super robot clone

Chapter 74 Medal?Can I eat it?

As soon as the news came out, the whole world was dumbfounded!

Chinese netizens, who had been swearing before, quickly changed their positions and sang praises for the five brave men who saved hundreds of passengers.

As for the aviation expert who expressed his IQ emotion in the CNN live broadcast room, it was a complete tragedy. Not only was his complaint video uploaded to well-known foreign video sites such as Youtube, but domestic Youku Tudou and other large and small video sites were also spread all over the place. Netizens Neatly line up a message below: Are you laughing at our IQ?

When the plane was hijacked last time, some public opinion in China called on China to send special forces to Entebbe International Airport for rescue. They never thought that the hijacker made a joke with everyone, released them as soon as they landed, and then disappeared. Without a trace, saving lives is out of the question.

But this time it was quiet. No one expected that there was a Chinese [***] delegation on the flight from Dubai to Paris, especially the four Chinese [***] With such an advantage, he dared to confront them with his bare hands in the cabin, and the results were brilliant, killing them all without any damage to himself.

What is even more surprising is that when the pilots both died, there was actually a Chinese citizen who stood up and landed the passenger plane safely at Charles de Gaulle International Airport in Paris without any flying experience. Everyone on board was saved.

Naturally, Chen Xin didn't know that the situation had undergone such a dramatic change. When he connected to the Internet, all major domestic forums, post bars, weibo, and button groups basically worshiped and praised them.

After all, this kind of thing is too embarrassing for the Chinese, and it is too elated.

Many Chinese students studying in France even left messages on the Internet. Many French people gave their thumbs up when they heard that the other party was Chinese, and their attitude was much better than before.

Moreover, as more and more details were revealed, while people marveled at this legendary anti-hijacking process, they also became more and more curious about the specific identities of these five people.Now reporters from major news media around the world are looking for Chen Xin and the others, hoping to dig out their specific identities as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the French did a good thing. They arranged the passengers on this flight to stay in six different hotels, which naturally greatly distracted the attention of the reporters.Not many reporters knew the hotel where Chen Xin and the others were staying.

However, not long after Chen Xin and the three drove out, Yan Shan still found someone following him.

"Miss Qiao, is someone following us?"

Qiao Ting frowned, turned her head and glanced behind, and asked, "Is that the red Toyota business car?"

Yan Shan said: "Yes, I saw that car near the hotel just now, but they followed us after we came out of the underground parking lot, and they have been following us until now."

Chen Xin turned off the light curtain page on the glasses, turned his head to look at it, and said, "Brother Yan, are they reporters?"

Yan Shan said: "It should be, I just saw the reflection of the lens."

The "Little Butterfly" glasses began to focus, and quickly zoomed in on the Toyota commercial vehicle. There were two foreigners sitting in it, a man and a woman. The man was driving, and the woman was fiddling with the camera in her hand. The two were talking about something. .

Chen Xin patted the mechanical watch on his wrist, and the steel coin slipped off Chen Xin and disappeared into the carriage.

A round metal ball rolled out from under the Chevrolet car without a sound, went straight to the red Toyota that was following, and disappeared under the Toyota car.

A few seconds later, the Toyota's engine let out a piercing scream, burst out black smoke, and quickly shut down.

The man in the car hurriedly stopped the car by the side of the road, patted the steering wheel, and cursed: "Scheisse!!!"

The woman got out of the car in a hurry, held up her camera and took a few more pictures of Chevrolet.

The voice of the steel hammer sounded in Chen Xin's mind: "Old Dou, you are a reporter from the German "Bild" newspaper!"

Chen Xindao: "We can leave them alone."

Qiao Ting was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What did you say?"

Chen Xin pointed to the back, Qiao Ting turned her head, her eyes widened, she covered her mouth, and a bright smile appeared on her face.

Yan Shan also took the opportunity to turn his head to look, laughed and said: "They deserve to be unlucky, now you don't have to think about how to get rid of them."

It is the peak time for commuting in Paris, otherwise, even with Yan Shan's driving skills, it would be difficult to get rid of them under such road conditions.


More than half an hour later, Yan Shan drove to a four-star hotel in the center of Paris. The hotel is near the Champs Elysees Avenue. After parking the car in the hotel parking lot, the three got out of the car and came to the second hotel. building.

Yan Shan took out a room card and handed it to Chen Xin, and said to Chen Xin: "Brother Chen, your room is 2008, I want to help you carry your luggage there, now you go to the hotel conference room with Miss Qiao, someone wants to see you. "

Chen Xin was a little taken aback, but he still nodded, took the room card and followed behind Qiao Ting without saying a word.

The two entered the hotel's elevator along the corridor one after the other. Qiao Ting pressed the button for the 8th floor, turned her head and asked Chen Xin, "Aren't you curious who wants to see you?"

Chen Xin smiled, and said nonchalantly, "Who else is there besides political people?"

After all, with such a big event happening last night, it would be unreasonable for the Chinese government not to talk to him. Chen Xin had already been prepared for this.

Qiao Ting curled her lips boredly, and stopped talking.

Two minutes later, the two entered the hotel conference room one after the other. There were already six people sitting in it. In addition to the three guards who participated in the anti-hijacking operation last night, there were two men and a woman. Among them, the man and woman sitting in the middle The status is obviously relatively high, he looks in his 2s, and the other person is in his thirties, taking notes on the side.

Seeing Qiao Ting bring Chen Xin in, everyone stood up. The middle-aged man stretched out his hand and smiled, "Our hero is here."

Qiao Ting introduced from the side: "These two are Chinese Ambassador to France Wang Yubo and his wife, Ms. He Meijing, and that is Counselor Zhang Yaojie of the embassy."

Embarrassed, Chen Xin extended his hand to shake Wang Yubo's hand and said, "Hello, Ambassador Wang."

Then he shook hands with the ambassador's wife and Counselor Zhang respectively.

The group sat down as guest and host. Ambassador Wang said, "Mr. Chen, I took the liberty of inviting you here today. I really want to discuss something with you."

Chen Xin said: "Please tell me."

Wang Yubo paused, and said: "It's like this. Not long ago, the French government contacted our embassy, ​​hoping to award you the French Legion of Honor in recognition of your contribution to the anti-hijacking operation. It will be held in July of this year, and the possibility of passing it is very high. The French Legion of Honor was established by Napoleon in 1802 to replace the knighthood system of the old dynasty. It is the highest honor awarded by the French government and the French military and civilian honor. The symbol is also one of the most famous medals in the world. The Legion of Honor is an honorary organization that includes soldiers and civilians who have made outstanding contributions to the French Republic; and the Medal of the Legion of Honor is the glory and honor of its members symbols of."

Chen Xin was stunned for a moment. The French government ax was too powerful. Once he accepted such a medal, he would really set himself on fire.

The voice of the steel coin rang in Chen Xin's ear: "Old Dou, what is that medal made of? Can you eat it?"

Seeing Chen Xin's dumbfounded look, Wang Yubo was amused, and continued: "Mr. Chen, there is one more question. The French side hopes that the five of you can be interviewed by Agence France-Presse and France National Television, but you should also know that, Yan Shan and Xiao Le have special identities and are not suitable for such public events. So we also hope that you can stand up and be interviewed by the French media as a representative."

Chen Xin thought for a while and asked cautiously, "Ambassador Wang, I have a question now."

Wang Yubo said, "What's the problem?"

Chen Xindao: "Can I not want this medal?"

Wang Yubo was stunned, as if he didn't hear clearly, and asked, "You said, you don't want this medal?"

Chen Xin nodded embarrassedly.

Everyone in the conference room was stunned, looking at Chen Xin in disbelief.

For the first time, Qiao Ting looked at Chen Xin seriously, as if she wanted to see exactly what was wrong with this man's mind, and how many unexpected things he would do.

ps: Button group: 130874781, everyone is welcome to join the discussion.Sorry for being late, tell me, do you want this medal?


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