super robot clone

Chapter 593 Night Chapter

Chen Xin's eyes widened, and he almost didn't spit out a mouthful of hot water. His drunken eyes suddenly recovered, but he quickly came to his senses, and continued to pretend to be drunk: "Li... Liya, what are you doing now? What means?"

Liya lowered her head, not daring to look at Chen Xin at all, her ears were blushing, and she mumbled, "Senior, I...I..."

Liya was selected for training since she was a child, and she has received various elite educations. You let her govern the country, engage in scientific research and even march and fight. She has no problem, but no one has ever taught her how to seduce a man.

Liya couldn't say a complete sentence for a long time, so she just ignored it and walked towards the bed with her head buried.


Chen Xin quickly stood up and stopped her.


Liya stopped in her tracks, raised her head, her pretty face was flushed, and she looked at Chen Xin with watery eyes.

Chen Xin held back the throbbing in his heart, and said, "Leah, do you know what you are doing? Who forced you?"

Liya was so embarrassed that she seemed about to cry, she didn't have the refreshing and capable appearance in the past, and stammered: "'s me...I want it myself!"

Chen Xin's heart beat twice violently. Some women's charms are born, and Liya's shy appearance just added a bit of temptation.

"do not come!"

Liya's eyes widened, she looked at Chen Xin puzzled and said, "Senior!"

Chen Xin put on a straight face and said, "Why, don't you even listen to my words?"

Liya lowered her head, a little aggrieved: "Liya dare not!"

"Stand where you are!"


Leah lowered her head, feeling a little overwhelmed for a while.

Chen Xin turned his head away, trying to suppress the trace of regret in his heart.

If it was a few years ago, when beautiful women dedicated their lives, Chen Xin might not care about it, and he would have sex if he got it.

But after several years of experience, especially when Wang Xiaoyue and the others chose to hibernate to wait for their return, Chen Xin felt the responsibility on him.

Moreover, the relationship between him and Tianqin civilization is still unstable, so how could he provoke such emotional entanglements.

Li Ya quietly raised her head to look at Chen Xin, her heart was in a state of confusion.

When she made up her mind to dedicate herself to Chen Xin just now, she still felt a little humiliated, but when Chen Xin stopped her, she felt a sense of loss.

For a while, she didn't know how to face Chen Xin.

Chen Xin rubbed his temples and said, "Sit down and talk!"


Leah sat down on the edge of the bed like a wronged little daughter-in-law.

Chen Xin said: "Liya, are you worried that I will leave in the future, regardless of the life and death of Tianqin civilization, so you want to tie me up in this way?"

Leah lowered her head and did not answer.

Chen Xindao: "If you don't speak, I will take it for granted!"

Liya quickly raised her head and said: "Senior, no, it's... I like you, I want to be...with you..."

After saying these words, Leah's ears turned red.

Chen Xin rolled his eyes and said, "Leah, didn't your psychology teacher teach you not to dilate your pupils when you lie."


Leah was slightly taken aback.

Chen Xin waved his hand and said, "Forget it, I drank too much tonight, so I'll go to bed first. But I want to declare that I won't touch you. If you want to sleep here at night, then lie on the other side of the bed by yourself. Thinking of this, Her Majesty Alice will be more at ease. If you leave, then go back and tell my words to Her Majesty Alice. Secondly, even if you become my person, if I really don’t want to protect the Tianqin civilization, you can send me It doesn't matter how many women, on the contrary, if I decide to protect you, then it doesn't matter if you donate or not!"

As he spoke, Chen Xin waved his hand, and the lights in the room dimmed immediately.

He got under the covers and closed his eyes.

Liya sat blankly on the edge of the bed, looked at Chen Xin who had fallen asleep, and didn't know what to do.

After a while, Liya gritted her teeth, carefully took off her dress, and got under the quilt wearing only a pair of underwear.

Chen Xin at the other end seemed to feel something, and moved his body to the other side.

Leah opened her eyes, looking at the colorful ceiling above her head, with mixed emotions in her heart.

For a long time, she has been famous for her beauty in Tianqin civilization, and has countless suitors.But she never thought that one day when she gave up her dignity and wanted to dedicate her body to a man, she would be rejected by the man.

This is even more difficult for her to accept than making her give up her dignity and dedication.

She didn't know what the relationship between her and Chen Xin would be like in the future, but she knew in her heart that it would be difficult for them to return to the simple and harmonious relationship they had before.

Just as Liya was thinking about various thoughts, Chen Xin's voice sounded: "Liya, are you awake?"

"Ah, senior, I didn't sleep!"

Chen Xin said: "Then chat with me."

Liya said: "What do you want to talk about, senior?"

Chen Xindao: "Just tell your own story!"

"My own story?"

Liya's eyes became misty, and she slowly fell into memories.

Liya is 130 years old this year, which is still just an adult in the Tianqin civilization.

For more than 1000 years, she has lived in learning and competition.

From science to literature, from art to engineering, from law to administration and even military strategy.

Liya eliminated countless competitors, and after hundreds of assessments, she stood out from hundreds of billions of people and became the first heir to the Tianqin throne.

Li Ya's voice was not hurried or slow. After talking for an unknown period of time, her eyelids gradually became heavy, and then she slowly fell asleep.


When Liya woke up the next morning, Chen Xin had long since disappeared.

She dressed and came to the restaurant, Queen Alice had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Liya, the queen waved to her with a smile and said: "Liya, my lord has gone out for a walk, I have specially prepared red rice porridge for you, drink it while it is hot!"

Li Ya's pretty face flushed red all of a sudden, and said hastily, "Your Majesty, actually I..."

Queen Alice said with a smile: "Oh, why are you so shy, women, you have to pass this test, your lord has already told me, from now on you will follow him and be his liaison officer!"

"Ah! But..."

Leah was taken aback, and she was about to say something, Queen Alice interrupted her again: "Leah, that's fine, if you follow your lord in the future, maybe you can see our Lyra civilization grow up That day! Another adult also said, I hope you can take him around Phoenix Star."

Leah fell silent.

Part of the abridgement, make up the number of words (to be continued~^~)

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