super robot clone

Chapter 605 Interstellar Pirates 2

What's more, when facing the third-level civilization, as long as this spaceship shows up, those low-level civilization fleets will only be scattered.

However, Pruk still has a certain degree of self-knowledge. Under normal circumstances, he would not have the idea of ​​those fourth-level civilization fleets at all, and among the third-level civilizations, he would not touch the third-level peak civilization like Aesop civilization. .

As a qualified interstellar pirate, bullying the weak and fearing the strong is an essential skill for Pruk.

The reason why he wanted to attack Flame Gamma this time was mainly because 20 years ago, he heard that the Aesop civilization planned to hand over Flame Gamma to a third-level civilization that had lost its parent star as a foothold.

If a third-level civilization loses its home star, then the other party will become a rootless duckweed in this universe. How could Pluke easily let go of such a good goal.

For this reason, Pruk did not hesitate to spend huge sums of money to buy off several officers of the Aesop civilization stationed in the Flame γ Fleet, and obtained information on that third-level civilization.

According to what we know, that civilization is called Earth Civilization. When they came to Huoyanγ, there was only one living spaceship left, and there were only dozens of escorting warships left. It was very poor.

Although I don't know why the Aesop civilization is willing to give up the flame gamma to such a low-level civilization, it is not uncommon for Pluke to see such a thing.

Those high-ranking fourth-level and fifth-level civilizations will occasionally intervene in the disputes between the third-level civilizations. At least, the nominal authority of the Carbon-based Life Alliance must be guaranteed.

Although this kind of authority is worthless in the chaotic star field!

It would be great if we could capture Flame γ this time and get all the resources of Earth civilization.

These earthlings are the purest human races. Although most of them look ugly in Pluke’s eyes, they can’t stand the favor of those gentlemen. It is said that the high-level people of spider civilization and Medusa civilization like the human race most.Although under the strong protest of the Lyra civilization, this method of using intelligent civilization as food has been restrained a few years ago, but since the terrorist attack at the headquarters of the Carbon-based Life Alliance in the Milky Way 50 years ago, the non-human civilization The hatred for humanoid civilization has intensified, and the behavior of using people as food has gradually become popular again.

Even some interstellar pirates in the chaotic star field specialize in this kind of human trafficking business, and the profit is even higher than robbery.

If this vote is successful, I will go to the black market to buy a few "asteroid" warships with a fourth-level civilization, and the strength of the Gale Pirates can be improved to a higher level, and it may become a quasi-first-class force in the chaotic star field.

Pruk licked his chapped lips, a greedy expression appeared on his face.


At this time, in a manor on the New Earth, Chen Xin also welcomed the visit of Vader, the current chairman of the Supreme Council of the Human Alliance.

"Mr. Chen, this is the outline of the ten-year discovery plan recently passed by the Alliance Congress, please read it!"

Chen Xin waved his hand and said, "You can make your own decisions about this kind of thing, you don't need to show me!"

Although Chen Xin put on a detached attitude within the Human Alliance, neither Vader nor other high-ranking government officials ignored his existence. Even every important decision made by the government would come to Chen Xin for advice.

Chen Xin has said it many times, but they still don't change it, and Chen Xin has nothing to do.

Wade smiled, he didn't care about Chen Xin's attitude, and said: "Mr. Chen, there is one more thing, I'm afraid you need to make a decision."

Chen Xin said, "What's the matter?"

Vader said: "Before the fleet of Aesop Civilization left Flame Gamma, Evans Special Envoy came to me and said that Flame Gamma might not be safe, let us be careful!"

"Flame gamma not safe?"

Chen Xin was slightly taken aback.

Vader nodded and said: "Yes, Evans Envoy said that he had received news that some interstellar pirates might attack us, and he told us to deal with it carefully!"

Chen Xin frowned and said, "How's the strength of those interstellar pirates?"

Vader said: "According to Evans, the strength of interstellar pirates with the idea of ​​a third-level civilization will not be much higher."

Chen Xin nodded and said: "I see, how is our fleet training now?"

Vader said: "In addition to your satellite-class warship Jiangcheng, we have a total of three satellite-class warships, 28 asteroid-class warships, and 380 meteor-class warships. Although these warships are limited to around the third class, But the real combat power is a bit higher than the warships of the Aesop civilization. Except that they cannot fly faster than the speed of light, other performances are almost the same as ordinary fourth-level civilization warships. At present, our fleet is already on the flame γ planet 150. Patrol work has been launched on the periphery. In addition, we have also received 20 interstellar turrets and more than [-] gravitational wave radars from the Aesop civilization, which can provide us with an early warning of about ten hours! However, the number of these radars is limited, and they still exist A large part of the detection is blind, unless the enemy fleet happens to pass through the radar scanning area, it is difficult to find the enemy's traces."

Chen Xin nodded and said, "I see. I will solve this problem. If any enemies come, I will notify you."


Wade gave Chen Xin a surprised look, and left respectfully.

After thinking for a while, Chen Xin went directly to the basement of the manor, boarded the secret track train, and headed to a large dock in the New Earth.

Soon, the hatch of the dock opened, and the spacecraft Jiangcheng slowly drove out.

At present, the New Earth is revolving around the No. [-] planet. When the Jiangcheng came out of the New Earth, it happened to be able to see the huge figure of Flame γ.

Looking at Flame γ from here, its volume is dozens of times larger than the diameter of the sun on Earth, but Flame γ is a fairly quiet red giant star, and its overall appearance is orange-red, and a faint red light and shadow is projected on the surface of New Earth. It gave the New Earth a dazzling glow.

A red giant does not radiate as much light and heat as a normal star, so even at this distance its radiation is very limited.

In the Jiangcheng command center, a holographic projection star map appeared in front of Chen Xin, and then, a soft voice sounded: "Master, Jiangcheng is at your service, please set a specific destination."

Jiangcheng's artificial intelligence was tailor-made for him by Gang Yan according to Chen Xin's requirements. The voice sounds quite high and cold, not at all chattering like Wali.

Chen Xindao: "Go to planet No. [-]!"


Jiangcheng flipped over lightly, and the conventional momentum engine on the back half of the spaceship started, emitting a dazzling light.

Since planet No. [-] is less than fifty astronomical units away from New Earth, Jiangcheng does not need to start the curvature engine, and only needs conventional power propulsion to arrive in a very short time.

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