super robot clone

Chapter 300 ISIL

Chen Xin drove the car directly into the garage of the office building and walked up the stairs to the office.A camera installed at the stairway suddenly turned on a red light and pointed the lens at Chen Xin's face.

Chen Xin opened the door of the office, the lights came on, and a soft electronic voice sounded: "Master, welcome home, how are you doing recently, is Brother Gangyi back?"

The steel coin instantly jumped off Chen Xin and shouted, "Wali, I'm back, where are you?"

The bookshelf behind the desk opened automatically, and a small robot exactly like the protagonist Wall-E in "Robot Story" drove out of the elevator.

The little robot seemed to be closer to Gangzhu, and the two little guys gathered together and murmured and didn't know what to say. After a while, Gangzhu turned his head to Chen Xin and said, "Old Dou, Wali and I went down to have a look. , do you want to go together?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "You go down first, I want to make a video call with Ah Di, by the way, you can help me connect Ah Di first."

Gang Bian nodded, and soon disappeared behind the door with Wali.

Chen Xin turned on the 51-inch plasma LCD TV on the wall, then picked up the remote control and selected a calling channel.

The unilateral video call was successfully established, and soon Ahdi appeared on the TV.

It is still afternoon in Mogadishu, and the sun shines on Ahdi’s office through the window. Ahdi is dressed in a suit and leather shoes. Compared with the image when we first saw him, Ahdi is undoubtedly more like a national leader now. .

However, in front of Chen Xin, this newly-emerged North African tycoon did not have the temperament of a big boss, but was as respectful as a primary school student.

Chen Xindao: "Old Ai, how is the situation in Somalia now?"

During this time, Chen Xin has been staying at sea, thinking that he only needs to solve the threat from the United States.There should be no need to worry about the recent security issues in Mogadishu. I did not expect the African Union to jump out again.

Ahdi said: "Boss, Kenya used the excuse that the African Union peacekeeping force was annihilated by us in the northwest of Mogadishu last time, and slandered our new Somali government at the African Union meeting, demanding that we hand over the culprit behind the attack. At present, the Kenyan and Ethiopian troops have assembled at the border, and there is a possibility of crossing the border at any time."

Chen Xin clicked on the browser, looked up the military strength of Kenya and Ethiopia, and asked, "How many troops can we gather now, and how about the weapons and equipment?"

Ahdi said with a look of embarrassment: "At present, there are 3 warlord troops training near Mogadishu. The key point is that these people are mixed. It is estimated that there are less than 7000 people with real combat effectiveness, and the core of our control There are only about 1000 troops. The weapons and equipment are mainly light weapons, and there are more than [-] armed pickups in total..."

Chen Xin said: "Then what about our opponent!"

There is very little information on the military forces of Kenya and Ethiopia on the Chinese Internet, and Chen Xin did not find much useful information. He estimated that Ahdi and the others should have much more information.

Ahdi said: "The Kenyan army is not large, with less than 3 people. This time it will be amazing to send 1 people. The key is Ethiopia. They have two armored divisions and air force support. If we fight in a regular field battle, we are probably not their opponents. What's more, many black market dealers are raising prices when selling weapons to us. They say that we have offended country M, and the CIA has warned them not to sell us weapons .md, these guys are jealous of the billions of dollars in ransom in our hands, they know we have money, so they dare to sit down and raise the price."

Chen Xindao: "Then if the African Union army launches an attack on Somalia, how long can you hold Mogadishu with your own strength alone?"

Ahdi thought about it for a while, and then said bitterly: "One month at most!"

When the Somali Al-Shabaab was in full swing, it failed to hold Mogadishu in the face of [-] African Union peacekeeping troops.Let alone this time.

That's why he had to ask Chen Xin for help.

Chen Xin nodded, but did not speak.

Now that everything in the War Bureau is still in its infancy, the new government of Somalia is in a more dangerous situation than he imagined, unless he immediately rushes to Africa to carry out targeted killings of Kenya and Ethiopia high-level, or expose the existence of the new typhoon in front of the world .Otherwise, it will be difficult to resolve the war directly.

In the long run, doing so would not be of any benefit to the Strategic Deception Bureau and the Star Ring Group.

It is impossible for Chen Xin to continue fighting alone like this. If the Zhan Hu Bureau wants to occupy a place in the world, it must have an armed force subordinate to itself at any time.

Chen Xin thought for a while and said: "Old Ai, I can help you solve the weapon problem, but whether you can hold Mogadishu this time depends on you. Remember, if it is not a last resort, I will not take it lightly. I hope you don't let me down."

Ahdi said with a smile on his face, "Boss, as long as the weapons can solve it, then everything will be easy. In the worst case, let's find some mercenaries. By the way, Boss, Al Qaeda also has an organization called Isil." They sent someone to contact us, hoping to cooperate with us to deal with the Americans."

"isil?" Chen Xin was stunned, and said, "What kind of organization is this? Why don't I have any impression?"

Ahdi said sternly: "ISIL, the full name of ISIS in Iraq and the Levant, is mainly active in the borders of Iraq and Syria. It is also a member of the Syrian anti-government armed forces and belongs to the Sunni extremist armed organization."

Chen Xin was keenly aware of the importance Ahdi attached to this organization. Judging from his tone, the importance of this organization was even higher than Al-Qaeda.

Chen Xin asked: "Old Ai, can you tell me what is so special about this organization?"

Ahdi hesitated for a moment before saying, "Chief, have you heard of the bloody battle in Fallujah?"

Chen Xin nodded. As a qualified military fan, he still knew something about this battle.

The Bloody Battle of Fallujah, also known as the Second Battle of Fallujah, took place from November 2004 to December 11, 7. It was the most brutal street battle fought by the U.S. military and al-Qaeda since the Battle of Hue. Cheap.

Chen Xin wondered: "Isn't this a battle between the U.S. military and al-Qaeda? Why is it related to Isil again?"

Ahdi said: "Isil used to be an armed organization under Al Qaeda, and it was considered a trump card in Zarqawi's hands. In the Battle of Fallujah, the US military was killed by Isil before entering the position. Dozens of people were injured. No. [-], and it's pure coalition forces, the puppet army has not been counted."

Ahdi paused, and continued: "I heard this news from an ISIL veteran who participated in the Battle of Fallujah. The organization had not yet formed at that time, and it was because of the Battle of Fallujah that the combat effectiveness of ISIL was established. At that time The U.S. military almost flattened half of Fallujah, launched a total of 540 air strikes, consumed 14000 artillery and mortar shells, and 2500 tank main gun shells. Isil only relies on primitives such as rpg, ak-47, and ide car self-exploding bombs With its fierce force and effective offensive and defensive tactics, it drew a tie with the U.S. military. From November 2004 to December 11, 7, a total of 12 U.S. troops were killed in Fallujah (23 from the Marine Corps and 82 from the Army) 72 people, 9 from the navy) and 1 people died in non-combat, and more than 6 people were injured; the puppet army was not counted, anyway, there was a brigade of Iraqi puppet troops who ran and killed all the prisoners. Isil is said to have died in battle 1100 people. At that time, Zarqawi had 2000 people, and there were more than 5000 people in Isil. The main force was not lost, and of course Zarqawi also ran away."

Chen Xin's face became serious. He was naturally not the kind of ordinary person who only knew how to compare the death figures. He could hear the meaning in Ahdi's words. There is no comparison to death.However, considering that Isil's weapon lethality is weaker than that of the U.S. military, the lack of logistical medical support has resulted in many deaths due to unhealed war injuries.The coalition forces alone injured more than 82 people, but many of them were rescued.Otherwise, the coalition forces will have to kill 2000 people.If the puppet army is added, the casualty ratio of the two sides is almost the same.If you add the Iraqi puppet brigade that was abolished by Isil before the U.S. military launched the Battle of Fallujah, all reimbursement for escape, death in battle, and capture, then the casualty ratio of Isil should be dominant.

This is a battle between armed with the most basic light weapons and a modern army supported by the world's most powerful country with the support of the navy, land and air forces. It is almost a miracle that it can cause such a casualty ratio.

Chen Xindao: "Old Ai, how did ISIL break away from al-Qaeda? Who is the current leader of ISIL?"

Ahdi said: "I don't know exactly what's going on. Anyway, judging from the tone of the people sent by Isil to contact us, they don't think highly of al-Qaeda. Than. They told me that they want to build a unified isl country and unite msl around the world. As for their leader, I am not particularly clear, but his name is Baghdida, and their subordinates say he has PhD!"

Having said that, Ahdi couldn't help but burst out laughing. Obviously, he found Baghdida's astonishing ambition ridiculous.

Chen Xin shook his head, but he was really interested in the Baghdida that Ahdi mentioned. The leader of such an extreme armed organization with strong fighting power is obviously not a simple person, and it is not impossible to have a doctorate.

Hooligans are not to be feared, the most feared are cultured hooligans.

These days, the best people are educated hooligans, and in a sense, so is he himself.

ps: there will be another update later

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