super robot clone

Chapter 427 Space Dancer

The situation was urgent, and the two stopped talking. With Qiao Ting's help, Chen Xin put on China's "Flying" extravehicular space suit one by one.

The "Flying" extravehicular space suit is white as a whole and weighs 120 kilograms. It is made of soft and hard materials. From top to bottom, there are helmets, upper limbs, torso, lower limbs, pressure gloves, and boots.Its limbs are equipped with adjustment straps, and by adjusting the length of the upper arm, forearm and lower limbs, people with a height of 1.60 meters to 1.80 meters can wear it.Compared with the spacesuit in the cabin, it has all the functions of the spacesuit in the cabin, but also adds functions such as radiation protection, heat insulation, anti-micrometeorite, and anti-ultraviolet rays.

The price of this space suit alone exceeds 3000 million yuan.

The steel coin was quietly fused with the space suit in a corner that Qiao Ting could not see. Otherwise, Chen Xin, who has not received any training, would not be able to accurately control this space suit, which is comparable to a personal miniature spacecraft.

After putting on the space suit, Chen Xin hugged the helmet and said, "Little Qiao, I'll leave this to you. You must follow the AI ​​command of the Dream aerospace plane later. If there is any emergency, we will contact you by radio. "

"Well! You must pay attention to safety!"

Qiao Ting couldn't help but stepped forward to hug Chen Xin again, and then separated.

Chen Xin reached out and stroked the girl's cheek. Without hesitation, he turned and floated into the living cabin, and then closed the doors of the living cabin and the cockpit.

At this time, Chen Xin said to the intelligent AI of the aerospace plane: "Open the cargo compartment of the aerospace plane!"

"The authorization is confirmed. Open the cargo compartment door of the Dream space plane."

At the rear of the living cabin, there is also an airtight cabin, and the exit of the airtight cabin is the cargo compartment of the spacecraft.Chen Xin can come out of the Dream space plane through there and perform spacewalks.

Accompanied by the humming motor sound when opening the cargo hatch door, Chen Xin floated all the way from the living cabin to the exit of the airtight cabin.He took a deep breath, put on his helmet, locked it, and waited for the air pressure in the spacesuit to gradually rise.

"Okay, okay, now the environment inside the space suit is enough to ensure your safety, you can go out now."

Chen Xincai carefully turned the exit valve of the airlock.Slowly open the airlock door.

The moment the hatch opened.Chen Xin seemed to hear a "pop", as if the balloon had been punctured, and the air in the airtight cabin escaped into the outer space at once, and Chen Xin's body was pushed by this force involuntarily. go out.

The hatches of the outer cargo compartment had been fully opened at this time, and Chen Xin was exposed to the outer space without any cover.

On his left, the Shenzhou-[-] spacecraft was spinning at a very high speed, under the effect of gravity.Make a final death flight around the earth.

At this time, the aerospace departments of almost all countries in Jiuquan, BJ, Moscow, Washington, Paris, Tokyo, and New Delhi are focusing on the rescue operation of the Bureau of War.

What exactly is Chen Xin going to do to save this spaceship that is completely out of control?

This has become a question for everyone.

Chen Xin himself couldn't think about that much at all. He opened one of the bundles of high-strength cables with a length of more than 100 meters hanging on the bulkhead of the cargo hold. himself.

Afterwards, the "Feitian" extravehicular space suit pulled the cable, turned around flexibly under the control of the steel, and slowly flew towards the spinning Shenzhou [-] at a speed of about two meters per second.

Qiao Ting was lying on the porthole.Looking at the thrilling scene outside, he clasped his hands together and secretly prayed for Chen Xin.

40 meters, 30 meters, 20 meters, ten meters...

In Chen Xin's eyes, Shenzhou No. [-] became bigger and bigger. Even with the assistance of the steel forge, he couldn't help sweating from nervousness.

There is no frictional resistance in space, if Chen Xin maintains such a speed and collides with the high-speed rotating Shenzhou [-], the consequences will be disastrous.

"Okay. Steel, it's done!"

Seeing that it was about to hit Shenzhou [-], at the final stage, the recoil device of the "Feitian" spacesuit was activated instantly, making Chen Xin stop at a distance of about two meters from Shenzhou [-].

"so close!"

Chen Xin almost broke out in a cold sweat.

Even though he was so close to Shenzhou [-], Chen Xin couldn't make any movements. With such a high moment of inertia of Shenzhou [-], Chen Xin would probably be bounced far away if he touched Shenzhou [-].

But the Prophet Muhammad said very well: "Since the mountains cannot come to us, let us go to the mountains!"

Chen Xin couldn't stop Shenzhou [-] from turning, but he could accelerate himself to the same degree of rotation as Shenzhou [-]. In this way, he and Shenzhou [-] would become a relatively static frame of reference. His next mission will have no effect.

However, even if other people can think of this method, they cannot use it, because no astronaut can manipulate his spacesuit with such precision.

But steel can do it!

Chen Xin slowly closed his eyes and said, "Gangbang, let's start!"

In the next second, the jet port on the upper right side of the "Feitian" spacesuit began to eject high-speed airflow, and slowly, Chen Xin's body also spun like Shenzhou [-].

Qiao Ting lay on the porthole, covered her mouth with her hands, and stared dumbfounded at the incredible scene in space outside the window. My God, how did Chen Xin do it?

When Chen Xin opened his eyes again, an unbelievable scene appeared. The relationship between him and Shenzhou [-] became a strange static state, and the earth and the Dream space plane not far away were revolving around him at high speed.

Due to the limited influence of gravity, such a high-speed rotation did not make him feel dizzy much.

Fortunately, the cable at his waist and the buckle was a movable buckle that could be rotated. Although the rope was rotating at a high speed, the buckle remained still, so Chen Xin was not greatly affected.

Chen Xin unlocked the Range Rover and connected it to the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft in front.

In the cockpit of the Dream aerospace plane, Qiao Ting also followed the AI's prompt and sat back in her seat, fastening her seat belt.

"Gangbang, let's go!"

After confirming that the cables were tied tightly, Gang Tong controlled Chen Xin to fly directly out of the middle area between Dream and Shenzhou [-] spacecraft.

Immediately afterwards, a scene that stunned everyone appeared.

I saw light blue high-temperature and high-speed flames suddenly bursting out from the tail nozzle of the Dream, and immediately, the cable between the Dream and Shenzhou No. Pulled towards the Dream space plane.

Seeing that the two spacecraft were about to collide, Dream turned a wing lightly, avoiding the impact of Shenzhou [-] by a tiny margin.

Then the two moved away again, and when the cable was tightened again, Shenzhou [-] was dragged back by the Dream aerospace plane like a toy.

The two spacecraft were dragged by a cable, and performed amazing acrobatic performances in space. When it is about to collide, the other party will always avoid it with extremely clever skills, and everything is under the control of the Dream.

The most incredible thing about this was Qiao Ting, who was sitting in the cab of the Dream. When she first saw the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft crashing towards her, she closed her eyes in fright and screamed.

Afterwards, she was relieved when the Dream escaped by a narrow margin, but it didn't take long before the Shenzhou [-] crashed into it again, and Qiao Ting closed her eyes again in fright. A millimeter away.

Now, Qiao Ting also knew that the truth might not be what she imagined.She could feel that although the movement range of the Dream was not large, the evasion effect was surprisingly good.

As time passed, Qiao Ting gradually discovered that at some point, the original high-speed rotation of Shenzhou [-] actually stopped, and the range of motion between it and Dream became smaller and smaller, until finally, Dream They actually started flying side by side with Shenzhou [-], with Dream in the front and Shenzhou [-] behind, the two seemed like a couple who had just had an awkward fight, and quickly reconciled as before.

Only then did Qiao Ting wake up as if she had just woken up, and quickly called Chen Xin by radio, "Chen Xin, Chen Xin, where are you?" (To be continued~^~)

PS: The monthly ticket list was finally blown up, and No.8 means that the efforts of the steel penny this month have been invalidated.Steel does not expect to be able to smooth out the gap of more than 40 votes in the last few hours, but this does not mean giving up. No matter what, Steel hopes to narrow the gap with the seventh as much as possible in the next few hours, and Steel will also Work hard to update, and give back to everyone for their support for Gangyi for so long.Thank you

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