super robot clone

Chapter 576 The Second World

Qiao Lao glared at him, blew his beard and stared and said, "Don't bark, I'm not your grandfather!"

Several people present laughed.

Although Qiao Ting was already engaged to Chen Xin, Qiao Lao never had a good look towards Chen Xin.

If Chen Xin was only with Qiao Ting, Qiao Lao would naturally be happy to see the result, but who knows that this guy is not satisfied and insists on procrastinating. Although Qiao Ting doesn't care, Qiao Lao still can't swallow this breath.

Chen Xin sneered, so he could only turn his gaze to the other elders, and said, "Grandpa Chen, Grandpa Li, Grandpa Xu, why do you guys have time to come over today?"

Grandpa Chen is Chen Zheng, a famous chemist, mainly researching in the field of physical chemistry, especially in the study of single molecule characteristics and manipulation using high-resolution scanning tunneling microscopy, and has made great achievements in the field of single molecule physical chemistry. important theoretical and experimental contributions.

Grandpa Li is named Li Haiping, a theoretical physicist, engaged in the research of basic physical theory, and has obtained many achievements in the fields of image chaos, symbol dynamics, chaos control and synchronization, especially has his own unique research on dissipative systems .

The last grandpa Xu is Xu Mao, a professor at the University of Science and Technology of China and a doctoral supervisor. He is mainly engaged in the teaching of computational mathematics, applied mathematics and their applications in the fields of mechanics, physics, chemistry and engineering.He combined the theory of partial differential equation, stochastic analysis and dynamical system skillfully, and proved the existence and uniqueness of invariant measure.

These few are all leading figures in the domestic scientific and educational circles. They were sent by the Chinese government to Mogadishu two years ago to participate in the scientific research projects of the Star Ring Group. They have a very good personal relationship with Mr. Qiao.

They and their families have just moved into the New Earth not long ago.

Xu Mao smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, we came here today just to find you."

"Find me?"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback.

Xu Mao nodded and said, "Yes, we are here this time mainly to discuss with you about the Second World."

Chen Xin's face suddenly became serious, he thought for a moment, sat down on an empty chair and said, "Grandpa Xu, please tell me!"

The second world plan originated from the ground simulation flight system for pilots jointly developed by Chen Xin and the Chinese government. This system perfectly combines virtual reality technology and flight simulation technology, and with the help of the simulation cabin, it can almost make the pilot You can feel the real flight and air combat experience on the ground.

Later, with the brain wave control technology verified by the "Xing Tian" individual tactical armor and the popularization of virtual reality theaters, the second world plan was officially put on the agenda.

The so-called second world, you can think of it as a network virtual community on a supercomputer, or you can think of it as a real earth with a degree of more than 99.999%.

After entering this world, you can't feel any difference between it and the real world in terms of smell, touch, sight, and taste.

In the past, even if all aspects of technology were fully mature, it would be impossible for Chen Xin to develop a software that could simulate the earth to such a high degree in such a short period of time.

After all, if you want to simulate a real world, you must need massive data support, oceans, mountains, forests, rivers, cities, climate, the most difficult thing is the millions of animals and plants, and they must be simulated to thrive on the earth, Everyday activities, this is an almost impossible task.

But with the help of the Taiji Diagram, Chen Xin knew every corner of the solar system, which made it possible for the development of the second world.

In the past two years, Chen Xin has handed over most of the immigration affairs on the planet to the governments of various countries. He, Gang Bing and a group of top scientists on the planet formed the second world development team, devoting all their energy to the second world. development of the world.

The development of the second world involves all aspects of the real earth, especially under the request of Chen Xin, the second world basically involves all fields, from the simulation of the natural environment and climate to the simulation of the most elementary particles, even steel coins. Almost driven crazy by Chen Xin.

But this also allowed them to create a huge miracle in just two years.

The amount of data in the second world is as high as 2.4BB [BB, YB, ZB, EB, PB, TB, GB...], which is 2400 billion billion billion bytes.

It can simulate all the fermions and bosons in the standard model [Fermions are the particles that make up matter, such as various types of quarks and leptons... and bosons are the particles that transmit the four basic forces , such as photons that transmit electromagnetic interactions, gluons that transmit strong interactions, and Higgs bosons that transmit gravitational forces...], the entire solar system can be simulated at most, this is also because the scope covered by the Taiji diagram is limited, otherwise Not to mention the entire solar system, even the Milky Way, the local group of galaxies, the Virgo supercluster, and even the entire universe have no problems.

Of course, unless one day human beings can dominate the Milky Way, and then spend a huge amount of resources to measure the data of all planetary systems in the Milky Way, or one day human technology can develop to the level of that unknown ancient civilization, creating an incredible picture like Tai Chi existence, otherwise these are just thoughts.

Among the massive data in the second world, more than 99.999% were provided by Chen Xin, and the programs written by Gang Bing were less than one in [-].

But the real essence is precisely this one hundred thousandth.

After taking control of the entire earth, Chen Xin got all the starstones from the governments of various countries. Afterwards, Gangyi formally manufactured a starstone computer with the starstones.

This starstone computer seems small, only the size of a suitcase, but it is almost the fastest supercomputer in human history, with a calculation speed of more than 3.56 trillion trillion trillion operations per second.

The most important thing is that this starstone computer has the ability of fuzzy calculation. With this ability, the core program of the second world developed by Gangbi can evolve the whole world by itself under the condition of setting the basic parameters.

In the second world, the speed of light is m/s, Planck’s constant is 6.626196×10^-34 J.s, and the gravitational constant is 6.67×10^-11 N.square meter/square kilogram. In this world, from the most basic Fermions, bosons, and the atmospheric circulation involving the entire earth follow the physical laws in the real world.

It was with Starstone Computer as a guarantee that Chen Xin dared to develop programs like the Second World.

But even so, they only completed the part of the earth in two years, and the rest of the sun, moon and other planets are just models, and the specific parameters need to be supplemented by Chen Xin.

As for the other stars of the Milky Way seen from the earth, they are just background props and do not have any substantive significance.

At present, Chen Xin has connected the Starstone computer with the central computer on the New Earth, and then connected it with the billions of virtual network landing cabins in the human life circle through the data transmission network.

But the biggest problem now is that although the second world has been created, how to set its background and how to maximize its functions are still under discussion among scientists.

In the past two years, scientists from various countries have discussed a lot about the second world. Some people think that an online game will be developed on this basis to restore the life of human beings on the earth and allow human immigrants to gradually adapt to life after leaving the earth.

Some people think that this is too wasteful. According to the simulation level of the second world, it can be turned into a large-scale experimental base. It's not a problem at all, and the cost of the experiment is reduced by countless times compared to the original experiment on the earth.

In addition, fluid simulation in the fields of chemical engineering and aerospace, material ratios in the development of new materials, life tests of high-performance aerospace engines during long-term operation, high-power laser weapons, and particle beam weapon experiments... The second world is in engineering research and development. The field has almost unparalleled advantages.

For example, the high-temperature, high-pressure and high-speed operation test of the turbine disk of an aero-engine may cost billions of funds and several years to find new materials that can meet the targets on the earth, but here, it is input on the same program. Things with different parameters can be done in a day or two.

For human beings, the second world is almost a booster for scientific and technological progress, and almost 90.00% of scientists support it as a large-scale scientific research and experiment base.

But Chen Xin has never given a clear answer. He always feels that scientists from various countries still underestimate the role of the second world, but how to use the second world, neither he nor the steel penny, have much clue at the moment.

He originally thought that Chen Zheng, Li Haiping, and Xu Mao came to him today to urge him to make a decision as soon as possible, but Xu Mao's first words surprised Chen Xin.

Xu Maodao: "Mr. Chen, in fact, we old men have discussed the second world for a long time in private. We think that perhaps the greatest use of the second world should be in the field of education."

"education field?"

Chen Xin glanced at Xu Mao in surprise and said, "Old Xu, what do you say?"

Xu Maodao: "Mr. Chen, you must be aware that although the Star Ring Group has created a good environment for human beings to go to the universe, with the current population quality of human beings, it may not be a good thing to overthrow the seedlings. Among other things, the current population on the earth There are also more than one billion people who are absolutely illiterate, and people who cannot recognize the symbols of modern society, and functional illiterates who cannot use computers for learning, communication and management, account for more than 30.00% of the entire human population. Entering the New Earth, although we have the ability to afford their future life, but under the good welfare system and superior living environment, are we just raising them as pigs? Even those who have received education above middle school , it is not very easy to adapt to such a new era for a while!"

Chen Xin nodded. Although he had thought about this problem before, he hadn't thought about it deeply. Now that Xu Mao made such a point, he really felt the problem.

Chen Xindao: "Old man, what suggestion do you have?"

Xu Mao and the remaining elders looked at each other with a smile, and said, "My suggestion is that it is best to design Second World as a game with all-round educational functions, which can satisfy the needs of all human beings from primary school to university to Ph.D. Educational needs, but at the same time, such a game must also be entertaining and competitive, and virtual currency can even be implemented in it, so that everyone can earn enough money to meet their living through such a game!"

Xu Maodao: "There is another advantage to doing this. At present, the traditional school education methods of human beings have certain flaws. Oriental education strengthens students' self-discipline awareness by suppressing their individuality. This has achieved good results in the basic education stage. But it will also solidify students' thinking. Western education adopts a stocking strategy in the basic education stage. Although it stimulates students' divergent thinking, the foundation is not solid enough, and it is easy to become a major problem. Therefore, reform education through the second world Means, improving the scientific literacy of all human beings as soon as possible is what we need to do most now!" (to be continued~^~)

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