super robot clone

Chapter 536 The Villa Night Chapter 2

Chen Xin closed his eyes, gently held Qiao Ting's white and tender hands, and felt the temperature from the girl's fingertips with his heart. After a while, he opened his eyes again and asked an inexplicable question: "Xiao Qiao, look Have you ever watched The Three-Body Problem?"

"Three-Body Problem"?! Are you talking about the movie your company is shooting? I heard from Xiaoyue that aliens invaded the earth, but I haven't read the novel." Qiao Ting frowned, Chen Xin's strange behavior gave her a faint guess, but the answer was so unbelievable that she was not sure.

Chen Xin smiled and said: "If you have time, you'd better read it. In the first part of this novel, a Chinese general and the protagonist Wang Miao once had such a conversation. The general asked Wang Miao, Professor Wang, Have you experienced any major changes in your life? Wang Miao shook his head and said, no. Then the general said, your life is really an accident. There are so many unpredictable factors in the world, but your life has no changes. Wang Miao asked strangely, isn’t most people like this? The general said that most people’s lives are accidental. Wang Miao was even more puzzled, and said, how many generations have come here. The general replied, it’s all accidental , Human beings have been developing from the Stone Age to the present, and there has been no change, so lucky. But since it is lucky, there will always be an end. Now, this kind of luck is over!"

When it came to "luck is over", Chen Xin emphasized his tone and looked at Qiao Ting without blinking: "For us, luck is also over."

Qiao Ting's beautiful eyes widened in an instant, and she involuntarily covered her mouth with one hand to prevent herself from exclaiming. This time, she really understood the meaning of Chen Xin's words.

Qiao Ting hesitated and said, "Chen...Chen Xin, mean, there are really aliens coming to invade the earth?"

Chen Xin nodded and said, "If there is no accident, it should be like this."

Qiao Ting's voice trembled, and she asked, "Is this news accurate? How did you know?"

Chen Xin shook his head and said, "The news is very certain! As for the source, sorry, I can't say yet."

Qiao Ting's eye circles turned red all of a sudden, and she choked up, "Then what should we do? What should we do with so many human beings on the earth?"

Aliens have invaded the earth. Even a strong girl can't help but get flustered after hearing such incredible news.

Alien civilizations that can invade the earth across the scale of light years, how far their technology has developed, how can humans on earth be able to stop it? .

Qiao Ting didn't suspect that Chen Xin was deceiving her. Based on what she knew about Chen Xin, it was impossible for Chen Xin to lie about such a thing.

Chen Xin sighed, took Qiao Ting into his arms, kissed her smooth forehead and said, "Don't worry, with me here, nothing will happen."

There was a glimmer of hope in Qiao Ting's eyes, she straightened up and looked at Chen Xin and said, "Yes, Zhan Huju, we still have Zhan Huju...Zhan Huju should be able to resist the invasion of alien civilizations, right?"

Chen Xin smiled wryly and shook his head, "Sorry, Zhan Suju is far from their opponent."

Qiao Ting's face suddenly turned pale.

Chen Xin quickly added: "But we still have a chance."

"A chance of life?"

Chen Xin nodded and said: "For some reason, it will take at least 15 years for this alien civilization space fleet to enter the solar system. They have already sent a small spaceship to sneak into the solar system. It is currently 0.7 light-years away from us. With that spaceship It will take at least three and a half years to reach the earth. Therefore, we can choose to escape from the earth while taking advantage of this time."

"Escape from the Earth?" Qiao Ting said with a miserable smile, "Humanity's aerospace technology may not be able to do this at all. Even if a spaceship can be built, how many people can it take away from the Earth?"

"70 billion!"

"70 billion?" Qiao Ting was taken aback and exclaimed, "How is this possible!"

Chen Xin said seriously: "I have a 70% chance of achieving this, but now there is a big problem, that is how to convince the governments of various countries to believe in the crisis facing human beings, and how to organize the evacuation of [-] billion people from the earth."

Qiao Ting couldn't help furrowing her brows tightly. Even if the level of technology has been reached, the difficulties she faces are far more than she thought.

Qiao Ting grabbed Chen Xin's hand and said, "Ah Xin, you must have a solution, right?"

Chen Xin nodded and said with a smile on his face: "In two months, an asteroid weighing 20 billion tons in the asteroid belt will leave its original orbit and turn to the earth. Astronomers will soon It was found that according to the flight speed and trajectory of this asteroid, it will collide with the earth in three years. Such a huge asteroid is enough to destroy more than 99% of the creatures on the earth.”


Qiao Ting was taken aback, she soon understood the purpose of Chen Xin's actions.

This is to force human beings to leave the earth through the impact of asteroids on the earth.

But Qiao Ting frowned again immediately: "However, if the countries know that this matter was done by the Zhanhu Bureau, they will definitely not let it go. Even China and Russia, I am afraid that they will also fight with Zhanhu Bureau because of this." The bureau turned against each other."

Chen Xin said confidently: "I will explain to the leaders of various countries the real crisis facing human beings. Whether they believe it or not is the same thing. As for threatening to ignore the situation, I'm afraid they don't have the ability to do so."

Qiao Ting looked at Chen Xin puzzled.

Chen Xin smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, Xiao Qiao, in another 24 hours, all the nuclear warheads on the earth will be useless. I don't need to come forward, and all countries will naturally come to me."

With the help of Taijitu, as soon as Chen Xin arrived on the earth, he locked on the more than 1 nuclear warheads on the earth, and accelerated the half-life of these nuclear materials, but it only took a matter of minutes.

Qiao Ting was stunned for a moment. If she heard such news, she would definitely be shocked, but even the alien invasion of the earth has happened, and all the nuclear weapons on the earth have failed, so there is nothing to be surprised about.

Chen Xin plans to lead all 70 billion people on earth to evacuate from the earth!

Qiao Ting thought for a while and said, "Oh, by the way, Ah Xin, if that's the case, then we and the Americans won't be able to fight."

Chen Xin nodded and said: "Yeah, it's a cheap Yankee. I don't think it will be too long before the special envoy of the United States will come to the door. At that time, the leaders of the five major countries can be invited to Mogadishu to discuss countermeasures. "

With that said, Chen Xin got up and said, "Okay, Xiao Qiao, it's getting late now, I'm going to bed first, you should go to bed early too."

A blush appeared on Qiao Ting's face, she took Chen Xin's hand, and said in a low voice, "Don't leave tonight, okay? I'm alone, and I'm a little scared." (To be continued~^~)

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