super robot clone

Chapter 508 New Energy Factory

early morning.

After breakfast, the representatives of various countries gathered in the lobby of the hotel. Karim, the office director of the Prime Minister's Office of the Republic of Somalia, had been waiting for a long time.

They have been visiting around Somalia in the past few days, and Karim has always been in charge of receiving them.

Karim was born in Mogadishu in his early years. When he was ten years old, he was forced by the war and smuggled to Europe with his parents. Later, his parents obtained refugee status in Germany. With government subsidies and working income, his life finally settled down step by step.

Although he grew up in Germany and his childhood memory of Mogadishu has long been blurred, Karim’s affection for his motherland has always been extraordinary. After graduating from the Department of Political Economy at the University of Munich, he returned to Mogadishu to participate in the national National Salvation Movement, and later became a staff member of the Provisional Government at that time.

Until the provisional government was overthrown, Ahdi and Yusuf came to power, Karim's past experience and status as a high-level intellectual were reused, and he became one of Ahdi's right-hand men.

During this visit to Somalia by delegations from Western countries, Karim was sent by Ahdi to be responsible for the reception of representatives from European countries.

After a few days of contact with Karim, his status in Europe was quickly recognized by representatives of countries such as Britain, France and Germany. In addition, he can speak fluent English and German. The reception has been quite satisfactory, and the two sides have also established a good relationship.

Of course, the most satisfying thing for everyone is a translator similar to a Bluetooth headset in their hands. After wearing this thing, it can basically play the effect of simultaneous interpretation. dialogue.It does not hinder their communication in the slightest.

A glimpse of the leopard in the tube can be seen.

The technical content contained in this small object alone is enough to make everyone secretly startled.

"Mr. Karim, can I see Mr. Chen today?"

"Mr. Karim. There is a lot of pressure in the country these days. I hope you can tell Mr. Chen that I have come to Mogadishu with the sincerity of Prime Minister Cameron's cooperation!"

"Mr. Chen asked us to wait patiently, and we have been very cooperative. But you see how many days have passed. Tomorrow, the Chinese elder will end his visit to Somalia, but Mr. Chen still doesn't want to see us."

"Yes, Mr. Karim, what exactly is Mr. Chen thinking, can you tell us the truth?"

Members of representatives from various countries discussed a lot. They are the core aides of the leaders of various countries, and their visit to Somalia was carried out under strict confidentiality.Otherwise, if the news leaks out, the government and the opposition will have to bear a lot of pressure.

Among other things, European media reports on Somalia were biased before, and the public generally believed that Somali pirates were a group of terrorists, and the pro-American factions in various countries were also strong. This time, they joined Eurasia New Energy under pressure from the United States Investment banks have always been controversial.It would be a lot of fun if word suddenly came out that their government was working with a band of pirates.

Seeing the anxious expressions of the representatives from various countries, Karim felt relieved and said with a smile, "Today, I came here to inform you that Mr. Chen agreed to meet with you..."

The hall was quiet for a while, and then it suddenly became noisy.

"After waiting for so many days, is the Strategic Deception Bureau finally showing up?"

"Great, we must strive to establish direct contact with the Bureau of War and Neglect."

"I don't know what Mr. Chen wants to talk to us about. He kept us waiting for so many days. I always feel that something big is going to happen."

Karim pressed his hands falsely.Said: "Everyone be quiet, let the delegations of all countries come out, this closed-door meeting, only the heads of the delegations of various countries can participate. Everyone else is waiting in the hotel."


Puzzled expressions appeared on everyone's faces.

Karim said: "I don't know the specific reason. This is Mr. Chen's request. If you don't agree, then I have to say sorry."

Seeing Karim's tough attitude, the representatives of various countries could only agree. In the end, there were Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Austria, Spain, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Belgium, the Netherlands and Australia. Heads of delegations from [-] countries participated, plus Somalia, China, and Russia. This meeting was later called the Mogadishu [-]-nation meeting by the media.

The heads of delegations from various countries boarded a fully enclosed bulletproof luxury air-conditioned bus. After getting on the bus, they realized that not only them, but also only three representatives from China and Russia participated. It is composed of Vice Premier and Chief of General Staff General Chang Siwei.

The Russian representatives turned out to be Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and two other military and political officials who arrived in Mogadishu secretly at some point.

At this moment, the resentment in the hearts of the heads of delegations from various countries disappeared. They didn't see that China and Russia would accept the arrangement of the Bureau of War Ignorance honestly, so why would they feel uncomfortable?

The car starts silently, the engine sound is very small, and no vibration can be felt.

Everyone knew that this was an all-electric bus that only used Jinlong batteries.

The luxury bus drove towards the northwest of Mogadishu under the escort of dozens of military vehicles and armed helicopters. The roar of fighter planes could be heard from time to time in the sky, which made people feel that the meeting was extraordinary.

After leaving the urban area of ​​Mogadishu, the road became deserted, and there were no other vehicles on the road except their convoy.

After driving like this for more than an hour, a heavily guarded military base suddenly appeared ahead.

This base occupies an extremely wide area, and it seems that it has just been built. A flight path is still under construction. In addition, the barracks, hangars, towers and other facilities have been completed.

Judging from the size of the base, at least one division of mechanized troops is stationed here.

The Great Elder turned his head and asked the Chief of General Staff General Chang Siwei who was sitting next to him softly: "Old Chang, do you know where this is?"

Chang Siwei shook his head and said, "I don't know, it's really strange. There are such large-scale buildings around Mogadishu, and our intelligence department and reconnaissance satellites didn't respond at all."

The Great Elder frowned. Chen Xin told him a few days ago that he was sure to persuade Russia and other European countries to participate in his plan, but the Great Elder still didn't believe it.

But today's performance of the sudden war made him faintly shaken.

Russian Prime Minister Lipkin also had a similar expression on his face, whispering to another senior Russian military official beside him from time to time.

The convoy moved forward.

After driving for about ten minutes, everyone's eyes were quickly attracted by a strange building in front of them.

This building covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters and is more than [-] meters high. It is not known what material it is made of. Its surface shows a bright silver color that is neither gold nor silver. A very mysterious sense of science fiction.

The building is surrounded by a ten-meter-high fence, which is covered with high-voltage power grids and cameras, and is heavily guarded.

The gate was heavily guarded, and the guards were actually a group of big men in armor. They held a strange infantry weapon in their hands. Their eyes were cold and cold, and they looked extremely sturdy.

The convoy stopped at the gate, and Karim stood up and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry, I don't have enough authority to accompany you in. Please rest assured, Mr. Chen will receive you inside. Goodbye everyone!"

As he said that, Karim ignored the strange eyes of everyone, gave a slight nod to everyone, and got out of the car directly.

There was an uproar in the car.

"What kind of armor do you think these guards are wearing?"

"It's a bit like the American individual light exoskeleton combat system, but it looks much more refined than theirs."

"And look at that weapon, could it be a laser gun?"

Representatives from various countries talked about it, and even the elders were discussing in low voices.

Soon, the original escort vehicles left one after another, and the bus drove into the fence without a sound.

There is nothing inside the walls except this building.

After approaching, without the protection of the wall, everyone found that there was still a small door at one end of the building. Several people in black uniforms were waiting at the door. The leader was Chen Xin, and the few people behind him were not people know each other.

The bus stopped at the door, and the Great Elder and Pujin got off the bus first.

Chen Xin went forward to shake hands with the First Elder and the others one by one, said hello, and then introduced the men in black behind him to everyone.

Among these people in black, there are both yellow race and black and white people. Their identities and ages are different. What is the director of the Saturn Community Outreach Department, Emond, and the director of the Energy Institute of the Academy of Sciences Cowpens? Luo Ji's guy claims to be a researcher at the Academy of Social Sciences of the Saturn Community, and his main research field is cosmic sociology.

Such a lofty profession stunned the jaws of the representatives of European countries, especially the Saturn Community, which was the first time they had heard of it besides China and Russia.

After a little inquiring, I found out that the Zhanhu Bureau is actually an organization under the Saturn Community.

Suddenly, a hundred thousand muddy horses galloped past in their hearts.

How much behind this unattractive young man has not been exposed, just a few words they said are enough to make everyone tremble with fear.

No wonder Chen Xin would be so cautious when calling everyone for a meeting. If any of these things were leaked to the outside world, it would probably cause an uproar.

And everyone could see that these people were headed by Chen Xin. Naturally, Chen Xin's status in their hearts had once again increased.

After exchanging pleasantries, Chen Xin clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Okay, the reason why I brought you here today is that there is really an important matter that needs to be discussed with you. Of course, before that, I will show you around Take a look at our new energy factory." (to be continued~^~)

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