch.

This intelligent command system can realize the real-time display of battlefield situation and information, determine the target movement elements, make auxiliary decision-making for the attack and defense of the own ship and tactical maneuver, analyze the ocean water acoustic environment, control the launch of weapons, determine the shooting position, and automatically solve multiple batches Functions such as target movement elements, navigation and evasion guidance for own ship.

Even without the control of the steel hammer, Chen Xin can still command this behemoth through the ship's central computer.

Of course, in terms of living facilities, Chen Xin will not treat himself badly.

In addition to the basic configurations such as luxuriously decorated bedrooms, kitchens, and toilets, there are also personal libraries and badminton courts in the New Typhoon.Basketball court, gym, swimming pool and other supporting facilities.

In Chen Xin's words, the typhoon class has such a large space that it can be used as a luxury yacht. It is too wasteful to use it as a weapon.

So during this period of time, Chen Xin has been making various big purchases. After all, after going to sea for a while, no one knows how long it will take with him, and he must prepare enough food.

The cold storage in the nuclear submarine has resumed operation, and a large amount of frozen meat is stored in it.Vegetables and fruits, alcoholic beverages, etc., even the finest red wine and Black Sea caviar.

In the past, Soviet sailors could drink red wine and eat caviar and drive a typhoon-class nuclear submarine to go fishing. Of course, Chen Xin was not far behind.

Time passed day by day, and the internal facilities of the New Typhoon were changing with each passing day.All kinds of supplies are gradually becoming sufficient, but from the appearance, the nuclear submarine that has been idle for many years remains unchanged.


That night, when Chen Xin just returned to his residence from the New Typhoon, he turned on his laptop and logged in to tt. Ahdi's profile picture was flickering and beating non-stop.

Chen Xin was taken aback for a moment, clicked on the profile picture to read Ahdi's message, and immediately laughed.

The pirate documentary produced by CCTV started broadcasting.

The interview invitation Modi and the others received a few days ago was inspired by Chen Xin. He hoped to show the world the unknown side of the pirates through CCTV.

After all, what offended this time was the largest country in the world. If Western media were invited to shoot, it would be possible to add some views that are beneficial to the US government. This is not what Chen Xin wanted.

Chen Xin ignored Ahdi's message, but opened the webpage and connected to a domestic portal website. The headline of the website was impressively titled - "CCTV reporter explores the American POW camp in Mogadishu".

Chen Xin clicked on the news page, and a video popped up, showing the figure of Lao Bai, a well-known current affairs program host on CCTV.

"Friends from the audience, good evening everyone, welcome to "Oriental Time and Space", I am Bai xx. At the beginning of today's program, we will first pay attention to the incident of Somali pirates attacking the cruiser Vila Bay. At present, the Prime Minister of the new Somali government, Aha Di and the US special envoy for the Middle East, George Mitchell, are having intensive talks in Mogadishu. In Mogadishu, there is another group of people who are also the targets of all media reporters. Unfortunately, their figures are always surrounded by high walls. The isolated, heavily guarded sentry posts and the closed-circuit television system all over the camp are inaccessible to ordinary people. They are US Navy soldiers detained by pirates. I believe everyone has heard that there are many rumors about what happened to prisoners of war during this period , American soldiers were massacred and abused by Somali pirates, a beheading game was staged in a prisoner-of-war camp, all kinds of sensational headlines are common in Western media. For this reason, our CCTV reporter asked the leader of Somali pirates through a local tribal leader in Mogadishu A filming request was put forward. After careful consideration, the pirate leader finally agreed to our request. Because they need to convey the voice of the pirates to the outside world. Let’s take a look at a section of our reporter Modi’s visit to the pirate base camp in Mogadishu report back."

In the video, scenes on the streets of Mogadishu began to appear. Modi and members of the film crew boarded a pirate's armed pickup truck, and the narration was directly narrated by Modi himself.

"The man sitting in the driver's seat is named Uchi. He turned out to be a member of the Somali sailors of the pirate gang. Now they will lead us into the most heavily guarded area in Mogadishu, which is located in the north of Mogadishu. Point, of course, the pirates prefer to call them American prisoners of war."

What follows is a conversation between Modi and Uchi. At the beginning, Uchi seemed a little nervous to the camera, so Modi chatted with him first, and then asked him to talk about his past and himself. perception of Americans.

Wu Qi's expression gradually relaxed, and he began to describe everything he had experienced in the past 20 years in a straightforward tone.

Before the civil war, Uchi had received higher education in Somalia, where he studied law.Because of the war, his parents died in a tribal conflict, his younger sister was hit by a stray bullet in the Battle of Black Hawk Down and died, and his wife and two children also died in the warlord conflict. At the age of 27, he joined the pirate gang Somali Sailors, which he has continued to this day.

Then, Uchi began to talk about his hatred of the Americans. He believed that if the Americans had not forcibly intervened in Somalia back then, perhaps all this would not have happened. The Americans ruined Somalia with one hand. When it was time, he patted his ass and left directly.

Uchi believes that this is the reason why the Somali people hate Americans.

Modi said: "Because of this, you created the Vila Bay incident?"

Uch laughed and said, "Yes, Americans must pay for the disaster that happened 20 years ago."

Modi said: "Aren't you afraid that the Americans will launch a military attack on Somalia?"

Uchi said, "Don't be afraid!"

Modi was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why?"

Wu Qi pointed to himself, then pointed to the gun beside him, and said, "I'm still alive...I have a gun!"

The interior of the pickup truck suddenly fell silent, and Modi didn't know what to say for a while.

The pickup truck was stopped 500 meters away from the camp. The soldiers guarding the first line of defense conducted a strict body search on these journalists from China, and then allowed them to enter the camp after changing their clothes.

The photographer pointed the lens at the six-story building in the distance, and the narrator said that it was the place where the detained American soldiers lived.

After passing the first checkpoint, Modi and the others passed two more checkpoints before entering the core area of ​​the entire camp.

The last gate of the core area is a line of defense consisting of temporarily laid high-voltage power grids and high-walled fortresses. Heavy machine guns, recoilless running, and patrolling pirates with guns let people realize how heavily guarded this prisoner-of-war camp is.

And when Modi and the others stepped into the gate, they were taken aback by the sight inside.

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