super robot clone

Chapter 304 They May Not Die

Qiao Ting left quickly, and Chen Xin didn't care to think about Ling Wei anymore, and hurriedly drove to the underground base of Kai Ruide Machinery Factory.

"Hey, old bean, why are you here?"

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Gang Bian quickly jumped off an automated heavy crane and came to Chen Xin.

Wali drove his own small crawlers to follow behind the steel box.

Chen Xindao: "Gangbang, something happened!"

Gang Bian was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "Old Dou, what happened?"

Wali said: "Master, who bullied you? I'll let Brother Gangyi beat him!"

Chen Xin looked at the pair with some amusement. Although Wali had excellent calculation skills, his emotional intelligence was only at the level of a ten-year-old child, and he would often say things that made people laugh and cry.

Chen Xindao: "I went to find Ling Wei today, but Qiao Ting saw it. I think she has already guessed the relationship between us and the Strategic Deception Bureau. I am worried that there will be problems in the future."

The electronic eyes of the steel coin flashed. While chewing the coins, he held his chin and said, "Old Dou, don't you think that the country will attack us?"

Chen Xin nodded and said: "After all, we were too ostentatious before. With the ability of the general staff, I am afraid it is easy to guess our plan. I don't want to be an enemy of the country!"

The patriotic enthusiasm of military fans is always relatively stronger. The trivial things that Chen Xin has done in the past year or so, whether it is patriotism or showing off, as long as he can do whatever he can, help It is not always a bad thing for China to make progress in the field of national defense and military affairs.

Steel Chopstick laughed and said, "Old Dou, what do you think is the possibility that the top management of Country C will choose to attack us?"

"This one……"

Gang Beng said: "Old Dou, I think you care about chaos, and get into a dead end. Even if they know that the Star Ring Group is Zhanhuju, so what? I guess they would like this, after all, Zhanhuju has no trace before. Going without a trace, they have no way to start, now there is a target like the Star Ring Group to investigate. At least it will make them more confident in the face of war and neglect. To a certain extent, this should be a good thing instead of Bad thing. More importantly, we can pull China into the reconstruction of Somalia. We have technology, China has talent and capital, and Somalia can also become the foothold of China's Africa strategy in the future. After all, our goal is not to dominate the earth , but use the resources of the earth to develop aerospace technology.”

Gangzheng paused, and continued: "Old Dou, are you really willing to stay in such a corner of the earth for the rest of your life? The human life span is only a hundred years, which is only a blink of an eye for the universe, and I have a hunch , if you really die, I'm afraid I won't be able to live either. Therefore, the stars and the sea are our final destination. The individual life span of the second-level carbon-based civilization is more than 500 years, and the individual life span of the seventh-level civilization is even as high as tens of thousands of years .In the next 10 years, we must manufacture a practical curvature engine, so that there is enough time for us to continue. And as far as I know, 30 light-years away from the solar system. There is a secondary carbon-based Civilizations exist, their life systems are of the same origin as the earth, and they have similar genetic codes. At that time, as long as you get their genetic technology, you can completely extend your life to more than 500 years. Only then can we go to the universe to find A miraculous substance that can restore me completely, old man. Don’t you want to see those stars in the universe, don’t you want to venture into the truly wonderful world?”

Chen Xin's breathing was a little short. Gang Bi's "Rules of Survival in the Stars" has written nearly 2000 million words, and it is still serialized. Although this money is completely out of his eyes, the magical world depicted in it But it has become a place that many readers yearn for.

Chen Xin was naturally one of them.Although he has done many inconspicuous things with the help of the power of steel before, this goal has never changed.

It's just that it may have something to do with his past experience. Gang Bian seldom mentioned this matter to him, and Chen Xin was also interested, so he seldom asked him.He didn't expect that Gang Zhu would talk to him so much today.

Gang Bian imitated Chen Xin's usual way and sighed, and said, "Old Dou, there is one more thing that I haven't told you before..."

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Gang Bian hesitated to speak, and said: "Old Dou, if I say so, you won't blame me."

Chen Xinqi said: "Gang Bi, with our relationship, is there anything else we need to hide from each other?"

Since getting the steel pen, both Chen Xin and the steel coin can feel the mysterious connection between each other's lives, which is a bit like telepathy, but the steel coin can't say exactly what happened.

According to it, it has lived for nearly [-] million years, and it has never seen such a strange thing. Before, it heard that there was a carbon-based conjoined life, and the two brains could feel each other's thoughts, and some Life forms that directly communicate with brain waves have transparent thinking with each other, and there are no secrets.

However, this situation between silicon-based life and carbon-based life has been seen for the first time in steel.


Chen Xin said: "Okay, okay, what's the matter, tell me quickly!"

Gang Bian said: "Old Dou, your parents may not be dead!"

"What?!" Chen Xin was stunned for a moment. When his parents' unit told him that they fell into an ice cave in Antarctica, he never had any doubts. Even after he found out about Xingshi, he only regarded him as his father. His mother had an accident while helping the country fight for the star stone, which is why he hated the Americans. If it weren't for the Americans, his parents might not have had an accident.

But he never expected that Gang Bian would tell him that his parents were not dead yet.

Chen Xin immediately reacted and said, "Gang Bian, how can you be sure that my parents are fine? And why didn't you tell me about such an important matter?"

Gang Beng was a little aggrieved and said: "Actually, I just found out not long ago, and it's mainly due to Wall-E. Dad, after the Las Vegas incident last time, didn't you ask me to pay more attention to the information about the UFO incidents of the Americans in the past?" Is it? Later, I handed over this matter to Wall-E, and it turned out that Wall-E found a piece of information about the Antarctic Starstone incident in 08 from a secret server of the US National Security Agency (nsa). It is said that it was still in Antarctica at that time An alien spaceship was found under the ice cave. As a result, when various countries competed for it, the spaceship suddenly started and left the earth. Then I found a document from the Chinese intelligence department, which showed that after the spaceship started, , your parents were also missing, and the Chinese government searched for a long time, but they couldn’t find your parents’ remains, they suspected that your parents were taken inside the alien spaceship and went with it.”

Chen Xin's eyes were red, and his chest heaved violently. The accident of his parents was one of the important turning points in his life. He has always regretted that he could not be filial in front of his parents. The news in the world, although the hope is slim, but as long as there is still a chance, he will not give up.More importantly, he has another reason to take risks in the universe with the steel penny.

Gang Bian said cautiously: "Old Dou, you don't blame me, do you?"

Chen Xin wiped the corners of his eyes and said with a smile on his face, "How could it be? How could it be? It's too late for me to thank you, Gangzhu, thank you, thank you..."

Gang Bian looked at Chen Xin in a daze. It is still difficult to understand some human feelings, except of course love.

Wali quietly approached Gangbi, wondering: "Brother Gangjun, what's wrong with the master?"

Gang Bian shook his head and said, "I don't know either."


Capital, southern suburbs.

A Y-8 medium-sized transport plane landed on the airport runway, and a green-painted Dongfeng Warrior military jeep drove up. The rear hatch of the transport plane slowly opened. In the jeep, he said to the driver: "Go to the General Staff immediately!"

The driver said: "Yes, Lieutenant Colonel Joe."

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