Chapter 14 Gossip

"Millions of houses? Will you really give me a house?" Ruo Fei asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Okay, okay, don't be serious." Zihan put away his smile and said seriously: "During the competition, I will always supervise the promotion and sales of real estate. I may not have time to watch your competition. But all the publicity in newspapers, magazines, radio and TV stations I have already arranged the interview work, and they will do a good job in the step-by-step publicity and promotion of what to do first and then what to do; I have also arranged for the work of the judges, you just need to relax and dance to your heart's content Just dance, and don’t have to think about anything else.”

"Are you really not going to watch the game?" Ruofei asked.

"After all, I am the sales director of the company. Besides, I proposed this case. The promotion and sales of the real estate will take up a lot of my time, so I really don't have that much time to watch your competition," Zihan said apologetically: "But when you compete for the championship, I will definitely support you, and I will personally send you the key to the building as a reward."

Hearing Zihan say that he didn't have time to go to the competition site, Ruofei suddenly felt relieved, "If you don't go, then I can dance as I like, maybe I will dance the high heels dance I just danced tonight. Take it to the game."

Seeing Ruofei's excited and mischievous look, Zihan smiled, "I said that the stage is yours, you can dance however you want..."

"Really? That's great!" Ruofei suddenly had a thought in his heart, maybe he could try to compete with another unusual self.

The "Anju Paradise" dance competition finally kicked off in a grand and warm atmosphere!

Since the competition did not divide dance categories into genders or ages, the scene of the competition always felt a bit nondescript.It seems that what is being held is not a dance competition, but an entertainment talent show.Kindergarten children with upside-down braids; sixty-year-old ladies in red trousers and green coat; Xiha's street dance is elegant and Latin... In short, this dance competition has brought together dancers from all walks of life in Binshi and the surrounding areas of Binshi. Men, women, old and young all take part in the competition, and the dances and costumes they dance are also varied.

Who cares, what Zihan wants is a sensational effect in the city, if not a stage.As for what kind of game it is, it doesn't matter at all.

In the first game, if it wasn't for the direct promotion without any suspense.To be exact, if he didn't have to participate in the pk match after match, he would directly enter the top ten and get the final right.Since there is no need to participate in pk matches one after another, Ruofei has a lot of free time and time to watch the games or do something he wants to do.

Although the dance competition has brought together many master dancers, most of the contestants are dance lovers who have become monks. Real practitioners are really rare.However, among the few contestants, the appearance of a dancer named "Dong'er" attracted many eyeballs.

I saw that this person is thin and capable, handsome and handsome, with powerful movements and free and easy dancing. He is like an eagle soaring over the grassland or a petrel fighting the wind and waves on the sea; The dancing sleeves are practiced in the air, the drumming is mighty, rolling and jumping in the air, like a light and agile dragon soaring through the clouds and swallowing the mountains and rivers...

Dong'er won the applause of everyone in every competition, so much so that in several competitions, the judges all gave out perfect marks.After passing five levels and killing six generals, Dong'er successfully entered the final.

When the competition entered the top ten finals, Ruofei finally had the opportunity to show everyone his graceful dancing posture.Or like a variety of delicate and beautiful peonies, or like a chilling and beautiful frost plum, with willows swaying branches and dragonflies touching the water for a while, she created the artistic conception of "falling flowers surround the tree without a shadow, returning to the snow from the wind and darkness". The desert is burning with flames in full bloom, depicting a beautiful ink painting in the misty and rainy south of the Yangtze River...

When the competition entered the top five pk competition, everyone was looking forward to how wonderful and incredible it would be if it wasn't for a contest with Dong'er, a pair of two dancers who were like a golden boy and a jade girl. things.

But when people were looking forward to a gorgeous dance competition, the dancer named "Dong'er" suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if the world had evaporated.

This is really frustrating.There is nowhere to vent the disappointment, so many rumors spread.Why Donger was forced to withdraw from the competition, what kind of competition was tricky, what champion had already been determined by default, and so on.The spread of rumors is like polluted water, the speed of spread and the impact caused are unimaginable.Soon, some of the eliminated contestants became dissatisfied and complained. Since the champion had been determined by default, didn't all the contestants become foils.

Rumors and rumors spread everywhere, and one needs to find an outlet and a target to vent, and soon the rumors pointed the target at Ruofei.

Why does this person named Ruofei directly enter the top ten finals? Why does Dong'er stop competing after one match after another for no reason...

If I didn't feel helpless and wronged in the face of these rumors, wouldn't I really dance worse than that Dong'er?Don't you all like Dong'er and don't you like me?

Dong'er...If it wasn't for looking at the distance for a while, he finally decided to ask Dong'er to come out for another match.

Dong'er is back again, back to the stage of the dance competition.I saw him wearing a long white gown with a green and black belt around his waist, black and shiny hair in a high bun, thick eyebrows and thin eyes, and a long sword in his hand.

The audience below the stage burst into warm cheers.And among the cheering crowd, there was a person who had been silently watching Dong'er on the stage, his eyes couldn't restrain the excitement that radiated from his eyes.

It is said that the Binh City Dance Contest is in full swing, and a dancer named Dong'er received thunderous applause from the audience.And among the cheering crowd, there was a person who had been silently watching Dong'er on the stage, his eyes couldn't restrain the excitement that radiated from his eyes.

This person is Zi Han.

Originally, Zi Han was busy with the house sales of "Anju Paradise" and had no time to take care of the dance competition.I didn't expect that a "Dong'er" would suddenly appear on the stage of the dance competition, and I didn't expect that the audience would become suspicious of the competition because of the sudden disappearance of "Dong'er", and created so many rumors that some house buyers Some people have doubts about the preferential policy of "living and working in peace" housing promotion. Some buyers even think that the so-called housing discount is as unreal as the dance competition.

Zihan really didn't expect that a simple dance competition named after the company's real estate would have such an immeasurable impact. He felt that the situation seemed a little bad.So Zi Han, who originally focused on house promotion and sales, had to start paying attention to the dance competition, and pay attention to the dancer named Dong'er.

Hearing that the missing Dong'er was coming back to compete again, Zihan deliberately came to watch the competition quietly, he wanted to see what is so magical about this Dong'er.

Speaking of which, Dong'er really deserves her reputation, handsome yet delicate, her dancing posture is light and unrestrained yet flexible, especially those eyes, which are melancholy, sad, indifferent and lazy....Zihan felt as if she had seen those eyes before, but she couldn't remember for a while.

Zi Han stared intently at Dong'er on the stage, not only attracted by Dong'er's chic and light dancing posture, but also fascinated by his blurred eyes.

Besides Zi Han, there was another person who was also staring at Dong'er on the stage intently.When Dong'er came back to the backstage panting with a long sword in hand, those eyes immediately followed her.

"Dong'er, your grades are good."

Dong'er was about to go to the dressing room to remove her makeup when she heard someone shouting and turned her head.

"Ke'er? Why are you here?" Dong'er exclaimed in surprise and excitement.

"Why can't I be here." Kerr asked back.

"Didn't you...didn't you leave with that rich businessman..." Dong'er asked suspiciously.

"What, what, I didn't go anywhere and didn't follow anyone. I, Ke'er, also came to participate in the dance competition." Ke'er interrupted Dong'er impatiently, and said quietly, "Your grades are good."

Dong'er smiled and shook her head, "I just think it's fun to play casually."

"Just play around?" Ke'er stared at Dong'er with wide eyes, "Just play around with a house and you'll get a lot of money, you're lucky, you..."

"how could be……"

"Why not? Now people all over the world say that the champion has already been decided by default, and that is Ruofei." After finishing speaking, Ke'er approached Dong'er mysteriously and asked in a low voice: "If I'm not wrong, Ruofei It's you. If you don't have Dong'er tossing and tossing around for a while, why would you kill two birds with one stone and become a double champion?"

"I didn't..." Ruofei said embarrassingly, "You...don't talk nonsense."

"Still quibbling." Ke'er said jealously and gloatingly: "Let me tell you, people all over the world are eager to see if it's not the ultimate PK competition with Dong'er. You can take it easy and don't screw up your acting."

Dong'er was about to say something, but someone said politely from the side: "Hi, Mr. Dong'er! I am the sales planning director of 'Anju Paradise', nice to meet you!"

Dong'er trembled all over, as if bitten by a snake, her body was stiff and she dared not turn her head.

"Then what... see you later, Ke'er."

Dong'er greeted Ke'er and ran away in a hurry.

Zi Han stared down at Dong'er's back in a daze for no reason, not knowing what was wrong.

"You are the sales director of Anju Paradise? You are so handsome!" Ke'er turned her head to look at the embarrassed Zi Han, and shouted excitedly as if remembering something: "This dance competition is sponsored by your company! Wow Hey, that's great!"

"You are..." Zi Han looked suspiciously at Ke'er who was shouting in excitement.

"I'm also a contestant in the competition, please... please take care of me!" Ke'er's voice trembled with excitement.

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