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Chapter 501 The Battle between the Golden Dragon Battery and the Americans

With the British taking the lead, the joining of European countries such as France, Germany, and Italy is a matter of course.

Two days later, the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced its willingness to join the ranks of the intended founding members of the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank, and to work closely with the international community to create an international financial institution that promotes the new energy revolution and promotes global industrial upgrading.

Another week passed, and on the first day of February, Germany, Italy, and Spain simultaneously announced to join the Asian Development Bank (the abbreviation of the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank).

On February 2, the first day of the Chinese Lunar New Year, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Nordic countries announced their membership.

On the 15th, Switzerland and Austria joined.

On the 18th, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Portugal joined.

On the 21st, even Australia, a close partner of the United States, could not bear it anymore. The Australian Ministry of Foreign Affairs submitted an application to China to join the Asian New Development Bank.

The U.S. media were overwhelmed by the defection of their hardcore allies. No one expected that the Asian New Bank, which had no response when it was first established, has now become a favorite in the eyes of major countries.

So far, except for Japan and South Korea, which have a close relationship with the United States, almost all countries have joined the camp of the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank.

Except for a few mild complaints from the diplomatic level, the United States is powerless to stop it.

In fact, there is no way to stop it.

At this time, the United States is also fighting to join the AIIB!

The last meeting of the federal consortium broke up unhappy, but the California consortium led by military and manufacturing industries obviously refused to let it go.

Together with the Texas Consortium and the Boston Consortium, several large chaebols with manufacturing as the core, they collectively put pressure on the federal government and asked the US government to take advantage of the opportunity now.Ease relations with China and Russia, and create conditions for joining the Asian New Development Bank.Some congressmen even delivered a speech on Capitol Hill, saying that if the United States does not seize the historic opportunity of Jinlong battery, it may even become a third-rate country in the future.

But the opposition is equally strong.The oil consortium headed by Rockefeller spent a lot of money and tried their best to lobby Republican and Democratic members of Congress, saying that if the United States chooses to join the Asian New Development Bank, it means that the United States will lose control of the world.This is a betrayal of the free world, a surrender to China and Russia.

While the two camps are trying their best to win over the political elites, discussions in the US domestic media on whether to join the Asian New Development Bank are also in full swing.

The "New York Times" believes that the emergence of Jinlong batteries has had a major revolutionary impact on the structure of human energy industry. If the United States does not seize this opportunity, it is likely to be abandoned by the whole world.

The "Washington Post" believes that the United States has sufficient technical strength to issue its own metal batteries, and there is no need to act on the faces of China and Russia.

Other media with important influence in the United States, such as the "Los Angeles Times" and "The Christian Monitor", also joined in this discussion.

And in the American folk.Those who hope that the United States will join the Asian New Development Bank account for the majority.

This is inseparable from the impact brought about by the practical application of the first batch of Jinlong batteries.

As early as more than two months ago, China announced that the first batch of Jinlong batteries with an energy storage capacity of 60000 mAh were officially used in the mobile phone industry, which attracted widespread attention from all over the world.

Prior to this, although China and Russia tried their best to promote the performance of Jinlong battery, most people were skeptical.

After all, a battery with such a high energy density is almost unimaginable in the eyes of many people.

So when I heard that China will launch a mobile phone with a Jinlong battery version.Almost all of China is looking forward to it.

At that time, even the news that the Arab League was attacked by electromagnetic pulse bombs could not attract the attention of the Chinese people, so people were looking forward to when the domestic smart phone with Jinlong battery version would be launched.

The first mobile phone manufacturers to obtain the right to use Jinlong batteries are Huawei, Xiaomi, and Meizu.

The three mobile phone makers launched their flagship models with King Long batteries, which were launched on New Year's Day.

As a result, the popularity of the sales scene completely exceeded people's imagination.

Xiaomi has always been known for its hunger and thirst marketing, but this time, Xiaomi did not play any tricks, but launched 200 million units of the Mi 2 mobile phone with the Golden Dragon battery version to the market at one time. Within 5 minutes, all 200 million Jinlong batteries were sold out.Xiaomi's official website was almost paralyzed as a result.

The sales of Meizu and Huawei are not inferior.

New Year's Day. In less than 1000 minutes, 10 million mobile phones with Jinlong batteries were snatched up by the Chinese people, setting a world record. Many people who couldn't get them even cursed on the Internet.

The people who bought the mobile phone with Jinlong battery naturally cheered, after getting the mobile phone.They tested the battery performance for the first time.

The most famous is the test conducted by a netizen named FLAGWAVES.

This gentleman downloaded a large-scale mobile game immediately after buying the mobile phone.Then I started playing the game non-stop for 24 hours.

The results showed that after 24 hours, the power consumption of the mobile phone was only 15%.

He filmed his game and put it on the Internet, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.While many people were amazed by his crazy energy, they were also completely shocked by the ultra-high performance of Jinlong battery.

You must know that the batteries of ordinary smartphones at this time are mostly only about 2000 mAh, which is basically charged once a day. If you play games, they can last up to five or six hours.

The Jinlong battery cell phone is different. Basically, you can play it as you like, and there is no problem in using it for ten days at a time.

And after the power is exhausted, it only takes about half an hour for the Jinlong battery to be fully charged.

Compared with ordinary smart phones, the experience of using a mobile phone with a King Long battery is simply heaven and earth.

No matter who it is, basically after experiencing the feeling of using a mobile phone with a Jinlong battery, it is difficult to bear the almost plummeting power consumption of ordinary smartphones.

The price of the Jinlong battery cell phone is only RMB 500 higher than that of the normal version.

From this we can imagine the popularity of Jinlong battery mobile phones.

A week later, the second batch of 1000 million Jinlong battery cell phones went on the market, and they were also sold out within a short period of time.

Those well-known foreign mobile phone manufacturers who have reacted have truly felt the huge threat of China's domestic smartphones.

Samsung, Apple and other companies have sent high-level leaders to China to contact the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, hoping to obtain a quota for Jinlong batteries.

The Chinese government has already planned for this. At present, the production of Jinlong battery is limited, and it can only supply to domestic manufacturers temporarily. However, if foreign manufacturers want to obtain quotas, they can only wait for the second phase of the Jinlong battery factory to be completed.

Apple and Samsung executives are naturally disappointed, and they also understand that the Chinese government's actions are inseparable from their country's position.

Especially Samsung, which has an important influence in South Korea. It is said that the chairman of the Samsung consortium has secretly met with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak several times to put pressure on the Blue House.

The debut of Jinlong battery made domestic mobile phone brands rise like a rocket.

In China, owning a mobile phone with a Jinlong battery is far more respectable than an Apple mobile phone.

The funniest thing is that after learning that mobile phones with Jinlong batteries could not be listed abroad in a short period of time, people in many western countries also played the trick of purchasing agents. aroused great repercussions.

In this era of mobile intelligence, the emergence of Jinlong battery mobile phones far exceeds the meaning contained in the mobile phone industry itself.

This is also the reason why Britain, France, Germany and other countries aroused cheers from the public in China after announcing to join the Eurasian New Energy Investment Bank.

The United States is also facing a similar situation.

The astonishing performance of Jinlong battery has created a huge attraction for the electronics industry, electromechanical industry and even the aerospace industry.

All Americans can't wait to use this product, but the relationship between the US government and China and Russia has clouded this expectation.

Some Americans have even protested at the gate of the White House, demanding that the US government discuss with China and Russia about the cooperation of Jinlong batteries as soon as possible. (to be continued~^~)

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