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Chapter 325 Ao Guanhai's Approval Rate

"Arab Al Jazeera reported that Ethiopia, the rotating presidency of the African Union, announced on March 3 that the African Union has passed a draft resolution that will impose large-scale economic sanctions on Somali pirate groups and prohibit any form of trade between member states and Somali pirate groups. Except for a few countries in civil strife such as Egypt and Libya, most African countries support the sanctions bill."

"Agence France-Presse reported on March 3 that the negotiations between the new Somali government delegation and the African Union on the economic sanctions resolution broke down. The Ethiopian government restricted the Somali delegation to leave the country within 12 hours, otherwise their safety will not be guaranteed. UN Secretary-General Ban Kiwen said It is hoped that the new Somali government will explain the tragedy of the UN peacekeeping force in Mogadishu last December as soon as possible so as to get back on the track of negotiation. Neither the new Somali government nor the US government has responded to the outcome of the negotiation. "

According to Xinhua News Agency, Kenya and Ethiopia have announced that they will increase their troops to the Somali border, and Ethiopia has dispatched its most elite First Armored Division. The coalition and the new government of Somalia exercise restraint and resolve their differences peacefully through negotiations."

"Associated Press, March 3th, the United Nations Security Council held a meeting yesterday to start urgent consultations on the situation between Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya... The White House spokesman said that the United States will abide by the agreement between Somalia and the United States and will not be involved in the conflict in North Africa middle……"

"At ten o'clock in the morning local time in Somalia, the Ethiopian First Armored Division crossed the Esso border. It launched an attack on Beledwin, an important town in western Somalia. Three hours later, the Kenyan army began to enter Somalia on a large scale... At six o'clock in the evening local time Somali Defense Minister Yusuf held a press conference in Mogadishu, announcing that the Republic of Somalia and Kenya and Egypt have officially entered a state of war..."

According to Reuters, after [-] days of fierce fighting, the First Armored Division of the Ethiopian Army has captured Beledweyne, the gateway to western Somalia, and is currently advancing towards Burbroti.

"The Somali National Defense Forces and the Kenyan Army are fighting fiercely in Kirimayo, and both sides have suffered heavy losses."

"Unrest intensifies in North Africa as US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton calls the war in Somalia a humanitarian disaster and reaffirms the US government's principle that it will not be part of the conflict."

"Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an interview. Russia does not take any position on the Somalia issue."

"The spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs called on the three parties in Soeken to stop the conflict at a regular press conference on the 25th and resolve the dispute through peaceful negotiations."


In the first half of 2012, Somalia once again attracted the attention of media from all over the world.

After the hijacking of the Vila Bay missile cruiser in the second half of last year, the dispute between Somalia and the African Union has become the focus of media attention around the world.

Reports of conflicts between Somalia and Kenya and Ethiopia are common in the media.

At first the parties were limited to a dispute within the African Union, with Somalia's new government sending a delegation to Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia.Hope to join the African Union.The African Union has demanded an explanation from the Somalis for the demise of the peacekeepers.

The Somali delegation quit immediately.It was your peacekeeping force who provoked us first, okay?Being annihilated is also self-inflicted, why should we do it then.The African Union stated that the peacekeeping force represents the international community, and no armed group has the right to attack the peacekeeping force.

The Somali delegation said why you can only hit me.And can't I hit you?

The two sides are fighting a war of words in the media, the peacekeeping force has a moral advantage, and public opinion is generally biased towards the African Union.

But with the development of the dispute, the world gradually felt a little abnormal.

The rhetoric of the war of words between the Somali government and the African Union has intensified and slowly moved out of the realm of diplomatic disputes.

No one expected that in the end the African Union would impose economic sanctions on Somalia through a sanctions resolution.

Ethiopia and Kenya are also gathering heavy troops on the border of Somalia, and may invade Somalia at any time.

Now, the world's public opinion is lively.

No matter how you look at this drama, it feels a little weird.

Everyone knows that Somalia and the Americans signed a peace agreement, which clearly states that the US government shall not launch any form of retaliation against Somalia.

The facts are indeed true. After the new Somali government abided by the agreement and released more than 500 detained American soldiers, the Americans withdrew the aircraft carrier battle group cruising off the coast of Mogadishu.

In the eyes of most people, Americans are considered cowardly.

But no one expected that as soon as the Americans withdrew their troops, the African Union would actually stand up and provoke trouble.

This is big news. Although the high-level US government has stated in countless press conferences that they will not intervene in Somali affairs, everyone believes that this matter has nothing to do with the Americans.

But what if you can't get rid of the relationship? The "Mogadishu Agreement" only stated that the Americans could not send troops to retaliate against Somalia, but it did not say that they could not engage in small actions.

Such a strong reaction from Ethiopia and Kenya is also a proof!

Therefore, both the American people and the American media have maintained a high degree of attention to this war.

But for Ao Guanhai, this is actually a good thing.

Before the US government was forced by Somali pirates to sign the alliance under the city, most public opinion in the United States expressed support for this agreement, but this does not mean that the American people are not holding their breath.

I am used to being the world's boss, and I have always forced others by myself. No one dared to force myself. This time, the American people felt aggrieved for the first time.

But what about being aggrieved?

My own life is still in the hands of others!

Perhaps the ambivalence of the American people can be seen from a series of numbers. Before the hijacking of the Vila Bay missile cruiser, the approval rate of Aoguanhai was 40.00%. After the robbery, the approval rate dropped rapidly by 30.00 percentage points. On the day the agreement was signed, the support rate dropped to [-]%.

In this regard, Ao Guanhai can also admit that he is unlucky.

If they directly use force against Somalia regardless of the lives of their own soldiers, the approval rating may drop even worse.

2012 is a general election year. If you go the wrong way at this juncture, do you still want to be the president?

It is lucky to be able to keep such a support rate.

But even Ao Guanhai's campaign think tank did not expect that after Kenya and Ethiopia declared war on Somalia, Ao Guanhai's support rate would rise dramatically.

It can be seen that Laomei is also patriotic! (To be continued..)

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