super robot clone

Chapter 272 Ellipsis

Chen Xin never gave the navies of other countries more time to react. Five minutes after receiving the message, in a sea area ten nautical miles away from the 5a guided missile frigate, the sea suddenly churned violently. Then, a cylindrical object Ejected out of the water at extreme speed, the moment it left the water surface, the ss-n-054 submarine-launched ballistic missile ignited automatically, and the tail flame rolled up shocking water waves!The missile began to turn, accelerated into the air, and flew northwest of the Bering Strait.

The anti-submarine helicopter flying along with the submarine faithfully recorded this spectacular scene with the onboard camera.

"The radar captures the target, automatically calculates the target flight trajectory, and is assigning an interception plan!"

"The target is locked, and the anti-aircraft missile is ready."

"The anti-aircraft missile is ready, launch!"



The guided missile cruiser "Bunker Hill" of the U.S. Navy in charge of air defense missions reacted immediately, and the standard series of air defense missiles were activated instantly, followed by the Chinese Navy's Hongqi-9 air defense missiles and the Russian "Modern" class guided missile destroyers. .

The speed and altitude of ballistic missiles are limited during the take-off stage, and even ordinary anti-aircraft weapons can shoot them down. Therefore, China, the United States and Russia have a glimmer of expectation about how the pirates will respond.

After all, this group of mysterious people who advertise themselves as Somali pirates have come up with various methods so far. Since the other party dared to say openly that they would conduct a nuclear test on Xindi Island, then the other party must be quite sure of avoiding the interception of the navy of the three countries. What will be done?

When the ballistic missile rose to a height of 5000 meters, the standard missile of the United States took the lead in catching up with the target.But at this moment, a stunned scene appeared.

When the distance from the ss-n-20 missile is about 100 meters.Four advanced anti-aircraft missiles suddenly seemed to touch something, inexplicably exploded one after another, and four gorgeous fireworks bloomed over the Bering Sea, as if to see off the SS-N-20 that was about to sail away, and they were launched from the New Typhoon The ballistic missile did not hurt a single hair.

then.Chinese and Russian anti-aircraft missiles suffered the same.

"Ten, nine, eight, seven...three, two...beep...missile explosion...beep...missile explosion!"

"Did you hit the target?"

"Should... hit it! Wait! What's going on here?"

Inside the USS "Bunker Hill" guided missile cruiser, the radar soldier Sak was stunned and muttered to himself.

On the radar screen, the ballistic missile representing SS-N-20 is still rising and flying, and the speed is still increasing!

"Immediately carry out the second wave of attack!"

Colonel Glazer, captain of the USS Bunker Hill guided missile cruiser, immediately ordered.

The flight trajectory of the ballistic missile is roughly a parabola, and the attack time during the ascent phase is limited. Once it enters outer space, the naval fleets of the three countries can only look forward to it.

But for the Russian Navy.But instantly heaved a sigh of relief.

Because the latest ballistic calculation information shows that the target of this missile is indeed the strategic nuclear range of Xindi Island, but fortunately it is not an inland city in Russia!

What Russia was most worried about before was that this group of damn pirates were reckless and directly targeted Russia's inland cities. The polar bear really wanted to cry without tears.

After the Americans launched the second wave of strikes, China and Russia also successively launched anti-aircraft missiles.

The number of missiles launched this time is more, and nearly thirty long-range anti-aircraft missiles are used against the same target. This kind of treatment is probably unique.

But the result is still the same.When these missiles were about 20100 meters away from ss-n-[-], they exploded successively, as if there was an invisible barrier.Protect this submarine-launched ballistic missile.

After the first wave of attacks, the altitude of SS-N-20 rose to [-] meters, and its speed exceeded Mach [-]. It was about to enter the mid-range flight stage in outer space, and the combined fleet had no time to react.

At this time, the anti-missile forces of Russia and the United States took over the task of dealing with ss-n-20.

The US military's X-band ultra-long-range phased array radar deployed in Alaska tracked it for the first time.

And Russia and the United States began urgent negotiations.Russia wants the United States to activate the ballistic missile defense system in Alaska and destroy that missile directly in outer space.

After careful consideration, the White House finally rejected Russia's request.

On the one hand, the global missile defense system of the United States is still in the experimental stage, and the success rate of interception is not high. On the other hand, the target of the pirates' attack this time is Russia's Novaya Zemlya strategic nuclear range, which poses little threat to the United States Therefore, the United States can't afford to consume such expensive weapons.

Putin and Medvedev were not surprised by the White House's decision. The previous request was just a trial. After all, this multinational cooperation, Russia has every reason to ask the Americans to do so.

More importantly, Russia does not have a weapon system for medium-range anti-missiles.

The anti-missile system deployed in Moscow uses old-fashioned nuclear warhead interception, which is very risky to use. Unless the country is on the verge of life and death, it will not be used easily under normal circumstances.

What's more, ss-n-20 is not within its attack range.

For Russia, being able to track it in real time is already commendable, and it is really difficult for Russia to take further actions!

The flight time of the nuclear missile was less than 15 minutes, and the signals obtained by the X-band radar appeared in the strategic command centers of China, the United States and Russia every second.

After entering the mid-flight, the ten independently guided nuclear warheads began to disperse for the first time.

Generally speaking, this kind of sub-guided nuclear warhead is prepared to attack multiple targets, including a certain number of fake warheads.

However, the latest data shows that the targets of these ten nuclear warheads are all the Xindi Island strategic nuclear range.

Ten minutes later, ten nuclear warheads fell into the predetermined target area one by one. More than 10 years later, the Xindi Island Strategic Nuclear Range was attacked by nuclear weapons again!

The mushroom cloud caused by the eight nuclear warheads (including two false warheads) enveloped most of Xindi Island. It was not until a week later that the Russian Three Defense Forces arrived at the Xindi Island nuclear range by boat.

They were surprised to find that the craters left by the eight nuclear warheads were arranged in an astonishing linear arrangement, and the distance between each crater was about 300 meters. Seen from the air, it looked like a series of huge ellipsis.

When the relevant information appeared on the desks of the five heads of state of the Security Council, many people did not react for most of the day.

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