super robot clone

Chapter 311 Luxury Yacht

The new typhoon ballistic missile nuclear submarine has a width of more than 170 meters and a length of [-] meters. After entering the command cabin of the submarine, there is no sense of tightness and constriction of ordinary submarines, and the air is not as turbid as when sailing underwater for a long time. freshness.

Inside the command module, the densely packed buttons and old-fashioned monitors in the original polar bear style have completely disappeared, replaced by large glass LCD panel monitors with a very sci-fi color, perhaps to save space, these monitors are designed into arcs shape, highly fitted with the hull.

The most surprising thing is a disk-shaped device in the center of the command cabin. Faint light is released from around the disk and gathers above it, forming an incomparably gorgeous virtual light and shadow. 200-meter hologram.

Many people exclaimed when they saw this holographic projection for the first time.

"No, is this the legendary holographic projection?"

"I didn't expect that they had already applied this technology to submarines."

"Have you noticed that the Kunlun Mountain ship that appeared in the holographic projection should be a real-time image, and there are people on the flight deck at the back who are getting on the lifeboat through the net rope! I don't know how they did it!"

Even Qiao Ting seemed to be attracted by this scene. She had seen a holographic projection on the Varyag before, but that time was a simulation of the real scene of the battlefield, which was completely different from the scene in front of her.

There were only five people in the cabin, and they were sitting intently on their seats, monitoring the information on the screen, and clicking a few times on the touch screen from time to time.They seemed unaware of the arrival of Chen Xin and others.

Chen Xindao: "This is the command module of the submarine. The habitation module and living module are on the lower floor. Come with me, everyone!"

Professor Lu Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Mr. Chen, are there only so many people in your command module?"

Chen Xin laughed and said: "The automation level of the New Typhoon is very high. We only need to issue corresponding instructions, and most of the operations are completed by the submarine's central computer. In fact, most of the time our people only need to do a good job in the operation of the submarine." The monitoring of data is enough, and there is no need for too many operations.”

The engineers from Hld Shipyard couldn't help but look at each other, even though they had been told that the other party's nuclear submarine technology was very advanced before coming.But the scene in front of him was too unbelievable.The command and control center of the new typhoon is completely different from that of ordinary submarines. It feels more like a spaceship from the future.

Professor Lu Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. Chen, can you let us visit your command module first?"

Chen Xin pointed to the luggage in his hand and said: "Professor Lu, don't worry about it. I'll take you to the living cabin first. After everyone boards the ship, you have plenty of time to visit during the next voyage. Xin The interior of the Typhoon is completely open to you, and you can visit it whenever you want."

Professor Lu Xiaoyu nodded, reluctantly looked at the command cabin twice, and then followed Chen Xin to leave the command cabin.

The performance of the others was similar to that of Professor Lu Xiaoyu, but they also knew that the business was important, so they quickly followed.

The New Typhoon has a total of four floors, the command module is on the upper floor of the submarine, and the living cabin is on the second and third floors.

Compared with ordinary submarines, the new Typhoon not only has a lot more space, but also does not see those complicated pipeline passages at all. Even between different cabins, they are all controlled by electronic doors, and there is no old-fashioned need for manual opening. hatch.

This is a difficult thing to understand.

Different from general civilian products, the military industry requires strong and durable products, especially inside submarines or warships, the hatches are basically mechanical doors that are opened by manual rotation, because electronic equipment is prone to problems, and at critical moments , This is a major event related to the safety of officers and soldiers.

Professor Lu Xiaoyu didn't ask much. He knew relatively many secrets. He didn't think that a super organization with such a nuclear submarine would make mistakes in such trivial matters.

In addition, there are many things that surprised them on the new typhoon.

For example, the walls of its corridors are basically covered with milky white metal materials similar to those used in civil aviation. The densely packed and complicated pipelines in ordinary submarines are basically invisible, and vitrified liquid crystals can be seen at every channel opening. According to Chen Xin's introduction, these LCD monitors are a tablet computer, through which you can check the submarine's internal route and cabin layout information, without worrying about getting lost.

After walking along the passage for less than 5 minutes, the group soon came to a new cabin.

To be precise, this is just an ordinary passage. On both sides of the passage, there are electronic gates, and the names of the residents are written on the electronic gates.

Chen Xin turned to Lu Xiaoyu and said, "Professor Lu, give me your ID card."

Before boarding the ship, Chen Xin sent each of them an electronic card representing their respective identities.

Lu Xiaoyu handed the electronic card to Chen Xin, and Chen Xin swiped it at the door, and with a beep, the door automatically swung open, revealing a small double room.

The double bed is arranged high and low, there is a desk and wardrobe inside, there is an energy-saving lamp at the head of the bed, and an LCD screen is hung on the wall. Although the space is less than four square meters, the layout is quite warm.

The people following Chen Xin also flocked to him one after another, leaning their heads to look at the scene in the room.

Chen Xindao: "Two people share a room, and everyone is tired. You can take a rest when you go in later. The itinerary is on the table. Everything will be discussed tomorrow. In addition, there are libraries, gyms, basketball courts, swimming pools, etc. inside the submarine. Movie theaters and other leisure and entertainment facilities, if you have nothing to do, you can go to those places to experience them, and they are open around the clock."

Many people present made a sound of amazement. Originally, they were prepared to endure hardships. Who would have thought that after entering, they found that the interior of this super submarine was completely beyond their imagination. Compared with the pla submarine, each person was less than one square meter The rest space, this place can be called a mansion! "

What Chen Xin opened just now was Professor Lu's room, and he and another engineer directly moved in with their luggage.

The rest of the people also happily found their rooms according to the names on the door.

Half an hour later, everyone entered the interior of the New Typhoon, and with the help of the robot, they found their respective rooms.

In the end, only Chen Xin and Qiao Ting were left in the passage.

Qiao Ting said, "Chen Xin, where do I live?"

Chen Xin smiled and said, "You live with me!"

"With you?" Qiao Ting frowned slightly.

Chen Xin said: "Follow me! You will know when we arrive."

Chen Xin took Qiao Ting up and down inside the submarine, and walked for about seven or eight minutes before arriving at the door of a cabin.

Chen Xin took out the electronic card and swiped it at the door, and the electronic door opened silently, Qiao Ting couldn't help but exclaimed.

She never imagined that there could be such a luxurious existence inside the submarine.

Sofas, carpets, oil paintings, large LCD TVs, and crystal chandeliers, except for the small space, it is a mansion!

There are two other rooms in the living room. Chen Xin pointed to the door of one of the rooms and said, "This is your room, and the other is mine."

Qiao Ting looked at Chen Xin speechlessly and said, "Are you a nuclear submarine or a luxury yacht?" (To be continued...)

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