This is almost obvious.

The Bering Strait is located between Cape Diezhnev, the easternmost point in Asia, and Cape Prince of Wales, the westernmost point in America, with Asia and America on both sides. .

Its average depth is only 30 to 50 meters, and the narrowest point is about 85 kilometers (53 nautical miles). Due to the extremely high latitude, Bering Strait often has snowstorms in winter, and the sea surface is covered by ice sheets 1.2 to 1.5 meters thick. Floes still remain.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for a typhoon with a displacement of more than [-] tons to pass through the Bering Strait without being detected.

Even so, China, the United States and Russia have dispatched powerful blockade fleets.

Under the water, the United States and Russia deployed a total of six attack nuclear submarines, and the United States dispatched only three Seawolf-class attack nuclear submarines, namely the SSN-21 Seawolf, the SSN-22 Connecticut, and Jimmy? No. Carter.

Russia also dispatched three Akula-class attack nuclear submarines from the Pacific Fleet, k-391, k-331 and k-295.

For the first time, former adversaries have come together for the same purpose.

Since most of the waters of the Bering Strait have been blocked by thick ice floes, the blockade fleet composed of surface ships is cruising in the waters further south on standby.

This time, China dispatched four 054a-class guided missile frigates and two 052b-class guided missile destroyers, while Russia dispatched two dreadnought-class anti-submarine destroyers, two modern-class guided missile destroyers and one glorious-class guided missile cruiser.

The United States is the main force in this blockade mission, and the Seventh Fleet has come out in full force.

The ocean-going fleet centered on the George Washington aircraft carrier became the main force of this blockade mission.

in Hokkaido, Japan.The U.S. military has also deployed a considerable number of p-3c anti-submarine aircraft for air support.

Once the trace of the nuclear submarine is found, they will assist the Seawolf class and the Akula class to contain the discovered New Typhoon.

Almost everyone believes it.As long as the pirates have a little bit of brains, they will not run to the Bering Strait to die. In this case, once they are found surrounded, the Americans are likely to directly attack the New Typhoon regardless of the safety of the hostages in Mogadishu.

After all, the real threat posed by this nuclear submarine has far exceeded that of Somali pirates.


A few more days passed without knowing it.

In mid-December 2011, there are less than ten days before Christmas.

Lucas is a sonar operator on the USS Jimmy Carter attack nuclear submarine. As a member of the nuclear submarine force of the US Navy, Lucas is used to the occasional exercise mission and long-term voyage life.

But this time.But it made Lucas feel a little different from the past.

The Shangguan only told them that they would participate in an anti-piracy exercise this time, but God knows why the anti-piracy exercise was related to anti-submarine missions, and the location of the exercise was also set in the Bering Strait.

What made Lucas even more incredible was that the Russian Akula-class nuclear submarine actually participated in this exercise.

As the biggest opponent of the U.S. Navy, Lucas has encountered the Akula class several times in previous voyages, but he never thought about it.One day the two sides will fight side by side.

He knew that one of the k-391s was lurking in the deep sea [-] nautical miles away from the Jimmy Carter. When it first arrived at the scheduled sea area a few days ago, the two sides even greeted each other with active sonar.

However, this dangerous behavior was quickly stopped by the commanders of Russia and the United States. (For submarines, greeting with active sonar is a precursor to attack, which is a very dangerous behavior)

After all, the current situation is sensitive.Both the United States and Russia must exercise considerable restraint until the missing nuclear submarine is found.

As for China, participation in the blockade is more of a symbolic one.

Both the United States and Russia do not trust China's nuclear submarines very much, and China has no intention of exposing the performance of its own nuclear submarines to the United States and Russia.

For the past two days, the USS Jimmy Carter has been cruising at a low speed of five knots.As the sonar soldiers in the nuclear submarine, Lucas and the other two sonar soldiers became the people who needed the most attention in the entire submarine.

every day.Lucas' task was to put on the earphones, and then try to find a trace of strange signals from the underwater acoustic signals intercepted by passive sonar.

Unfortunately, until now, nothing has been gained.

Lucas looked at the watch on his wrist. It was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and in two hours, his duty period would end.

After just sitting there for a day, even though he was used to this kind of life, Lucas was a little tired.

At this moment, an abrupt voice suddenly sounded in the headset.

"Boom, boom, boom! Boom, boom, boom!..."

Lucas was stunned for a moment, relying on the submariner's instinct, he quickly figured out what it was.

A chill ran down the soles of Lucas's feet and hit his forehead. Lucas yelled: "Active sonar, someone is using active sonar to illuminate us!"

"Damn it, find the source of the sound for me, have those polar bears taken their medicine? They're playing this trick again."

The turmoil in the command room quickly calmed down because of the words of the officer on duty, and the well-trained sailors quickly entered the fighting state. Since the old man dared to provoke the American Navy, they didn't mind showing the old man a little color.

But in the next second, Lucas' words plunged the command room into silence.

"No, it's not the Akula of the Russians. The other party's voiceprint signal is very weak and unfamiliar. It is being compared with the database."

"The comparison is complete, and no corresponding information can be found in the voiceprint database. This is a brand new submarine, and we have never encountered it before."

The command room of the Jimmy Carter fell into silence. No one expected that a mysterious submarine suddenly appeared.

Captain William said: "Sonnar, report the opponent's position."

"The opponent's position..."

Lucas muttered in his mouth, while quickly manipulating the handle to find the source of the sound from the screen.

"I found it, it should be it, the target is now 25 nautical miles away from us, and is heading towards us at a high speed of [-] knots."

On the sonar display of the Jimmy Carter, an orange-red light spot was extremely eye-catching.

Colonel William's expression was serious. He knew much more than Lucas. He never expected that the missing Typhoon-class nuclear submarine would go straight into the pockets arranged by the Americans and Russians.

William said: "Active sonar preparation!"

"Active sonar ready!"

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