super robot clone

Chapter 468 War Preparation

A week later.

Qiao Ting stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Chen Xin's office in the Cybertron Machinery Factory, staring in a daze at the twenty large container trucks slowly driving out of the No. [-] warehouse not far away.

These trucks are loaded with 76 Beidou navigation satellites produced by the Longshou Mountain underground base in a week. They will be transported to the Gaoqiao Airport in the suburbs of Jiangcheng, and then transported by the Il-[-] transport plane to the DX base near the Northwest Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. .

At present, DX Airport has been selected as the logistics support base and astronaut training base for China's aerospace aircraft. It will be launched into space within two months, and the network deployment of the Beidou global satellite positioning system will be completed.

Compared with the launch efficiency of those space powers in the past, the efficiency of aerospace aircraft has increased by more than a hundred times.

What shocked Qiao Ting even more was the manufacturing process of these satellites.

3D printing technology has entered a stage of rapid development in recent years. Some research institutions have even used common materials to print guns and ammunition capable of effective killing. AVIC has even completed the development of 3D printing technology for aircraft titanium alloy frames.

However, compared with the giant 3D printer at the Longshou Mountain underground base, the 3D printing technology being developed by other countries or organizations is completely weak.

In the past week, Qiao Ting went to the underground base almost every day to watch the operation process of this giant 3D printer and deduce its design principles.

However, based on the amount of knowledge that Qiao Ting has mastered, it is still impossible to analyze the technology used in this 3D printer.

This made Qiao Ting a little frustrated, even before that.The Bureau of Uncertain Warfare has hit Qiao Ting's self-confidence in many fields.

She is even thinking, if one day, this 3D printing technology can be fully promoted, then to what extent will the level of human manufacturing be improved.

But she also understands.This kind of technology, even if the War Bureau is willing to show it, Chinese scientific researchers cannot master it in a day or two.And without Chen Xin's permission, she would not reveal the secrets here.

Just when Qiao Ting was thinking a lot.Suddenly there was a door opening behind him.

Qiao Ting turned around and saw Chen Xin walking in with a bag of food boxes.

"Hey, Xiao Qiao, you are finally willing to come out, how is it? Have all the satellites been manufactured?"

Chen Xin looked at Qiao Ting and smiled.

Since he brought Qiao Ting to Longshoushan base a week ago, this girl has been completely fascinated by this base. She begged Chen Xin to take her to take a complete tour of the inside of the base, although before that .Zhanhu Bureau has demonstrated its own strength through technologies such as aerospace aircraft and deformable armor, but some technologies used inside the Longshoushan base are still beyond Qiao Ting's imagination.

She was like a dry sponge, after being thrown into the pond at the base of Longshou Mountain by Chen Xin, she eagerly absorbed the water inside.

Although Qiao Ting has a vague understanding of many technologies, it does not hinder her interest in these advanced technologies.

This is in the nature of being a researcher.

Compared with her, Ling Wei is much calmer.

The day after visiting the underground base, she returned to work on Cybertron.

In her own words.She wants to work hard in Cybertron and accumulate experience so that she can help Chen Xin take care of this huge industry in the future.

As for Qiao Ting, she plunged headlong into the Longshou Mountain base and refused to come out. Even three meals a day had to be brought in by Chen Xin or Ling Wei.

Qiao Ting shrugged her nose, took the dinner from Chen Xin, and said, "Twenty Beidou navigation satellites have been manufactured, and I have arranged vehicles to transport them to Gaoqiao base for delivery to the military."

Chen Xin nodded and said: "That's fine, oh, right. I'm going to the SY tomorrow. General Li Yuanqing just called me, and [-] cruise missiles are already in place. Let me go there to receive them. Do you want to go with me? "

Qiao Ting was slightly taken aback.Said: "So fast? I'm afraid the Second Artillery's family has been emptied by you. That's fine, I just happened to go over to see how your Typhoon-class nuclear submarines have been refitted."

Chen Xin smiled and said, "I promise I won't disappoint you."

Qiao Ting smiled slightly.Said: "Have you read the news? The United States has lifted the ban on the export of F22 fighter jets and announced the delivery of 54 F22 fighter jets to Saudi Arabia. The pressure on Somalia may be greater next time!"

Chen Xindao: "This is the news from yesterday. According to the latest information I got, the UAE will also purchase 48 F22s from two squadrons of the United States, adding up to a total of 22. These aircraft will all be drawn from the active squadrons of the US Air Force. At present Boeing has restarted the F180 production line, and the U.S. Air Force will substantially modify the original four-generation aircraft equipment plan. Based on the original 22 seven F22 fighters, Lockheed Martin is expected to produce 35 F35 fighters per year in the next three years. In addition , the F[-]A fighter jets of the U.S. Air Force have also begun to serve, and two squadrons have just been equipped. Now Lockheed Martin is expanding its production line. Countries such as the United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia have greatly increased their purchase plans for F[-] fighter jets—— Alas, if things go on like this, I'm afraid there will really be a world war. The current international situation is full of storms!"

Qiao Ting heard a hint of schadenfreude from Chen Xin's mouth, and said angrily: "It's not your fault, Jinlong battery has made such a big noise, can European and American countries not be in a hurry? Hey, I just hope there will be no nuclear war That's good, otherwise, none of us can afford it."

The Jinlong battery is like a big stone thrown into the pond, which suddenly tossed the small pond of the earth into a storm. Now the international situation has been completely messed up. The NATO camp headed by the United States and the SCO camp headed by China and Russia are almost The boundaries have been completely drawn, and the spheres of influence of the two sides have become distinct.

And the countries in the Middle East that had been vacillating between the two camps before have completely turned to the United States. Even the relationship between Iran and China and Russia has cooled down, but the relationship with the United States has rapidly warmed up.

In Latin America, Venezuela, the original anti-American vanguard, quickly turned its guns and pointed the finger at China and Russia. After all, Jinlong Battery has too much impact on such a small country that relies heavily on oil exports.

On the contrary, countries like Pakistan, which have a very close relationship with China, completely put their treasures on China and Russia.

During this period of time, both the official and the private sector almost felt a cloud of war.

Therefore, Chen Xin could understand what Qiao Ting said. He smiled slightly, went up and put his arms around Qiao Ting's shoulders, and said, "Xiao Qiao, don't worry, if there is a war, everything will be fine."


Qiao Ting hummed lightly, and leaned her head on Chen Xin's shoulder. (to be continued~^~)

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