super robot clone

Chapter 292 The Mysterious Chen Xin

Huang Haibo hurried back to the command room, while Chen Xin was waiting for his reply with a smile, without any worry on his face.

Huang Haibo couldn't help sighing secretly, he didn't know what was in Chen Xin's body that made the senior management trust him so much.He nodded to Chen Xin, and then said to everyone in the command post: "Notify the escort formation, and immediately disperse in anti-submarine formation. search!"

"Boss, what about the air-to-air mission?" Colonel Zhang Zhen, the captain of the Varyag, said.

Huang Haibo said: "Recover all seven J-15s, and hand over the air support to Su-30mk2 and J-10. Our first task is to find American nuclear submarines."

As soon as Huang Haibo finished speaking, everyone in the command post turned their attention to Chen Xin.

Could it be that this is what he told the commander-in-chief just now, otherwise how could the commander-in-chief have such a big change?

If this is the case, how does he know that the US nuclear submarine has infiltrated?You must know that the fiber optic listening array deployed on the seabed has not responded until now.

Chen Xin said: "General Huang, wait!"

Huang Haibo was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Chen, is there anything else?"

Chen Xindao: "I don't think there's any need to go to war like this. It won't be fun if you scare the Virginia away!"

"Not fun?"

Huang Haibo was a little speechless, and the master in front of him treated the confrontation between the two nuclear powers as a child's play.

Huang Haibo frowned and said, "Then what do you mean?"

He was not annoyed by Chen Xin's objection. On the one hand, Chen Xin's mysterious background made him jealous; big.

Chen Xindao: "I'm thinking, it's best to let the two 093-class attack nuclear submarines pass by, and use active sonar to greet the Americans. By the way, before that, you must pretend that you didn't find the nuclear submarine I will scare the Americans when they are nearby."

Chen Xin's words stunned everyone in the command post. This... This trick is too damaging, and he is really so sure that there are American nuclear submarines lurking in the sea area he said?

Huang Haibo didn't ask Chen Xin how he found the two 093-class nuclear submarines underwater. Since he could even find the Virginia-class lurking tens of nautical miles away, it's no big deal to know that the Varyag was escorted by a nuclear submarine.

Huang Haibo hesitated for a while, then said to the communications officer who was standing there blankly: "Notify Long March [-] and Long March [-], and ask them to do what Mr. Chen said."


Seeing Huang Haibo's cooperation, Chen Xin didn't keep it any longer. He opened the laptop in his hand and put it on the podium, and then opened it so that the screen and the keyboard were in a straight line.

Everyone looked at him inexplicably, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Chen Xin didn't intend to explain to others, and pressed the power button of the laptop on his own. Soon, the screen lit up and a dialog box popped up.

Chen Xin entered a series of characters, and soon, an astonishing scene appeared.

The screen and keyboard of the notebook both cast bright light, and after a few seconds, the light gradually solidified, forming a holographic space of about eight cubic meters above the notebook.

The people who were illuminated by the light retreated quickly, the scene in front of them was really amazing.

Qiao Ting hurried into the command post and saw the scene in front of her. She couldn't believe it: "This is... a holographic projection?"

Chen Xin began to operate in the air with his hands. Under his command, the holographic projection seemed to come alive, and gradually appeared a virtual projection that could be distinguished by the naked eye.

"My God, this is sea level, this is underwater, this is sky!"

What was presented to everyone was a magnificent holographic projection of the ocean, covering everything from the sky to the sea surface to the bottom of the sea.Even the topographic map of the seabed is clearly displayed in front of everyone. No matter from which angle you look at it, these pictures are lifelike and extremely real.

"Look, the green projection is our aircraft carrier battle group, the red one is the U.S. military, those light spots in the sky represent aircraft, and the underwater one should be our nuclear submarine... Hey, no, what about that red projection So close to the Varyag?"

People in the command post quickly discovered the anomaly in the holographic projection.

Chen Xindao: "This is what I call the USS Virginia nuclear submarine!"

Everyone focused their attention on Chen Xin.

When Chen Xin was on the aircraft carrier, most people thought that he had a strong background, otherwise there would be no reason for private companies to snatch food from Bayi Film Studio.

But now these thoughts have all disappeared, replaced by where did this guy come from, is he an alien?

The holographic projection that only appears in sci-fi movies has dazzled everyone. This is the real 3D blockbuster. How can the fake 3D created by eye parallax compare with this?

Some people thought of a deeper scene. They compared this holographic projection with the positions of various combat units in the shipboard command system, and found that basically all combat units and even the positions of the US carrier-based aircraft were basically the same as the virtual projections in the notebook. unanimous.

In this way, the nuclear submarine marked in red above is undoubtedly the USS Virginia nuclear submarine.

Huang Haibo looked serious. He didn't know how Chen Xin did this. A notebook capable of holographic projection is already amazing enough, not to mention that it can completely display the situation of the battlefield in real time in front of everyone.

Even people who know nothing about the military may be able to see the tricks in it. It is impossible for a laptop to have such a powerful function. Behind this, there is no doubt that there is a powerful monitoring system to support it.

In addition to China and the United States, is there a third party in this sea area?

Qiao Ting was looking at Chen Xin carefully. This guy can always do something unexpected.

Chen Xin stepped aside and made a gesture: "General Huang, please, you can see the relative positions of the two 093-class nuclear submarines and the USS Virginia from above, which should be very convenient for your command."

Huang Haibo took a deep breath, didn't ask Chen Xin any more, but said to everyone: "What are you still doing in a daze, you all go back to your own battle positions, let's get this little loach out first!"

The crowd immediately dispersed.

Chen Xindao: "General Huang, if there is nothing else, I'll go back first. You guys use this holographic projection first, and then you can come to me if you have any questions." (To be continued.)

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