super robot clone

Chapter 477 Public opinion

Chen Xin didn't say how Zhanhuju would respond to the offensive of the Arab League coalition forces, and Ahdi and the others didn't ask too much. After dealing with Chen Xin for so long, they all understood that Zhanhuju's power was not what they thought it was. Can guess.

There is no room for Somalia to intervene in this level of war. The Somali Defense Force alone is not enough in front of the Arab League coalition forces.

After a group of people chatted about the current situation for a while, Chen Xin waved away Ahdi and the others, leaving Qiao Ting behind.

"Little Qiao, get ready. I'll take you back to China in the afternoon."

Qiao Ting was slightly startled and said, "What about you?"

Chen Xin said with a smile: "I have to be in Somalia, otherwise, once war breaks out, Ahdi and the others may not be able to control the situation in Mogadishu."

"No!" Qiao Ting said in a hurry, "Chen Xin, don't forget, I am the liaison officer between you and the First Elder."

Chen Xin looked at her with a smile, but didn't speak.

Qiao Ting said angrily, "Anyway, if you don't leave, I won't either!"

Chen Xin stepped forward and stroked her cheek, and said, "Little Qiao, this time is different. With these 300 fighter jets alone, I'm not sure if I can completely prevent the air strikes of the Arab League coalition forces. Mogadishu will be in danger if a fish slips through the net. And Ling Wei is also in the country, so she will definitely be worried when the time comes, so you go back and spend more time with her."

Qiao Ting frowned slightly, and said, "Since Mogadishu is so dangerous, you can't stay here!"

Chen Xin laughed, raised his arms and said, "Don't forget, I still have this!"

The sleeves of Chen Xin's casual suit turned into a silver-white wristband in an instant.Wrap his arms tightly.


Qiao Ting covered her mouth lightly. Although she had seen the transformation process of the "Little Butterfly" armor many times, every transformation of "Little Butterfly" made her feel dazzled.

Chen Xin smiled and said, "Now you can rest assured!"


Qiao Ting was about to say something, but Chen Xin interrupted her.Said: "Xiao Qiao, be obedient, this war is very critical to both the war and Saudi Arabia and other countries. You stay in Mogadishu. I will be distracted."

Biting her red lips, Qiao Ting finally nodded and said, "Then... well, you must be careful!"

Chen Xin smiled slightly, stepped forward and embraced the girl in his arms.


That afternoon, Chen Xin drove the "Dream" aerospace plane to send Qiao Ting back to China, and then met with Ling Wei and Wang Xiaoyue.

Due to recent changes in the situation, Cybertron Digital has also delayed the shooting of the science fiction film "Three-Body Problem".Withdrew the production crew that were filming in Australia and Europe, and Wang Xiaoyue also returned to China. Naturally, Chen Xin couldn't leave her behind.

However, Wang Xiaoyue still didn't know about Qiao Ting, and Chen Xin didn't know how to tell her for a while, so he asked Ling Wei and Qiao Ting to let them spend more time with Wang Xiaoyue.

Ling Wei and Qiao Ting also understood the principle of first come, first served, and they both knew that Chen Xin and Wang Xiaoyue were childhood sweethearts.Naturally, Chen Xin would not make things difficult for him.

After staying in Jiangcheng for three days, Chen Xin flew back to Mogadishu again. He was accompanied by the last [-] electromagnetic pulse bombs just produced at the Longshou Mountain underground base.

These thirty electromagnetic pulse bombs were not installed on the Long Sword 10 cruise missile by Chen Xin, but they were made into aerial bombs, and they would be air-dropped by an airplane.

Of course, this kind of aerial bomb is also guided by laser and Beidou dual-mode, plus a glider, the range is as high as 120 kilometers, and the surface is also coated with stealth materials, which can avoid the interception of air defense missiles.

so far. All 120 electromagnetic pulse bombs were deployed.

next.Chen Xin waited in Mogadishu for the arrival of the war.

Naturally, the mobilization of military forces in Saudi Arabia and other countries cannot be concealed from the news media. In fact, during this period of time, international public opinion on this war has already been in full swing.

World-class news agencies such as Reuters, Associated Press, and Agence France-Presse report on the war almost every day.

At the beginning, the focus of media attention was still on Jinlong battery.

After all, with a unit energy density of nearly 20 kWh/kg, the Jinlong battery beats those so-called advanced lithium batteries by many blocks.No matter in the field of energy or in the field of industry, Jinlong battery has shown a strong application prospect.

The news media in Europe and the United States are not easy to deny this.They can only use a sour tone to report on the advanced nature of Jinlong batteries, but they also emphasized that it is basically impossible for Jinlong batteries to replace oil as an energy source in a short time.

On the one hand, the production of Jinlong batteries in China and Russia is limited, and it is difficult to meet the requirements of the world in a short time.

On the other hand, the entire industrial system of mankind is currently centered on oil and steel. It will take at least 20 years for emerging industries led by Jinlong Battery to replace the petrochemical industry.

Therefore, there is absolutely no need for people to worry that China and Russia will use the power of Jinlong batteries to pull down the European and American manufacturing industries.

While belittling their opponents, politicians in some European and American countries have also frequently voiced that their scientists will develop their own Jinlong batteries within three to five years.

After a whole set of public opinion was punched out, the turmoil caused by the appearance of Jinlong battery in the manufacturing enterprises of western countries calmed down a little bit, which is one of the reasons why almost no European and American enterprises participated in the Jinlong battery application technology seminar held in China .

With the passage of time, the shock caused by the Jinlong battery in the world gradually subsided, and OPEC began to frequently become the protagonist of the media.

Everyone knows that the Jinlong battery has triggered the energy revolution, and the oil countries are the first to bear the brunt.

Haven't you seen that after China and Russia disclosed the Golden Dragon battery, have Iran, Venezuela and other countries started to move closer to the West?

Soon, OPEC began to make a fuss about oil prices. Oil prices fell again and again, but they did not cut production. As a result, Russia was naturally the most affected.

Since the Ukrainian crisis, Russia has been subject to sanctions from Western countries, and oil exports have accounted for almost a small half of their national fiscal revenue. Now that oil prices have fallen, Russia's already mediocre economic situation will be even worse. The Russian people have seen the hope of future revival, and I am afraid that chaos in Russia has already begun.

OPEC is not only playing this trick against Russia. The drop in oil prices has also severely damaged the emerging shale oil industry in the United States. In this way, it has also increased the United States' dependence on oil countries. (to be continued~^~)

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