super robot clone

Chapter 320 Drone

Belle Devin.

The smoke from the artillery fire covered most of the sky, and the air was filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke and blood. The war started less than a week ago, but this small border town in western Somalia was already engulfed in flames.

Bullet holes are everywhere on the high wall, and the dull roar of tank guns and the sharp whistle of high-explosive grenades can still be heard from time to time.

No one noticed that in the cloud of smoke, a mini drone with eight rotors and a strange shape was hovering soundlessly over the battlefield.

If Syrian opposition soldiers saw this plane, they would probably be able to recognize it at a glance. It is a terrifying ghost from China.

Relying on its amazing intelligence gathering capabilities and battlefield survivability, in the past six months, the Syrian government forces have retreated steadily from the beginning to now completely stabilized the front line, and even launched counterattacks from time to time.

For this reason, the United States, Britain, France and other countries have initiated resolutions in the UN Security Council several times, requiring the international community to impose large-scale sanctions on Syria, and clearly pointing out that China must stop exporting weapons to Syria.

However, these were all resolved by China with the excuse that civilian aircraft models are not military products.

The Chinese government is taking the blame for the Star Ring Group this time. After the cargo ship Dongfang last time, China banned Chen Xin and the others from transporting these "civil model airplanes" on Chinese cargo ships, but it did not prohibit cargo ships from Iran and other countries from transporting these products. .

Of course, Chen Xin also lowered the technical standard of this drone in a timely manner, especially the battery technology. Chen Xin only let Steel Penny improve its battery life moderately.It is one-third weaker than the first batch. Even so, for the Syrian army, this drone can be called a magic weapon.

Kang Jianfei was crawling on the roof of a private building, watching the screen from the helicopter through the tablet computer. There was a bitten Apple logo on it. In the upper right corner of the screen, you can see three modes switching, namely optical, infrared and At night, to adapt to the reconnaissance of the enemy under different weather conditions.

The so-called night mode is not the same as infrared.The addition of a full-color night vision device makes the pictures taken by this drone at night no different from those taken during the day.When Kang Jianfei and the others first got this set of equipment, they were really taken aback by its magical functions. You must know that PLA is not even fully equipped with ordinary infrared night vision devices!

"Captain, five o'clock direction. The distance is 800 meters. There is an enemy tank. It is hidden behind that four-story building!"

Kang Jianfei reported to Lao Wu the latest footage captured by the drone.

"let's go!"

Lao Wu was carrying a pf89 anti-tank rocket launcher, Kang Jianfei put away the tablet and waved to the back.

Several black men carrying rockets followed them quickly along the stairs to the roof of another building.Found the figure of the t54 improved tank.

Then there was a series of operations such as loading and aiming. In less than 2 minutes, a ball of flame lit up from the top of the building, and then roared towards the tank hundreds of meters away.

A few seconds later, the armor of the tank turret suddenly exploded with a ball of fire, and the hot metal jet instantly penetrated the thin armor of the T54, burning the tank soldiers inside to death.

"Long live!"

There was a burst of cheers from the black militiamen.


Lao Wu gestured to everyone, quickly packed his equipment and left the building.

"Team...captain, this is the first tank we killed today!"

"The... the third car, don't talk nonsense, hurry up!" Lao Wu also panted.

A few minutes later, Egyptian artillery fire covered the building where the rocket was fired just now.


"Damn it! How many tanks is this?"

In the front-line command post of the Ethiopian First Armored Division, the division commander, Major General Basak, was furious.

The early stage of this military operation can be said to be smooth and smooth. When the First Armored Division of the Ethiopian Army went south along Highway 30, it did not encounter any resistance along the way. It was not until Beledwin that they felt a trace of Somali civilian armed forces. give pressure.

But at most it's just stress.

Compared with the Somali militia, the training level and quality of the Egyptian army are much higher. Coupled with the advantage of equipment and firepower, there were almost no casualties in the first three days. The city has long been conquered.

But from the fourth day onwards, something suddenly seemed to be wrong.

The originally tenacious Somali militia armed forces suddenly started to flee as if they had taken drugs. However, when the armored troops of the Egyptian army penetrated into the blocks controlled by the opponent, they began to encounter various ambushes frequently.

So after losing more than a dozen tanks and armored vehicles, the Egyptian army began to quickly change its combat methods. They began to advance steadily, going street by street to overcome the control, and only after all the militants were determined to be wiped out did they allow troops to enter on a large scale.

Although doing so slowed down the speed of advancement, the total area of ​​Belledwin was only a few square kilometers, and they would all control it in a few days.

The Somali militia does not have much heavy firepower. They can only rely on urban buildings to help defend. If they lose the city, they will lose everything.

Because of this, Major General Basak patted his chest and assured the President that Mogadishu would be captured within a month!

But the next action was not as simple as Major General Basak thought. Although they changed their tactics, the Somalis appeared out of nowhere like mice, and then suddenly fired a rocket at the advancing tank, and The accuracy is extremely high.

From yesterday to today, they have lost a full fifty tanks and armored vehicles.

How can this not make Major General Basak feel anxious.


When Lao Wu and Kang Jianfei returned to the command post, the other four teams also withdrew from the battlefield.

Although Chen Xin expressed indifference to Beledwin's ability to defend, he could not just watch the Ethiopian army easily capture the bridgehead that marched into Mogadishu.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he ordered the twenty special forces members who came this time to prepare to go to the front line immediately.

In order to ensure safety, Chen Xin temporarily asked Gangbi to make ten sets of drones for them, and distributed them in groups of two. This new type of drone is very fast to use and has many functions. Special Forces welcome.

So Chen Xin simply divided them into two groups, one group went to Kirimayo in the south to resist the Kenyan invading army, and the other group went to Beledwin in the northwest, and Lao Wu was the commander-in-chief of this group. (To be continued..)

ps: Sorry, there was a delay two days ago, and the normal update will resume from today.

In addition, QQ was stolen two days ago, and my family was cheated of hundreds of dollars. If there are book friends who add me as friends and receive fraudulent information, please be careful not to believe it. If you have any questions, please contact me directly.

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