Emerald King

Chapter 221 Confronting the Emerald King

Even if it's not me, I can definitely win!

I am the Emerald King Wang Yidao, I will definitely win!

If he could shout, Wang Yidao would have yelled angrily, but he couldn't, he could only growl in his heart, the veins on his forehead popped up again, his fists clenched, his whole body tensed up .

I can definitely win!

One minute and 59 seconds, good!I will challenge you for one minute and 59 seconds, I don't believe that I, the Jade King, can't pass my best score with one sword!Emerald King 221

Lin Yue, just wait for me!

Hearing the time announced by the staff, Jiang Wenwen shook his head. This time was also a huge challenge for him. This shaking of his head was for Wang Yidao.

Now Wang Yidao is in trouble!

Young people can't be underestimated these days. No one knows what kind of strength they will explode. In everyone's eyes, it is impossible to face the Emerald King, but Lin Yue accepted it resolutely and made it to this point. , I have to say that Lin Yue had absolute confidence in his own strength from the very beginning.

Lin Yue deserved to be No.1 in the stone gambling world in the future!

One minute and fifty-five seconds!

Hearing this time, Song Wanquan almost jumped up from his chair with no excitement. At this time, it would be very difficult for Wang Yidao to surpass even Wang Yidao. Jump to win!

In this way, Lin Yue will not lose the chance to finally challenge the Jade King, and at the same time, he will also get Jieyang's acknowledgment card. By then, he has obtained four of the six acknowledgment cards, and he is one step closer to the final challenge to the Jade King.At the same time, Lin Yue will also become the No.1 who has the strength of the Jade King before becoming the Jade King, and will be famous all over the world!

He Youzang also had an excited expression on his face, he had already lost his temper too much today, but he didn't feel anything, it was all worth it for his brother.

When Yan Kuan below the ring heard the announced time, he couldn't help but roared up to the sky, showing all his arrogance.

1 minute 59 seconds?

Lin Yue shook his head slightly, he didn't control the time well!

Then he took the paper and pen and wrote his price on it, and pushed the paper under the statue of Guan Gong.

Now that what he has to do has been completed, everything depends on God's will. If Wang Yidao's appraisal time is shorter than him, and the price he gives is more accurate than him, then he can only accept his fate and lose.

But he has this confidence. He once asked his master how long it took him to appraise a piece of wool similar to the one in front of him. His master told him it was 2 minutes and 20 seconds.Lin Yue thought that Wang Yidao's strength was much worse than his master's, so he shortened the time by 10 to [-] minutes. This time will definitely make Wang Yidao have no power to parry.

He will not fight an uncertain battle, so he has confidence!

Returning to his seat, Lin Yue smiled slightly when he saw He Youzang and Song Wanquan giving him thumbs up at the same time.

Now it's time for Wang Yidao's appraisal,

This time the draw has changed dramatically in the third game. At the beginning, Lin Yue's chances of winning were small, but now Lin Yue's chances of winning have increased infinitely. The real pressure is Wang Yidao.Emerald King 221

Whether Wang Yidao can make a reversal at the end like in the second round, and explode wildly, everything is unknown.

Those who fear that the world will not be chaotic wish that Wang Yidao can explode again, so that the whole game will be worth watching.

Taking off the blindfold on his eyes, Wang Yidao simply adapted to the surrounding light, and then looked at Lin Yue, his eyes were full of viciousness.


With a cold snort, Wang Yidao walked towards the wool, came to the side of the wool, and turned his back to the wool.

Looking at Wang Yidao's figure, a sneer appeared on the corner of Lin Yue's mouth. He didn't want to see things come to this point, but now he must do this for himself and win!

So, Wang Yidao, you should take the title of Emerald King!


This is the beginning of Jiang Wenwen's last sentence today, and everyone knows that the countdown has begun after this shout.

Wang Yidao became crazier than appraising the second piece of wool. Although Su knew that this piece of wool was not as simple as he imagined when he saw the wool, he had to be quick!He must win!

Although Wang Yidao's identification speed is very fast, it feels like he is trying to speed up his pace at the last moment of running, but he feels powerless.

Gradually, Wang Yidao began to sweat out of his head, and he felt that his speed was slower than Lin Yue.


Can't be so slow!

Must be faster than Lin Yue!

Hurry up!

Faster! ! !

Wang Yidao became even crazier, and the movements of his hands became faster. He picked up mineral water and splashed water on the wool, and took out a strong flashlight to hit the surface of the wool. It is not an exaggeration to describe Wang Yidao's actions.

But even so, the speed is still not as fast as Lin Yue's.

Lin Yue's speed just now was no longer identifying the wool, but more like browsing the wool, looking at the various characteristics of the wool at a glance.But now Wang Yidao's speed is indeed burning, and at the same time he took a few more glances to leave time for thinking.

quick! ! ! !

Faster! ! !Emerald King 221

Wang Yidao let out a low growl from his throat, and the speed became even faster, reaching or even surpassing Lin Yue's speed just now!

Faster! ! !

Wang Yidao's eyes were red, and his muscles were tense. At this moment, he was more like a person who lost his mind, and became extremely crazy.

Seeing Wang Yidao's speed, Lin Yue couldn't sit still anymore. He felt that he was a bit overbearing, and Wang Yidao's eruption should not be underestimated.

What should I do if his identification time is shorter than mine, and the identification accuracy is higher than mine?

Thinking of losing, Lin Yue's calm heart also had a slight fluctuation.

Losing means that he has to give up his challenge to the Emerald King!

Losing means that you will not be able to achieve the highest score on the road of betting on stones!

If he loses, he might really lose everything!

It shouldn't be too big! ! !

Lin Yue's eyes were fixed on Wang Yidao's movements, and he began to curse himself inwardly.

With Wang Yidao's low growl, his appraisal was over, and he immediately raised his hand.


It's over so soon?

Some people on and off the stage didn't react.

How much time? ? ?

All the people in the audience were staring at Wang Yidao's movements and forgot to count the time. They felt that it should be about the same time as Lin Yue. It was because of this feeling that they couldn't wait to know how long it was.

The scene immediately became silent, and everyone looked at the five timekeepers.

Did Wang Yidao spend more or less time than Lin Yue just now? ? ?


Xiaobu has an exam tomorrow. He has two exams in the morning. He has been reviewing all day today. There is no way to code tomorrow's chapters. After reviewing at night, he doesn't know if he will have time to code.If so, Xiaobu will post the code tomorrow morning and update it on time tomorrow morning. If the review is very late, I can only say sorry to my colleagues. I will not be able to update it on time tomorrow morning and noon. Bu will be desperately typing, there will be many chapters tomorrow, and the update may be concentrated in the afternoon or evening, please forgive me!

Thanks for the small step! ! !

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