super robot clone

Chapter 298 Crash

Zhang Yimou's words did not mean flattering. With the development of film and television technology, the proportion of cg special effects in films is getting higher and higher, especially for sci-fi blockbusters, the proportion of special effects alone in the investment can reach at least 50.00% %above.If calculated according to Hollywood's investment level, "The Wandering Earth" could not have been filmed without an investment of more than [-] million US dollars.

Think about the super-A blockbuster "Transformers" with an investment of only [-] million U.S. dollars. In today's Hollywood, who would dare to invest [-] million U.S. dollars to shoot a Chinese sci-fi movie!

Zhang Yimou is not James Cameron!

However, the existence of Digital Cybertron made this impossible possible. Zhang Yimou is very grateful to Digital Cybertron for trusting him. Not everyone has the opportunity to direct a super blockbuster.

Moreover, "The Wandering Earth" also made him feel the charm of science fiction movies. During the process of cooperating with Ning Hao and Cybertron Digital, many ideas that had never appeared before began to flash in his mind.

He has lamented with his family in private that after the filming of "The Wandering Earth" is over, it is time for him to consider transformation.

Chen Xin asked Wang Xiaoyue, Su Xiaoxiao and other main creators of the film to rest in the company lounge, while he, the two film directors and the CEOs of several other companies came to the meeting room prepared by Wu Jun one after another.

Everyone present was very satisfied with the quality of "The Wandering Earth", and the next step is to discuss how to make money from this movie.

After sitting down, Yu Shijian took the lead and said: "Brother Chen, I have to make an agreement in advance. This time, I will go to the United States to find a film company to discuss the distribution cooperation of "The Wandering Earth". Dare to shut me down."

Everyone present laughed. The last time Yu Shijian went to Hollywood to seek cooperation for "Country Teacher", but the embarrassing story of being repeatedly rejected was widely circulated in the film circle. Later, "Country Teacher" became a big hit.This incident has also become a joke among many people.

Before Chen Xin could answer, Wu Jun interjected: "Mr. Yu, I'm afraid this matter will not be settled. Mr. Lucas, director of distribution department of Warner Bros., has already sent us a letter. He will go to Jiangcheng from Los Angeles next Monday to discuss with us. The issue of the release of "The Wandering Earth" in the North American market! In addition, companies from France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, and South America have sent us letters to discuss cooperation!"

Wang Jun asked: "Mr. Wu, really?"

Wu Jun smiled and said, "I'm sure!"

The bosses of the major companies present all showed joy. They each invested 2000 million US dollars to participate in the filming of "The Wandering Earth", but only received [-]% of the share. It is impossible not to worry about losing money.

If it weren't for the box office miracle created by "Country Teacher" and the consistent magic of Cybertron, no one would make such a decision.

Now Cybertron Digital is not popular. Judging from the results of today's test screenings, the possibility of making a lot of money for this movie is very high.

The previous Hollywood disaster blockbuster "2012" took in a box office of 7.6 million US dollars worldwide. "The Wandering Earth" doesn't take more than one billion US dollars at the box office, it's a pity for its investment!

Chen Xindao: "Now that we don't have to worry about the issue of global distribution, let's talk about the release. This time "The Wandering Earth" is the same as the previous "Country Teacher". I have many. When do you think is more appropriate?"

Wang Jundao: "How about the summer vacation? Now it's just March, and four months is enough time for us to make various publicity preparations!"

Yu Shijian shook his head and said, "Old Wang, I don't think there's any need to wait that long. May [-]st is not bad. It happens to be a short holiday. Judging from the expectations of movie fans for "The Wandering Earth" today, you shouldn't have to worry about the box office!"

Wang Jun shook his head and said, "That's not necessarily the case. Although the influence of "Country Teacher" is still there, foreign movie fans are not as familiar with Cybertron Digital as domestic movie fans, and the influence of "The Wandering Earth" novel is mainly concentrated in the Chinese-speaking area. We need to spend a certain amount of time to familiarize foreign fans with "The Wandering Earth" and let them know. We have made another disaster blockbuster that is more ambitious than "Country Teacher", so a four-month publicity period is absolutely necessary !"

The people present looked at each other in blank dismay, some thought what Wang Jun said was reasonable, and some agreed with Yu Shijian's opinion.

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Chen Xin who had been silent until now.After all, Cybertron Digital is the major shareholder of this film and has the most say.

"Brother Chen, what do you think?" Yu Shijian asked.

Chen Xin thought for a moment and said, "Brother Yu, I think maybe July is more appropriate."

Yu Shijian wondered, "Why?"

Chen Xindao: "If it's released in May, I'm afraid it will collide with another movie!"

Yu Shijian wondered: "Crash? Does "The Wandering Earth" still need to worry about crashing with other films? It should be because others are worried about crashing with us!"

Many people in the conference room laughed. It is indeed the case. With the unprecedented huge investment in the history of Chinese films, Cybertron Digital's excellent cg special effects support, and the quality of the film itself, "The Wandering Earth" does not attract money. , no one believed it.

Chen Xin smiled bitterly and said, "I'm talking about a collision with our company's other movie "Bi Hai Flying Shark"!"

""Blue Sea Flying Shark"?!"

Many people looked confused, never heard that such a film was made by Cybertron Digital!

Yu Shijian had a flash of inspiration and asked, "You mean the air combat movie that was co-produced with the military?"

Chen Xin nodded. The name "Blue Sea Flying Shark" was decided by him after he got on the aircraft carrier. It's not surprising that the people present didn't know it.

Yu Shijian couldn't laugh or cry: "I said, Xiao Chen, are you trying to ruin the fame of Digital Cybertron? It's fine to cooperate with this kind of film. If it is really released, unless the agency, enterprise or institution charters the show, otherwise The market reaction can't be good!"

Chen Xin did not refute Yu Shijian's words, but asked with a smile on his face: "I want to ask everyone, do you want to see the aircraft carrier battle group of country c? Do you want to see the battle between the carrier aircraft of country c and country m? Want to see it?" Real live ammunition?"

Everyone in the conference room nodded in response. If such a movie was really made, as long as people from country C would not want to watch it?

So Chen Xin went on to add: "All the real-time shooting, and the guest performance of the US aircraft carrier, don't miss it!"

The meeting room was quiet for a second or two, and everyone stared at Chen Xin with monster eyes. After a while, Yu Shijian couldn't believe it: " Chen, you really made such a movie? "

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