The Era of Masculinity: Ambiguous Getting Fired

Chapter 27 Being a "Man" for the First Time

Chapter 27 First time being a "man" (3)

If you hadn't stared blankly at the naked snow-white Xiaoli's body with wide eyes, from the slender neck to a pair of white and tender towering twin peaks, the graceful waist and... the mysterious area covered by dense grass.

If it wasn't for seeing Xiaoli's neck all the way to her toes in a daze, the hot air made Xiaoli's whole body look mysterious and alluring, if it wasn't for the more she wanted to see, the more she couldn't see clearly and she couldn't figure it out.

When Ruofei suddenly raised her head, she found that Xiao Li was smiling and looking at herself ambiguously with her eyes squinted. The dirt on her face had already been washed away, and her slender eyes were shining with a charming light of desire.

"Why don't you watch it, keep watching. Don't you think I'm pretty?" Xiaoli's provocative voice was like a heat wave gently blowing against Ruofei's cheeks, it was so hot and itchy.

"I...I..." If you didn't close your eyes at a loss, you could feel the blood rushing to your forehead, and your heart seemed to jump out of your throat.

"Look, look..." Xiaoli deliberately straightened her white and delicate body and leaned in front of Ruofei, "Look, look..."

If it weren't for his eyes still tightly closed, his heart was beating hard like a snare drum "bang bang bang".

A wet and silky hand stretched out, stroking Ruofei's cheek gently and tenderly, Ruofei couldn't help but raise her head, and her breathing became more rapid.

The slippery hand gently held his face up, and then slowly slid and walked along his cheeks, neck, shoulders, and chest... Finally, the slippery hand pulled away Ruofei to cover his lower body hands.

"Relax, relax, don't be so nervous, why are you so nervous, I can't eat you." Xiaoli's soft voice floated gently along Ruofei's eardrums, "Look at your promise, thank you Still a man, really..."

Perhaps it was Xiaoli's words that stimulated Ruofei, and his nervous beating heart suddenly relaxed, and he thought stubbornly: "I am a man, a man, she is not afraid of a woman, I have nothing to fear."

So Ruofei began to spread out his palms and gently stroke Xiaoli's body, starting from the neck... But, the more he touched, the more hesitant he was. He had never touched a woman's body like this, it was so smooth, tender, and soft. Silky and silky, if it wasn't for retreating, it would be a little scared.

Ruofei's hand was about to retract, but Xiaoli's hand held it tightly.Then Xiaoli simply grabbed Ruofei's hand and pressed it on her snow-white, soft, towering peaks...

Xiaoli closed her eyes in enjoyment, her red lips parted slightly, and a soft moan came from her throat...

If it weren't for feeling that the brain was blank, the body was constantly expanding, as if it was about to explode.He gasped desperately, and finally hugged Xiao Li uncontrollably...

It was the first time in his life that if he had not put himself into the arms of a woman other than his mother, he felt that he had become a baby, and he couldn't wait to re-insert his body into a warm and comfortable womb.

If you can't help but eagerly and clumsily explore Xiaoli's mysterious soft warm body, cheering and jumping like a free-swimming fish, swimming freely and heartily without restraint .

Xiaoli's body seemed to have also turned into a fish, swimming happily to her own beat, moaning happily...

After a long time, the two men who were drenched in sweat profusely softened their bodies and let out a long sigh of relief.


If it wasn't for the sudden nausea, the naked "flesh worms" that Zihan saw when he followed Zihan to the private club appeared in front of his eyes.

Look at myself lying naked in the black quilt now, isn't she a disgusting flesh worm?He turned his body over and turned his back to Xiao Li, motionless and stiff, tears streaming down involuntarily.

I have imagined marrying Ke'er countless times, although I don't know what marriage is all about.But my first time was dedicated to an inexplicable woman who had only met once in inexplicable joy, if it wasn't for this moment, I couldn't tell what kind of mood I was in.

But just for a short while, this sad and lost mood was quickly replaced by a kind of excitement of discovering the unknown, and the crazy scene just now kept reappearing in my mind.Snow-white ketone bodies, towering mountains, free-swimming fish, mysterious caves, rushing rivers...

Ruofei's body felt hot and dry, and he couldn't help turning over.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned his body over, his mouth was tightly wrapped by a hungry mouth, and then his body was tightly entwined by a soft and warm snake. Before he could fully react, his body was already connected to that Two soft snakes became one.

Obviously, if he hadn't gained experience this time, he would not be so clumsy and hasty as before. With all his strength, he swam the fish farther and deeper, rolling and jumping in various tricks, and finally made Xiaoli's body limp happily and contentedly.

I can't remember how many times I did it with Xiaoli this night.Every time after finishing the work with enthusiasm and impatience, Ruofei felt an inexplicable sense of loss in his heart.

He couldn't figure out why he liked Ke'er in the first place, but why he slept with Xiaoli in a daze.He felt sorry for Keer.I'm not only sorry for Ke'er, but also for Zi Han.

Ruo Fei's feelings are subtle and complicated, the one who feels sorry is Ke'er, the one who feels betrayed is Zi Han, and the one who is full of anticipation is Xiao Li's body...

This complex and subtle feeling made Ruobu extremely terrified and full of grievances, like a lost child suddenly at a loss.

A ray of sunlight shone on Ruofei's face, Ruofei woke up from sleep, and saw a dreamy and blurred picture of Sleeping Beauty in a trance.If he didn't rub his eyes vigorously, could he be dreaming again?

At this time, the eyelashes of Xiaoli's slightly closed eyes trembled, and a charming sigh came out of her mouth softly and coquettishly.Ruofei's heart beat faster again uncontrollably, blood rushed to his forehead, and his whole body swelled up again.So without hesitation, he turned over again and hugged Xiaoli violently, pressing his body onto it...

Xiaoli is like a bug who can't eat enough, letting Ruofei play with her body.She likes to look at Ruofei's greedy eyes on herself.If Fei's eyes are more greedy, it means that the boy will be more interested in women, which means that the boy will be more alienated from Zi Han.His more alienation from Zi Han means that he has more hope for Zi Han.

"You are great! Good man!" Xiaoli kept shouting and praised enthusiastically.

If it wasn't for hearing Xiaoli's praise, he would have worked even harder, as if he wanted to put all the hormonal energy accumulated in the past 18 years into this night.

On the bed, in the process of conquering Xiaoli, amidst Xiaoli's praise, if he didn't feel that he had become a tall and real man, a real man.And for so many years, man, the appellation and compliments of men are the compliments that I have been most longing for!

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