super robot clone

Chapter 486 First Battle

An air force lieutenant colonel staff hurried to Abdul Alimu and said in a low voice, "General, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has arrived."

Abdul Alimu was taken aback. The crown prince was not in Riyadh, so why did he come here.

He didn't think too much about coming, and notified several senior generals in the headquarters, ready to go out to meet him.

As soon as we arrived at the gate, we saw Crown Prince Salman, UAE Prime Minister Al Maktoum and other military and political officials from the Gulf countries walking towards us.

"Your Highness, why are you here?"

"I'll come over to see, is everything going well?" Crown Prince Salman said with a normal expression.

Abdul Alimu said: "It is proceeding according to the plan, and our leading fighter squadron will soon meet the enemy."

Crown Prince Saman nodded and asked, "How is the Raptor team?"

The Raptor Squad is a fighter squadron that took off from Celera Air Force Base to carry out sneak attack missions. They used the stealth capability of the F-22 to secretly sneak into Mogadishu from the eastern waters of Somalia, and controlled the radar station and air guidance of the Mogadishu Air Force Base. The center launched a strike, carrying out the decapitation mission.

Regardless of the outcome of the battle on the frontal battlefield tonight, as long as this stealth fighter squad can successfully attack, half of the battle will be won.

Abdul Alimu said: "The Raptor fighter squadron has passed through the waters of Socotra Island in Yemen, and it is expected to launch an attack on Mogadishu Airport in half an hour."

Crown Prince Salman nodded, and the group did not stop talking, and went straight to the command hall.

The atmosphere in the hall was tense and orderly. Most of the staff were focused on their posts and did not get distracted by the arrival of these senior alliance officials.

Crown Prince Salman, Al Maktoum and others cast their eyes on the big screen directly above the hall.

A rough map of the battlefield situation is displayed on the top.

These are virtual images simulated by real-time data collected from the battlefield by technical equipment such as reconnaissance satellites, early warning aircraft, and electronic reconnaissance aircraft.For commander's reference.

Compared with the 3D holographic electronic sand table used by the Zhanhu Bureau, this command system is undoubtedly much simpler.

Each dot of light represents a combat unit, from the Kenyan border in southern Somalia all the way to the Ethiopian border in the center, to Djibouti, along the coast of the Gulf of Aden.The green light spot representing the Arab League basically surrounded most of Somalia.

The command hall was extremely busy, and the communication staff's password sounded from time to time.

"There is an unknown source of electronic interference in the No. 3 area. It should be the enemy's EP-[-] electronic reconnaissance plane. Please pay attention to the Yunhu Squadron. Go to the No. [-] area immediately to suppress the enemy electromagnetically."

"The Yunhu Squadron understands."


"Attention, Cow Squadron, Attention Cow Squadron, immediately go to airspace No. [-] to refuel the early warning aircraft in the air."

"Cow Squadron understands."


"Attention Flamingo Squadron, there are 11 enemy plane formations at 6 o'clock, the distance is 180 kilometers, and it is expected to contact the enemy in 30 seconds! Please continue to keep the radar silent. Next, receive the combat serial number EK96634HGY issued by the early warning aircraft. The two of you first The attack will be guided by the early warning aircraft, and the communication of the early warning aircraft will be cut in next."

"The serial number EK96634HGY has been received, and Flamingo One understands."

"Serial number EK96634HGY has been received, Flamingo II understands."

"The serial number EK96634HGY has been received, and Flamingo III understands."

A frame of flamingos quickly entered a fighting state.


Corleone is a lieutenant colonel senior pilot from Poland, who flew MiG-29 fighter jets in the early days.Later, with the aging of the MiG 29, and Russia cut off the source of parts for these fighters, Poland purchased F16s from the United States, and Corleone naturally became a member of the F16 fighter squadron.

In recent years, Poland's economic development has been mediocre. Corleone has four children to support, two of whom are studying in the United States. Even with his fighter pilot income, he is also under great pressure.

Therefore, after receiving the recruitment information from the Arab League Air Force.Corleone resigned from the army.Go to the Middle East to join the Saudi Air Force. After all, the annual salary of 80 US dollars and the bonus of [-] US dollars for a combat mission are not something everyone can resist.

What's more, there is an additional reward of $50 for shooting down an enemy fighter jet.

In fact, such a high salary has also attracted a large number of elite pilots from developed Western countries to join, and it is also the reason why the Arab League coalition air force has become the second largest air strike force in the world in a short period of time.

Thanks to Corleone's training experience in the French Air Force.After entering the Saudi Air Force, Corleone became the deputy squadron leader of the "Rafale" fighter squadron.As for the squadron leader, it is a former French Navy Rafale fighter pilot.

The "Rafale" fighter squadron of the Arab League Air Force is code-named "Flamingos", and is based in the coastal city of Mombasa, Kenya. The air force base here was originally used by the US military. Three months ago, the US handed over the base to the Arab League Air Force.

Since being stationed at the Mombasa base, Corleone's fighter squadron has started rigorous combat readiness training, with the goal directed at Mogadishu.

Today, Corleone and his flamingo squadron finally ushered in the baptism of war.

"Flamingo, please pay attention, the enemy's azimuth is 052, altitude is 4000, distance is 120 kilometers, speed is 900, ready to receive data and execute an attack!"

"Flamingo understands!"

The 24 "Rafale" fighters are composed of three character-shaped flying formations, with altitudes ranging from 3000 to 6000 meters.

After receiving the combat order, the formation led by Corleone quickly pulled up.

beep beep-

The Rafale fighter received the data sent by the early warning aircraft through the Link16 tactical data link. On the radar screen, twelve light spots were approaching at high speed.

Corleone's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly selected two legal-made "Mika" medium-range air-to-air missiles on the LCD monitor on the left side of the cockpit.

"Target locked! Launch missile!"

The fuselage of the "Rafale" fighter trembled slightly, and two legally made "Mika"

Air-to-air missiles shot forward like arrows leaving the string.

"Leave, prepare for the second wave of attack!"

After the first eight "Rafales" completed the attack mission, they immediately flew to the sides, and the sixteen fighters behind them had already launched a second wave of 32 Mika missiles.

"Whoa - nice job!"

The excited shouts of comrades-in-arms sounded in the earphones.

A total of 48 medium-range bombs, an average of four missiles against a fighter jet, no matter how overestimated the enemy is, it is enough for the opponent to drink a pot. (to be continued~^~)

PS: I hope everyone has time to go to the Three Body Community to vote for Gang Bin, Gang Bin is very grateful.

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