super robot clone

Chapter 259 A-10 Unit

This video also set off a storm of public opinion in the United States.

In less than 10 minutes after CCTV's program appeared on the Internet, the English subtitled version was uploaded to YouTube by omnipotent Chinese netizens.

During this period of time, almost all American people have been paying close attention to the negotiations between the US government and Somali pirates. The failure of the rescue operation has put Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta under great pressure. Apologies to the public at the press conference.

The family members of the detained sailors sit in and demonstrate in front of the White House every day, demanding that the US government let their children go home as soon as possible.

U.S. President Okumami also kept speaking out when attending various events, promising to the outside world that the United States will not give up the life and personal freedom of any soldier.

Therefore, when the video came out, links to the video with English subtitles appeared on the homepage headlines of Yahoo, msn and other American portals soon after.Major TV stations, newspapers and magazines immediately followed up, and CNN even urgently purchased the copyright of this video from CCTV, and then played it nationwide with English dubbing.

When many family members of soldiers saw the faces of their relatives on TV, many of them burst into tears and cried bitterly.

That night, this video received more than [-] million hits on YouTube, and social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook were full of discussions about the detained soldiers.

In the United States, the original reports on the demonization of pirates began to gradually lose their market, and many political commentators began to change their tunes.Criticize the US government's foreign policy towards the Arafi country. Many people even think that the US government is the root cause of the turmoil in some third world countries. This pirate hijacking incident is just paying back the debt for history. Those poor soldiers became a scapegoat for the government.

This argument has been echoed by many people. Some human rights groups wrote directly to Ao Guanhai, hoping that the US government can reach an agreement with the pirates as soon as possible.

During this time, Ahdi was reporting the latest progress of the negotiations to Chen Xin every day. The two parties had already negotiated on the price of the ransom. Each soldier was 280 million US dollars, and the total of 14 soldiers was 680 billion US dollars. .There is not much difference from Chen Xin's original estimate of 15 billion.

The U.S. government even agreed to send Ahdi a representative to the United Nations.And in principle also accepted the proposal of the new Somali government to join the United Nations.

At present, the biggest difference between the two parties is that Ahdi requires the Americans to recognize the legitimacy of the new Somali government, and it is clearly stated in the treaty that after the ship hijacking incident.The US government will not launch a military strike against the Somali Republic for any reason.

This made it difficult for George Mitchell to accept.He said.If the legitimacy of the new Somali government is recognized now, public opinion in the United States may fluctuate.However, he also repeatedly assured that as long as the detained American soldiers are released.The US government will never take retaliatory military action against Somalia.

The two sides have come to a stalemate on this clause, and neither Mitchell nor Ahdi is willing to make concessions.

It is impossible for George Mitchell to agree to such conditions. If the US government really promises not to launch any form of military action against Somalia, domestic public opinion will spray him to death.

Compared to George Mitchell, Ahdi has more acting elements, and the typhoon-level modification plan is still in full swing. Chen Xin needs Ahdi to delay the time through negotiations, as long as the new typhoon goes out to sea , whether this clause is agreed or not does not make much sense.


Time passed day by day, and the modification work of the new typhoon was coming to an end.

In order to deceive the public, Gangzhen did not do anything to the appearance of the new Typhoon. From the appearance alone, this nuclear submarine is still in an idle and aging state. No one knows that its interior has undergone earth-shaking changes.

What Chen Xin has to do now is how to get the nuclear missile out of Maozi's arsenal and install it into the new Typhoon-class missile launcher.

As Russia's nuclear submarine manufacturing center, Severodvinsk has always stored a considerable number of submarine-launched nuclear missiles.

Previously, Chen Xin had established a 3D data model of the entire Severodvinsk region through steel tools, and successfully discovered several secret arsenals.

After the inspection by a small robot made of steel, Chen Xin has confirmed that there is a missile depot in a hill west of the Severodvinsk shipyard, which contains the weapons needed by the new Typhoon, ten ss- n-20 three-stage solid-fuel propelled submarine-launched ballistic missile.

This missile is 16 meters long and 2.4 meters in diameter. It uses starlight inertial navigation and can carry 10 20-equivalent nuclear warheads to launch nuclear strikes on targets 8300 kilometers away. The circular probability deviation is about 500 meters.

Judging by current standards, this kind of missile is undoubtedly outdated, and whether it can break through the US missile defense system is another matter.

But Chen Xin doesn't care, anyway, there is steel, as long as it is modified a little, this missile will become a super killer weapon in the hands of Zhan Huju.

The biggest problem now is how to quietly transport this missile out of the missile storage.

Russia's nuclear arsenal guards are not easy to deal with. This force is code-named a-10 and was established in the late 20s. When the Soviet Union tested the atomic bomb, more than 50 well-trained officers and soldiers transported the atomic bomb. formed on the basis of.

The force is directly under the command of the Russian Ministry of Defense. It is mainly responsible for checking the safety and stability of nuclear weapons, preventing the loss of nuclear weapons, and keeping Russia's nuclear facilities in good combat readiness, especially responsible for the storage and transfer of nuclear warheads.

Back then, when Putin was the head of the Russian Federal Security Service, he made major adjustments to the A-10 unit, employing a number of unemployed nuclear weapons scientists. In the A-10 unit, there were special intelligence groups, computer expert groups, and advisory groups. .

For example, Kostroma State, located northeast of Moscow, is Russia's largest nuclear arsenal. The SS-24 strategic missile base is located here. The base has 12 strategic missile trains, and one launch can destroy the entire Europe and the United States.For this reason, the number of A-10 troops guarding this place is as many as nearly a thousand people, and every time Russia conducts nuclear weapon transportation or nuclear exercises, only the personnel of A-10 troops know where the nuclear warheads are stored.

Habig, a former U.S. official in charge of managing the nuclear arsenal, said when he visited a Russian missile base that the A-10 troops can take care of Russia's nuclear weapons seriously and responsibly, and they also have the ability not to be afraid of hackers attacking the network system. (to be continued..)

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