super robot clone

Chapter 261 Supercavitation Torpedo

Outside the sentry post, a Russian-made "battalion commander" off-road vehicle roared past the sentry post with two headlights on.Whether it was the Ming Gang where Second Lieutenant Ivanov was located or the secret sentinel set up by the A-10 troops, there was no response at all.

The off-road vehicle passed by the barracks of the a10 troops, the lights were on inside, but there was no movement.

The entire interior of the base has completely fallen into a dead silence, except for the roar of the car engine, there is no other sound at all.

The "Battalion Commander" off-road vehicle stopped in front of the gate of the submarine-launched nuclear missile storage facility. Ten seconds later, the gate slid silently to both sides.

The gate of this base is made of reinforced concrete materials weighing 110 tons, and behind the gate, there is a steel gate weighing 100 tons, which can withstand the direct attack of a TNT nuclear bomb with an equivalent yield of less than [-] million tons.

Under normal circumstances, this door can only be opened with the authorization of the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Office of the President at the same time.

But in the face of steel pennies, this kind of defense is meaningless.

One minute later, the tunnel leading to the underground nuclear arsenal appeared in front of Chen Xin.

The tunnel was brightly lit, and the "Battalion Commander" off-road vehicle restarted and drove straight towards the underground nuclear arsenal.

After traveling a distance of nearly 500 meters and passing through several steel gates in the middle, Chen Xin reckoned that he had penetrated 80 to [-] meters into the stratum, when the entrance of the tunnel in front suddenly began to grow larger, and in an instant, a huge underground space appeared in the in front of Chen Xin.

Chen Xin got off the battalion commander's off-road vehicle and looked at the underground nuclear arsenal built in the former Soviet Union.

This space is nearly ten meters high and has the size of a football field.

Ten huge heavy-duty flatbed trailers were neatly parked in the center of the missile depot.What is loaded behind is the ss-n-20 submarine-launched intercontinental ballistic missile tens of meters long.

In addition to hauling nuclear missiles, this kind of trailer also has the ability to lift nuclear missile cylinders directly into the missile launching tubes of Typhoon-class nuclear submarines.

Chen Xin had already seen the photos sent back by the micro-robots, so he was not surprised by the scene in front of him. At this time, what attracted his attention even more was the square box with a length of more than ten meters neatly stacked in a corner not far away. body.

There are a total of forty or fifty such square boxes, and it seems that they should be some kind of weapon system.

"Steel, what is that?"

"Old Dou, I'll go take a look!"

The steel coin jumped off Chen Xin's body, bouncing towards the square weapon box.

Chen Xin hurriedly followed.

This weapon case is made of metal, and a steel coin jumps onto one of the cases.Blend directly with it.Soon, the alloy box rattled, and the upward side was slowly opened, revealing a military green painted round projectile nearly nine meters long and half a meter in diameter.A bit toward the missile.However, there is no control surface on the missile body.Chen Xin noticed that there are eight small rocket tail nozzles at the tail of the projectile.

"I wipe. Storm torpedo?"

Chen Xin recognized this super weapon, which can be called the killer weapon of the Russian submarine force, at a glance, and he was dumbfounded.

The so-called storm torpedo is the legendary supercavitation torpedo.

Supercavitation is a peculiar physical phenomenon. Initially, underwater weapons or underwater combat platforms, such as torpedoes and submarines, have encountered the problem of "cavitation", and all of them have had negative effects.

Later, the researchers found that with the acceleration of the movement speed of underwater objects such as torpedoes in the water, the water pressure on them will decrease instead. Once the water pressure decreases to a certain level, the water in contact with the underwater objects will Vaporize, forming cavities.These cavitations will not only change the flow pattern of water, but also reduce the propulsion efficiency of propellers or water jets, and burst and produce strong impact, greatly shortening the service life of underwater objects.But what is strange is that as the speed increases further, when the moving speed of the underwater flying object exceeds 50 meters per second, the phenomenon of "supercavitation" will appear on the surface of the flying object, that is, water vapor bubbles will form at its rear.

Since the density of seawater is about 900 times that of air, the resistance of seawater is also 900 times greater than that of air, while the resistance of objects navigating in supercavitation is only 1900 times that of water.If certain technical means are used to make the "bubble" wrap the entire flying object to form a "gas coat", the object can always sail inside the supercavitation created by itself, thereby avoiding the viscous resistance of water to the greatest extent. , to achieve high-speed navigation.

In addition, the supercavitation phenomenon will not only greatly reduce the resistance of water, but also will not impact the surface of underwater objects due to the bursting of bubbles.

As early as the former Soviet Union era, supercavitation weapons became the focus of the research of the former Soviet Union's military industry department. It was not until the 20s that Russian scientific and technological personnel developed the "Storm" superspace weapon based on the secret research and development of the former Soviet Union for more than ten years. Bubble torpedoes, and in 90 equipped the Russian submarine force.

The "Storm" ultra-high-speed torpedo has an underwater speed of 370 kilometers per hour (about 200 knots), more than three times that of traditional torpedoes, and can be called a sharp weapon against nuclear submarines.

At present, the concept and technology related to the Russian "Storm" torpedo are still Russian secret technologies.

However, since the torpedo began to be researched in the former Soviet Union, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Ukraine participated in the research and manufacture of the torpedo.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, the torpedo's research institutions, manufacturing plants and experimental sites were located in different CIS countries, and because of the unsound secrecy system of individual CIS countries or for economic reasons and the intelligence of Western countries such as the United States The organization's spying activities against Russia resulted in the leakage of part of the technical information of the "Storm" supercavitating high-speed torpedo.

Despite this, there is still no public information about the "Storm" supercavitation torpedo in the world.

Chen Xin only knows that after the news of the "Storm" torpedo was announced to the world in the 90s, it caused a great uproar, so that a large amount of information related to this supercavitating weapon appeared on the Internet and in various academic rumors and papers.

However, whether it is the United States or other Western allies, there is still a large technological gap between the supercavitation weapons developed by them and Russia.

For example, the United States is developing a series of supercavitating weapons, such as supercavitating "kinetic energy" shells, "underwater express" supercavitating submarines and ground penetrating bombs.

At present, the "supercavitation" shells installed by helicopters are close to the actual combat application stage.

This is a flat-nosed projectile fired by a modified rapid-fire gun, which can operate smoothly in two media (air and water), has advanced targeting capabilities, and can strike surface and water mines.

It is also reported that the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Darpa) is working with the shipbuilder Northrop Grumman to develop a submarine that can travel at a very high speed underwater and can reach 100 knots. Its core technology is also supercavitation , but whether this kind of submarine can be put into practical application in the next 20 years remains to be said. (to be continued..)

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