super robot clone

Chapter 595 Tachyon Technology

Chen Xin was not aware of the changes that happened millions of light years away. At this time, he was visiting the star circle of the capital of the Lyra civilization, accompanied by Leah.

Residential planets, industrial planets, war fortresses, various types of warships, and finally major universities, research institutes, and laboratories have all become the targets of Chen Xin's visits.

Everything in the Tianqin civilization is almost one-way transparent in front of Chen Xin.

In the brain memory of Gangbang, philosophy, natural science, social science, history, art, culture, and all kinds of materials related to Tianqin civilization are being rapidly constructed to form a complete system.

Chen Xin also seized the time to learn all aspects of Level [-] civilization.

From the most basic mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, to philosophy, sociology and even theology, the complete grand unified field theory, space curvature theory, tachyon technology, dimension technology, heavy element fusion technology, antimatter theory, Chen The breadth and depth of knowledge that Xin has mastered is not much inferior to that of Liya, and with the help of Steel Metal, his vision will undoubtedly be much broader.

Of course, if it wasn't for the transformation of his body by the Taiji Diagram, Chen Xin might not be able to master so much knowledge no matter how hard he tried.

Until this time, he also understood why the Carbon-based Life Alliance did not regard the second-level civilization as a member of the interstellar civilization.

Here, the most important reason is the difference in the development of the living body's own potential.

To use a simple analogy, the current him can basically achieve a photographic memory, so he can calmly learn the content from shallow to deep in various subjects.But on Earth, no one can do that.

From elementary school to high school, after completing the study of basic subjects, everyone will study by subject after entering the university, and as your academic qualifications improve, from bachelor, master to doctor, you will find the fields involved in your major Narrower and narrower, deeper and deeper.

Finally, even the top scientists may be the authority in a certain professional field, but for these people, some common sense in life may not be as good as ordinary people.

It is also because of this that after breakthroughs in genetic technology, almost every civilization will strengthen the development of individual life span and brain.

And this is precisely one of the iconic technologies of the third-level civilization.

In a fifth-level civilization like the Tianqin civilization, the knowledge that any ordinary person among them has is infinitely stronger than that of the most talented scientists on earth.

Chen Xin is an exception among human beings. After the transformation of the Taiji Diagram, although he still maintains the appearance of a human being, there is a very big difference in life span and learning ability in all aspects.

Even the seemingly advanced subjects of the Tianqin civilization, Chen Xin was still able to learn them with ease, and even Chen Xin couldn't figure out why.

While Chen Xin quickly enriched himself through the Tianqin civilization, the Tianqin civilization was not without gains.

Not only did they learn a lot of secrets about the Carbon-based Alliance and the Silicon-based Alliance from Chen Xin, but also during the visit, Chen Xin would also relay Gangbeng's views on some engineering and technological fields to the other party, often in one sentence. Among them, those scientists and engineers who accompanied Chen Xin on the visit gained a lot.

Time flies by unconsciously.

Chen Xin may stay in a certain research institute for several months. Sometimes when he visits a certain university, he becomes interested and may study with those students for the first half of the year.

It took Chen Xin 25 years to go through the thousands of habitable planets and industrial planets and tens of thousands of academic research institutions in the star circle of the capital of the Tianqin civilization.

In the past 25 years, he has almost become a god-like existence in the hearts of scientists and engineers of the Tianqin civilization, and the overall scientific and technological strength of the Tianqin civilization has been further improved with his help.

You must know that the Tianqin civilization itself is already a fifth-level peak civilization. For this level of civilization, its engineering technology has been developed to the extreme. If there is no further breakthrough in basic technology, it will be difficult to make further progress.

With the help of Chen Xin, in the past 25 years, although they still failed to break through the barriers of the sixth-level civilization, they have made great strides forward and successfully developed a curvature engine 120 times the speed of light, which is higher than the original one. The speed per hour has increased by one-fifth, but don't underestimate this one-fifth. Once their warships are equipped with new engines, the fleet of the Lyra Civilization will have a great advantage against other five-level peak civilization fleets. Make it the most powerful armed force in the galaxy.

At the same time, their tachyon technology, space curvature detector, quantum communication technology, gravitational wave telescope and other technologies have made greater development.

Especially the progress in the field of tachyon technology has almost made a qualitative improvement in the technology of the entire Tianqin civilization.

Tachyons are actually a physical concept, also called tachyons, tachyons, and tachyons, which are subatomic particles.

When human beings are on the earth, they have already derived this imaginary particle from the theory of relativity—the tachyon always runs in the universe at a speed higher than the speed of light c.

Although the people on Earth have not been proved experimentally, the Lyra civilization has already verified the existence of such particles through experiments.

In fact, if a civilization develops to the peak of the third level and needs to find the theory of the Great Unified Field to advance to the fourth level of civilization, Tachyon is a hurdle that cannot be bypassed.

Tachyons have strange physical properties.

Its mass is an imaginary number, and its speed will increase infinitely with the dissipation of energy. When its energy tends to zero, its speed tends to infinity.

Once a tachyon is produced, it has a speed greater than the speed of light.To reduce its speed, it must be supplied with energy.If it is to be reduced to the speed of light, it must be supplied with infinite energy, so its speed cannot be reduced to the speed of light or lower than the speed of light.

But even for a fifth-level civilization, there are countless mysteries hidden in Tachyon.

Among them, the problem of negative energy of tachyons is a key.

The appearance of negative energy means that any physical system is in an unstable state because it may release tachyons infinitely, and the system will increase its own energy infinitely, thus leading to the appearance of perpetual motion machines.

Moreover, what is even more surprising is that even if tachyon pairs are produced infinitely, the law of conservation of energy and momentum will not be violated, and the total energy in the vacuum will not be changed at the same time.

In addition, according to the Lorentz transformation, during the process of transforming tachyons from one coordinate system to another, the order of time may be changed, that is, time goes backwards.

On Earth, a physicist named Buhler once published a doggerel to ridicule the tachyon theory.

"The young girl's name is Bao Lei. She has a skill that is hard to catch up with. Kuaizi theory is here to guide her. She travels today and returns last night."

Although these two difficult problems can be explained with the help of the secondary explanation principle (that is, a particle with negative energy should be regarded as being absorbed first, and then emitted, in this way, negative energy and time flow backwards and positive energy and time flow forward. The meaning is exactly the same, so the laws of physics remain unchanged after transforming the coordinate system), but it does not solve the problem of the constant law of causality.

In addition, tachyons may propagate at an infinite speed, so if tachyons exist, they may transmit action information instantaneously, and it seems possible to return to the concept of "action at a distance".

Therefore, in the scientific system of the Lyra civilization, although the tachyon theory appeared very early, the research and application of this kind of particle is still in a rather extensive stage.

At present, the Tianqin civilization mainly uses the action of tachyons at a distance for detection and communication.

Needless to say about communication, the two superluminal communication methods mastered by the Tianqin civilization, tachyon communication and quantum communication.

Tachyon communication has the characteristics of low energy loss, high data transmission density, and convenient communication. However, its operating distance is relatively short, and it is easy to be interfered and cracked by the enemy. It is mainly used for communication within ten light years.

The characteristic of quantum communication is that it consumes a lot of energy and is relatively cumbersome, but its long-distance effect is instantaneous, even if it is separated from the two ends of the universe, it can be reached in an instant, and its secrecy effect is very good, there is almost no possibility of being intercepted by the enemy . (to be continued~^~)

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