super robot clone

Chapter 429 Rendezvous and Docking

The dream aerospace plane dragged Shenzhou [-], and flew towards the orbit where the sky-[-] target aircraft was located.

Originally, if Shenzhou [-] was to dock with Tiangong [-], it would usually follow up from the tail of Tiangong [-]. Tiangong [-] maintained a stable posture, and Shenzhou [-] maintained its orbit through various small orbit changes to ensure that both parties can The docking went well.

But this time is different. Now Shenzhou-[-] has lost all power and has no maneuvering ability to change orbits. Therefore, the best way is to let Tiangong-[-] change orbits to follow up, slowly catch up with Shenzhou-[-] from the tail, and then pass through Tiangong. The docking system that comes with No. [-] guarantees successful docking.

In this process, the Dream aerospace plane only needs to ensure that the orbit of Shenzhou [-] is stable.

The most important factor right now is time.

The oxygen in Shenzhou 10 will be exhausted in an hour at most. If the time required for orbit change is not counted, the rendezvous and docking time left for Chen Xin and the others is less than [-] minutes.

Fortunately, Chen Xin and the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center cooperated very well. When Dream dragged Shenzhou 100 into the orbit of the Tiangong-[-] target aircraft, Tiangong-[-] had already flown smoothly under the control of the ground command center. We arrived at the berthing point more than [-] kilometers behind Shenzhou [-].

In this docking rescue operation, the China National Space Administration used the only remaining reserve fuel inside Tiangong-[-] for attitude adjustment regardless of the cost to ensure the docking attitude of Tiangong-[-] and Shenzhou-[-].

Originally according to the plan, Tiangong-[-] and Shenzhou-[-] completed the docking mission.It will continue to operate in space for one to two years, and then rendezvous and dock with the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft, which is expected to be launched next year.

But after the Shenzhou-[-] accident, Tiangong-[-] may have to retire early.

But now hardly anyone mentions it.

Compared with the technical content of this rescue operation, the space rendezvous and docking mission is as simple as a child's play house.

However, there are many factors behind this, such as this operation.I am afraid that it can be regarded as the most difficult space rescue operation in human history.

Generally speaking, if there is an accident in a space mission, the ending is often not very good, such as a rocket explosion, such as a satellite failing to enter orbit, and then falling into the earth, etc.

For manned space missions, failure is death.

There have been many accidents in manned space missions in history.

June 1971, 6.The Soviet Union had announced. Three astronauts who set the record for the longest voyage around Earth have been found dead as their Soyuz spacecraft returned to Earth.

On January 1986, 1, after the Challenger space shuttle lifted off, the O-ring seal of the left solid rocket booster (SRB) failed, and the adjacent external fuel tank was burned under the high temperature of the leaking flame The structural failure caused the space shuttle flying at high speed to disintegrate 28 seconds after launch under the action of air resistance, and all seven astronauts on board were killed.


The only time that it returned safely to Earth after a major accident was the famous Apollo 13 moon landing spacecraft.

Apollo 13 (Apollo 13) was the third manned mission to the moon in the Apollo program.Two days after launch, an explosion in the service module's oxygen tank severely damaged the spacecraft, causing it to lose a lot of oxygen and power.

Three astronauts use the spacecraft's lunar module as a lifeboat in space.The command module systems were not damaged, but were shut down before re-entry into Earth's atmosphere to conserve power.

The three astronauts experienced the lack of electricity, normal temperature and drinking water in space, but still successfully returned to Earth.

This incident also made the three astronauts a legend in the history of manned spaceflight.

Of course, if Shenzhou 13 can return to Earth smoothly this time, the sensational effect achieved may not be much smaller than that of Apollo [-].

After all, now that we have entered the information age, the speed of information dissemination should not be too fast.

Especially this time.When they learned of the Shenzhou [-] accident, the attention of the media from almost all over the world was attracted.

Agence France-Presse, Reuters, Kyodo News, Associated Press and other world-renowned news agencies immediately released news, saying that the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft was hit by space debris after liftoff and was seriously damaged.The article analyzed the progress of China's manned spaceflight project in recent years, and said that the failure of this mission may be an unprecedented blow to China's manned spaceflight industry.

Even after the Chinese government stated that it would do its best to rescue Shenzhou [-].Few people are optimistic that the Shenzhou [-] spacecraft can return safely. The British "Times" even viciously stated that China has prepared tombstones for the three astronauts.

It's just that when they were discussing these topics, no one would have imagined that hundreds of kilometers above their heads, a space rescue operation of the largest scale and most complicated in human history was going on.


When the distance between Tiangong-[-] and Shenzhou-[-] reached [-] kilometers, the two spacecraft officially started the docking procedure.

First of all, with the support of ground measurement and control, Tiangong-[-] successfully captured the laser signal of Shenzhou-[-] after several attitude adjustments and subtle maneuvers.

Subsequently, Tiangong [-] began to gradually approach Shenzhou [-] based on the relative motion parameters measured by its own microwave and laser sensors. The distance between the two sides gradually approached from [-] kilometers at the beginning to [-] Ten kilometers, thirty kilometers, ten kilometers...


Especially in the last kilometer, the relative speed between the two has become 20 meters per second.

According to the calculations of the steel pendulum, the probability of success in this docking is quite high.

However, just in case, Chen Xin changed into an extravehicular space suit, took a DV in the name of taking a commemorative photo, and leisurely got out of the Dream space plane that was dragging Shenzhou [-] to fly in front, and then flew in Shenzhou [-]. The head of the Shenzhou [-] (the tail of the Shenzhou [-] is flying forward) began to shoot.

Watching Tiangong-[-] not far away slowly approaching.

Tiangong-[-] uses a measurement system composed of camera sensors and proximity sensors to accurately measure the distance, relative speed and attitude of the two aircraft, and at the same time starts the small engine to maneuver, making it approach the target along the docking corridor.

At the last moment of docking, Tiangong-0.15 successfully shut down its engine, and lightly collided with the Shenzhou-0.18 spacecraft at a docking speed of [-]-[-] m/s. The device, the force transmission mechanism and the locking mechanism enable the two aircraft to realize a hard connection in structure, and complete the connection of the information transmission bus, the power line and the fluid pipeline. (to be continued~^~)

PS: According to the plan, this chapter should be the last update in 2014, but because of the fierce competition for the monthly ticket list before, the steel coins kept refreshing, and then the speed of this chapter slowed down, so we had to make it 2015 The first update of the year.Surprisingly, in the last three hours, the steel coin actually completed a big reversal, and unexpectedly achieved the goal of the top six set at the beginning of the month. There is only a gap of two votes with No.7. Since it is a double monthly ticket period, the actual gap is only One ticket.Again, Gangbi would like to express its gratitude to all the book friends who supported "Robot Clone". In the past year, the book has undergone daily, weekly, and monthly updates, but it finally has a good ending.In the new year, "Robot Clone" will continue to maintain the current momentum of updates, and Gangbang will try its best to satisfy everyone.Thanks again! ! !

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