super robot clone

Chapter 475 Prologue 3

The pace of war is getting closer.

During this period of time, arms manufacturers in Europe and the United States were delighted by hundreds of billions of dollars in arms orders from oil countries.

Fighters, helicopters, tanks, armored vehicles, and various types of missiles are continuously being shipped to the Middle East. In addition to the time-consuming navy, the land and air forces of Saudi Arabia and other countries have expanded at an extremely terrifying speed.

In addition, members of the Arab League with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, and Egypt as the core successfully persuaded Djibouti, Kenya, Ethiopia, Eritrea, and Sudan (Sudan and Somalia are not neighboring countries, and Egypt’s Arab League troops need to pass through Sudan to enter Ethiopia. Kenya, which poses a threat to Somalia on land) and other neighboring countries of Somalia, agreed that the Arab League army troops stationed through their territory and entered Somalia by land.

Needless to say, Kenya and Ethiopia have feuds with Somalia. The troops that invaded Somalia a few months ago were defeated by the militias led by Ahdi and Yusuf, and had to sign a ceasefire agreement.However, whether it is Kenya or Ethiopia, they are not convinced. The Arab League's use of force against Somalia this time is an excellent opportunity for revenge for these two countries.

However, it may be because these two countries have fought against Somalia, and they are wary of the mysterious force hidden behind Somalia, or because compared with the heavily armed Arab League Army, the Kenyan and Ethiopian army units are basically inferior. .Therefore, these two major African countries only allow the Arab League troops to attack Somalia through the territory and airspace of the two countries, but they will not send troops themselves.

Naturally, oil tycoons like Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates don't care, as long as they agree to the entry of the Arab League's troops.

The Arab League has built several super-large military bases in Kenya and Ethiopia.More than two divisions of nearly 40 troops successively passed through Sudan and stationed in Kenya and Egypt.

In order to prevent the Somali Air Force from launching a surprise attack on their staging area, the Arab League deployed high-density area air defense missile systems near the army staging area, ranging from the medium and long-range "Patriot" III area air defense missile system to the short-range "Avenger" system (Placing Stinger anti-aircraft missiles on multipurpose M998 Hummer jeeps).More than two hundred fighter jets of various types were also stationed for base air defense.

In addition, Djibouti has also opened its own air base, where the Arab League has deployed more than 2000 EF15 Typhoon, F[-] Eagle and other fighter jets to contain the Somali air force deployed in the northern city of Hargeisa.

And in Yemen, which is far away from Somalia across the narrow Gulf of Aden.A landing force of nearly 10 people in more than four divisions is also eager to try.

With Somalia's dispensable level of coastal defense, the 10-strong landing force is even more threatening than the Arab League troops stationed in Egypt and Kenya.


Under such circumstances, if Chen Xin wanted to strike preemptively and use the air force to attack the Arab League's army staging area, he would probably have to pay a considerable price.

More importantly, the Somali air force can only replenish missile weapons from China and Russia. If a war breaks out, the Arab League will block all ports in Somalia.When the time comes to really fight, even if all the ammunition in the current reserve is consumed, I am afraid that the army of the Arab League will not be hurt.

It can be said that the Arab League dealt with Somalia with a mentality of fighting the rabbit with all its strength. No one thought that this small Horn of North Africa could turn the tables.

But surprisingly, this time.No matter how the Arab League moves, Somalia has always maintained a strange calm.

Except for the "Dream" aerospace plane of the Warfare Bureau that takes off from time to time, and the Somali Air Force maintains a high level of alert, the whole country of Somalia does not see any movement.


Somalia, Mogadishu air base.

The deafening engine roar resounded over the airport, and eight F-14 "Tomcat" fighter jets took off along the runway in a wedge formation at high speed, taking over from the F-15 "Eagle" fighter jets that had just completed their mission, and carried out air patrol missions.

Qiao Ting, Ahdi, Yusuf and others looked serious, and hurried into the command hall of the air force base behind them.He also followed a group of military and political officials of the new Somali government.

Chen Xin sat at the head of a silver-white rectangular table in the center of the hall.Seeing everyone coming in, he smiled slightly and said, "You are all here, sit down!"

Everyone else was slightly taken aback.Most of them focused their eyes on the silver-white rectangular table in the center of the hall.

Most of these people have been in and out of the command hall of the Mogadishu Air Force Base several times, but this strange square table is the first time it has appeared.

The table structure is similar to a pool table.The center is concave, and no mechanical structure can be seen on the surface, but people like Qiao Ting and Ah Di who have been in contact with Chen Xin for a long time understand that this seemingly ordinary square table may also be a high-tech product.

Chen Xin seemed to see the doubts in everyone's eyes. He smiled slightly, and tapped his fingers lightly in the void. Light rays projected softly from the edge of the table, showing a three-dimensional sand table image of the Middle East, land, and air in the Middle East and North Africa above the table.


Qiao Ting, Ahdi, Yousuf and others were all taken aback for a moment. They had seen this kind of holographic projection technology many times. Chen Xin summoned everyone here this time. Look at this holographic sand table, right?

Qiao Ting frowned. She found that there were many dots of light on the sand table. The green light spots were only limited to a corner of Somalia, while the red light spots were distributed in various places around Somalia, except for the coastline. Most of Somalia was surrounded.Obviously, the green dots represent the strength of the Zhanhu Bureau, and the red dots represent the strength of the enemy.

However, soon, she found a trace of abnormality. These seemed to have life, and most of them were in a swimming state.

Qiao Ting's beautiful eyes widened, and there was a faint guess in her heart.

Chen Xin stretched out his hand to pick up a red spot of light from the sand table above the Gulf of Aden, enlarged it, and a shocking scene appeared.

Above the sand table, a group of high-speed sea-skimming flight images of two fighter jets, obviously taken from top to bottom, suddenly appeared. From the appearance alone, it can be judged that these are two EF2000 "Typhoons" belonging to the Arab League Air Force fighter.

"Is this...a live action shoot?" Qiao Ting asked after taking a breath.

Chen Xin nodded with a smile.

Everyone present cheered up. (to be continued~^~)

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