Emerald King

Chapter 191 Smell the wind

Two hours later, Lin Yue came to the place they agreed upon. Although he came earlier this time, he still didn't find any good wool. Now he has no hope but pins his hope on Jieyang Gongpan superior.

At this time, Wu Kaixuan and Wang Yidao had arrived.

They agreed on a street corner, where there are relatively few people, and the woolen materials have already been put aside.

Lin Yue glanced at these two pieces of wool casually and found that these two pieces of wool performed well, and belonged to the kind of wool with strong blockability that can be used immediately at a glance.

These two pieces should be the two pieces that Wang Yidao said he found yesterday!Emerald King 191

Lin Yue secretly thought, and then greeted Wang Yidao and Wu Kaixuan.

The three exchanged pleasantries, and then hired someone to transport the wool to the place where the stone was removed.

Xie Shi Linyue didn't know where to go at all, this was completely prepared by Wu Kaixuan and Wang Yidao, he just needed to go.He had already thought about this sparring.This is definitely an excellent moment to attack Wu Kaixuan's status in Wang Yidao's heart. He will definitely go all out. If he can, he really wants to compete in a more public place, because it will make it ugly for Wu Kaixuan to lose. Wang Yidao It will be difficult to save face, and it will depend on the other party at that time, and he doesn't care.

Soon the three of them came to the busiest section of the street, and at this time the street was already full of people.

Stopping in front of a booth, the boss inside saw Wang Yidao and the others coming. Lin Yue told the people who were looking at wool to back off, and then greeted him with a smile. He obviously knew Wang Yidao.

In this calculus?

Lin Yue looked around, the smile on the corner of his mouth flickered, and then changed into a low expression, which was for Wu Kaixuan, but he kept looking at Wu Kaixuan from the corner of his eyes, paying attention to the other's expression.

When he comes to the place with the most people to discuss, he can conclude that the other party's so-called wrong connection is to embarrass him, or else just find a workshop to discuss and it will be over. As for coming here?

Now is not the time for soldiers to come and cover you up. If you want to embarrass me, then I will embarrass you!

Wu Kaixuan, Zhengchou has no chance to retaliate against you, but you ran into the gun yourself!

Seeing Lin Yue's expression, Wu Kaixuan was very excited. Wang Yidao didn't ask about yesterday's events this morning, but instead asked him if he had the confidence to win today's sparring.Hearing Wang Yidao's words, he immediately understood that Wang Yidao believed his words to a certain extent, and he immediately said that he had confidence.This confidence is not only derived from his own strength guarantee, but also because Lin Yue said yesterday that his stone-dissolving technology has not improved.He knew Lin Yue's rock-dissolving technique from the ground up. If he didn't improve, he would definitely not be able to win against him, so he had this confidence.

Seeing Wu Kaixuan's affirmation, Wang Yidao looked straight at him and nodded without saying anything, and immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call to arrange things.

Wu Kaixuan originally wanted to compete in crowded places. This was his only chance to prove himself and win Wang Yidao's trust by stepping on Lin Yue. It was also the best chance, even if he was not 100% sure of winning To take a gamble, he believed that he would not lose.When he came to Yushi Street, he realized that Wang Yidao had the same thought as him, and arranged the place in a crowded place, so he didn't need to persuade him at all.

God help me too!

It seems that what I said yesterday has worked, Wang Yidao is going to deal with Lin Yue too!This is Wang Yidao's opponent's style, humiliating heartily in front of everyone.

Many people have heard of the Emerald King Wang Yidao, but they don't know who Wang Yidao is.When Wang Yidao revealed his identity in front of the booth, it immediately caused a sensation in the whole street.

Jade King appeared on Jieyang Yushi Street!

As soon as the news came out, all the people were moved by the wind, laughing crazily and flocking to the place where the Jade King appeared, wanting to see the true face of the Jade King Wang Yidao.

Seeing the crowds outside.Lin Yue and Wu Kaixuan's moods were similar, the same thing was that they were all excited, and it was in his best interest to have more people.The difference is that Lin Yue is a little more worried, because he is worried that once his identity is disclosed, he will never want to leave this place, and it may cause congestion.And Wu Kaixuan was more excited, he seemed to have seen the scene of his success.Emerald King 191

The stone-dissolving machine has been turned on, the place has been cleared and the exit has come, and the outside is full of people who came to see the face of the Emerald King.

Seeing all the people around him focus their attention on him, Wang Yidao felt a sense of pride in his heart, then cleared his throat slightly and said, "My friends, I am Wang Yidao, one of the Emerald Kings. The reason why I showed up is because there are two young heroes here today to discuss calcite technology, one is Wu Kaixuan from my Dexinge processing factory, and the other is a mysterious person from Ronglexuan. His identity It is very special, so it will not be announced at this time."

While talking, he pointed to Wu Kaixuan and Lin Yue respectively.

"The two of them don't look at these young people, but they are both highly skilled in calculus, and they all came from calculus workers. In order to avoid unfairness, I dare to ask everyone to be a witness here today, so that everyone can judge the two. What is the final result of the person, is it my stone-dissolving master in Dexin Pavilion or Rong Lexuan's stone-dissolving master."

Wang Yidao's words undoubtedly elevated the extremely simple discussion to a duel between two Jade King's subordinates.

Hearing Wang Yidao's words, the surrounding people burst into commotion. The stone-cleaning workers of Dexin Pavilion under the Emerald King Wang Yidao in front of him competed with the people from Rong Lexuan of another Jade King. Although the stone-cleaning skills are not very interesting Yes, but this gimmick is not usually big.Many people have already begun to speculate on the final result and the cause of this incident.

Lin Yue's expression darkened immediately when he heard the words. He didn't expect Wang Yidao to make such an announcement and rise to the level of the two major forces.Especially when he admitted yesterday that his stone-solving skills had not improved, once he lost, it would mean that Rong Lexuan was not as good as Dexin Pavilion. !

Originally, I was still concerned about your identity, but since you've done such a great job, then I won't be polite!

So Lin Yue took a step forward and asked: "Senior, did you just say that I represent Rong Lexuan, and Wu Kaixuan represents your Dexin Pavilion?"

At this moment, Lin Yue had completely given up on his original modesty. He was being bullied by others, so how could he bear it? His strength was just to add fuel to the fire.

Lin Yue's questioning tone caused a trace of anger to flash across Wang Yidao's face, but it turned into a smile the next moment, and said, "It's okay if you think so, but I just want to emphasize the identities of the two of you. , to make this discussion more interesting, don’t you think it’s more attractive to add your identity and background?”


Lin Yue nodded when he heard the words, and said: "That's more interesting. I represent Rong Lexuan, and Wu Kaixuan represents Dexin Pavilion. If I win, Rong Lexuan wins. If Wu Kaixuan wins, Dexin Pavilion wins. I want to see how far Lin Wu Kaixuan has progressed, whether my master is better or his apprentice!"

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