super robot clone

Chapter 489 Fiasco

The PL9 missile was like an arrow leaving the string, galloping towards the Rafale fighter driven by Thomas.

Thomas immediately began to maneuver at high speed, trying to get out of the range of the PL-9 missile.

Rolling at high speed, turning over and diving...

Corleone took advantage of the moment when the enemy plane fired missiles and slowed down slightly, and caught the fighter plane.

Sextant's Topsight helmet sight caught the target in the first place.

"Target locked, launch!"

The Mika missile equipped with an infrared seeker ejected from the pylon under the wing. Corleone pulled up the nose suddenly, fixed his eyes on the F14 in high-speed maneuvering, and the Mika missile galloped towards the target along his line of sight. and go.

"Thomas, hold on, I've got it locked!"

"Okay, I'll fight!"

The wingman, who was rolling to avoid the missile at a high speed, summoned up his courage, and a series of infrared heat bombs shot out from Gust's body.

Puff puff……

Infrared heat bombs burst into brilliant sparks in the sky.

"I should be able to get rid of it now!"

Thomas gasped a little, looked back, his eyes widened suddenly, the damned PL-9 missile was not disturbed by the infrared flame bomb, and still flew towards the fighter he was driving relentlessly.

"No, Thomas, be careful!"

"F*ck! Too late!"

Thomas swears in the communication channel, and directly pulls down the red jump ring.


The rocket ejection seat blasts out.

The PL-9 near-bolt bomb exploded instantly, and with the deafening roar, the Rafale fighter was directly blown into two pieces in the air.A white umbrella flower slowly opened in the air.

"Thomas, are you okay?"

"I...I'm fine, Corleone, help me beat that bastard down!"

Thomas was in shock.If he had jumped a second late just now, he might have to be buried with the gust of wind.

"Don't worry, I will avenge you!"

Needless to say, Corleone would go all out.

This battle was too suffocating!

Even if it is known in advance that the opponent's F14 is not ordinary.However, two Rafale fighter jets dealt with one F14, and the opponent killed one of them first, which was really a blatant slap in the face.

"Bastard, you're set!"

The Topsight helmet sight is fixed on the enemy plane.

Mika missiles were chasing after it.

The locked F14 also seemed to have a premonition that death was coming. Like a frightened deer, it panicked and began to pull up the nose and climb upwards!

Corleone sneered, a drone is a drone after all, in the case of being tracked by a missile.He actually chose such a deadly mode of climbing heights!

Isn't this shortening the hit time of the missile?

"Eight, seven, six, five..."

Corleone counted down to the plane in his mind.

Just when the missile was about to hit the target, Corleone suddenly stopped, his eyeballs seemed to protrude, and he shouted, "God, what's going on?"

When the firmly locked F14 in the distance was about ninety degrees vertical to the ground, the blue light emitted from the tail of the engine suddenly disappeared, and the plane seemed to lose power.Lightly turned over, the nose of the aircraft was facing down, aiming at the Mika missile galloping towards it.

Then, the fighter jet fired radiant infrared heat bombs one after another. Without the high-temperature tail flame of the engine, these infrared heat bombs instantly attracted the seeker of the Mika missile.


The Mika missile exploded a hundred meters away from the F14 without causing any damage to the fighter.

"Sh*t!!! What the fuck is going on?"

Corleone never expected that the enemy would use this method to avoid missile attacks.

At a high angle of attack, both engines stop, so as to avoid the detection of the infrared seeker, and the aircraft will inevitably enter a stall tail.At that time, even if you dodged the missile attack.The plane will still completely lose control and crash. What is the difference between this and suicide?

Crazy, the guy who designed this drone smart program is absolutely crazy.

Corleone's horror was far from over.

The next second, the "Super Tomcat" that he had already sentenced to death.Suddenly, as if it came alive, the engine exhaust pipe burst out a powerful blue flame.The aircraft regained control and changed to level flight again.

"My God, it... how the hell did it do it?"

Corleone was completely stunned, the enemy plane could actually make such unimaginable tactical moves, how can we fight this battle? !

At this moment, the "Super Tomcat" that returned to normal rushed over again, the wing pylons flashed, and the PL9 missile shot out.

"Corleone, be careful!"

Thomas' exclamation sounded in the channel.

But it's too late!

Facing the galloping missile, Corleone was heartbroken and directly pulled down the parachute ring.

The Rafale fighter jet exploded in mid-air, and the umbrella flowers slowly bloomed. Corleone showed bitterness, knowing that the battle was like this, why did he bother to go through this troubled water!

The situation of the other pilots of the Flamingo Squadron was not much better. The close combat lasted less than 10 minutes. All sixteen Rafale fighter jets were shot down and six pilots were killed.Since then, the first wave of confrontation between the air forces of the two sides has ended. Except for two of the 24 Rafale fighter jets of the Flamingo Squadron who were injured and returned during the mid-range air battle, the rest stayed in Somalia.The enemy army only paid the price of two being shot down and one injured.


Prince Sultan Air Force Base, south of Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

At this time, a needle drop could be heard quietly in the hall of the base command center.

No one expected that the seemingly powerful Arab League air force would achieve such a result when facing the Somali drone force.

Not only the Flamingo Squadron is like this, the results of air battles in other areas are also similar.

As soon as the fighter forces of the two sides clashed, the air forces of the Arab League coalition quickly melted like ice cubes touched by flames.

The fighter jets were shot down like turkeys without stopping. In the air battlefield of Somalia, the Arab League Air Force paid the price of [-] fighter jets being shot down. The loss ratio of the two sides was as high as ten to one. can be ignored.

Now, how can we fight the battle? !

Abdul Alimu, commander of the Air Force of the Arab League, looked pale and looked at Crown Prince Salman, who was sinking into water, and said, "Your Highness, what should we do next?"

The 250 fighters dispatched in the first wave and the [-] escort fighters have been completely lost. Most of the follow-up fighters are equipped with ground attack weapons.

Crown Prince Salman closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and asked, "How is the Birds of Prey now?"

Alimu said: "It has not been discovered yet, and it is expected to enter the attack position in 10 minutes."

"Where's the HIRMARS Tactical Missile Unit?"

"Assembling at the outskirts of Addis Ababa, it is expected to be ready for launch in half an hour!"

Crown Prince Salman said: "Let all the fighter jets return to the air, and rely on the air defense positions near the base to deal with the enemy planes. The army will stop advancing and switch to the air defense state on the spot!"

"Yes!" (to be continued~^~)

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