Emerald King

Chapter 240 Boss

"Quickly bet the door with the rocks under the bed!"

Lin Yue shouted hastily, and immediately went to move the stone under the bed after speaking.

Hearing this, Wang Bin, Shen Fan, Er Dan and the others rushed over to help immediately, and threw the stone towards the door regardless of the size of the stone.

Lin Yue knew that this was not the way to go. He looked at the things in the thatched cottage, and his eyes lit up when he saw a thick wooden stick.

Apart from anything else, he immediately turned his gaze away and pressed against the door. At the same time, he quickly dug a small hole in the ground with the Hanyue carving knife, allowing the wooden stick to be a good ground for the landlord.Emerald King 240

There was a lot of gunfire outside, and at the same time there was the howling of wolves. .

"Come into the house!"

The leader's voice came in immediately, making the person inside throw stones at the door even faster!

Soon, there was a strong force coming from outside the door, followed by the sound of kicking the door. Fortunately, the door of the middle-aged man was relatively strong and was not kicked open.

"Boss, this door cannot be opened!"

As the sound of kicking the door stopped, a terrified voice came from outside.

Then there was another loud kick on the door, and hearing the creaking of the wooden sticks of the members, the four people in the room were worried for a while, but they continued to throw stones. At this time, half of the stones on the bed had been thrown by them. the door.

After kicking it a few times, I felt that the door couldn't be opened, and there was an unwilling roar from outside: "Go to your damn door! Everyone, run, go over there and climb the tree!"

"Boss, what about these seriously injured brothers?"

"Escape is important!"

As he said that, footsteps sounded outside, from near to Yuan, and several gunshots rang out from time to time.

"They left?"

Wang Bin asked in a low voice, with some disbelief on his face.

"Let's go, hurry up, we must bet the door to death, and other places that are easy to enter must be blocked, the pack of wolves may be able to enter!"

Lin Yue said hastily.

Ten minutes later, several people finally finished their work, squatting on the ground and panting loudly. The experience just now was too thrilling for them. If it wasn't for the wolves, their lives would have been lost long ago.

To be precise, if Lin Yue hadn't killed the wolf, they would have been fed bullets by now.

No one spoke in the thatched hut for a long time, and soon Erdan's stomach rang.

Lin Yue smiled slightly, stood up and brought his bag over, took out the food and distributed it.Then Wang Bin and Lin Yue introduced themselves.Emerald King 240

Hearing that Lin Yue and the others came to find someone to find him, Shen Fan and Erdan were very excited.Then they told about their own affairs. It turned out that after they entered the mountain, they encountered a big python. They were so scared that they ran away immediately. As a result, they ran without knowing the direction.They spent the night looking for a place to find their way back the next day, but they ran into two outlaws. The other party wanted to kill them, but they kept them because they thought their organs could be sold for money...

After listening to their narration, Lin Yue didn't know what to say. What happened in the past two days was too mysterious. When he entered the mountain, he first encountered wolves, and then encountered two groups of desperadoes. I accidentally found the person I was looking for. Fortunately, God blessed me, otherwise he would have died five times.

It's good to be alive!

A few people didn't go out, but chose to stay overnight before going out, because they didn't know what was going on outside, what if the wolves didn't leave.

Now everyone is looking forward to Lin Yue, and everyone admires the extreme, bravery and adaptability he showed just now.

The next day, several people simply ate some compressed biscuits, then opened the door and walked outside.

Lin Yue took the lead, holding the Hanyue Hanyue carving knife in his hand, and the willow leaf blade was also ready at any time. After confirming that there was nothing unusual, he let the others come out.

Except for the bloodstains outside the thatched hut, the corpses of humans and wolves have disappeared, and even the pheasants in the fence are only left with feathers, and the traces of dragging and wolf claws can still be seen on the ground.

On the way back, Wang Bin led the way and returned the same way. If Lin Yue, a road idiot, led the way, the rest of the people would probably spend the night in this deep mountain and old forest again.

Not long after entering the deep forest, just when a few people thought the crisis was over, a bloody man jumped out from the grass, pointing at them with a gun in his hand and shouting, "Don't move!"

This sudden crisis made the four of them feel a little dazed immediately, and just after getting out of the crisis, they entered another crisis.

The only one who was more sober was Lin Yue. He recognized that it was the voice of the leader from yesterday. At the same time, his brain was running quickly. He noticed the scars on the leader's body, and immediately had an idea.

"Brother, are you a special soldier? Are you on a mission? We are not bad guys, we are tourists. If we are bad guys, how can we have children?"

A smile appeared on Lin Yue's face. After experiencing many crises, his state of mind was no longer as at a loss when he suddenly faced a gun yesterday.

Lin Yue's words made the leader stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile on his face: "I am a special soldier, and I am on a mission, but the mission failed. Can you take me out of here?"

Saying to leave, there was a glint of sternness in the boss's eyes, and he killed more than a dozen brothers, but fortunately he is still alive, and he has everything in life. After a catastrophe, there must be a great blessing. !With these four people, everything he lost will be doubled.

"Brother, I see that you are injured. I am a student of the medical university. Shall I treat you?"

Lin Yue said and walked forward.

The leader hesitated for a moment, then nodded, suddenly saw the Hanyue carving knife in Lin Yue's hand, immediately became cautious, and said, "What's wrong with the knife in your hand?"

"Knife, don't you travel in the mountains, so I bring it for self-defense."

After speaking, Lin Yue handed the Hanyue carving knife to Wang Bin, and then continued to walk towards the leader.

Seeing that Lin Yue put down the knife in his hand, the leader also tacitly agreed that Lin Yue would treat him, but his gun kept leaving his hand.Emerald King 240

Lin Yue took out the gauze and disinfectant that had been prepared for emergencies from his backpack, and then came to the leader.

Seeing Lin Yue's actions, Wang Bin and the others watched quietly all the time. They believed that Lin Yue would have his own way to deal with the situation in front of him.

Seeing that Lin Yue had such professional potions and gauze, the leader's wariness suddenly eased a bit.

Lin Yue first bandaged the wound on the left arm of the leader, and then came to the right side, ready to wrap the right arm.

Because I was holding the gun in my right hand all the time, if I was suddenly attacked by someone, I would definitely be caught off guard, but seeing that Lin Yue didn't make much movement when bandaging his left arm, the leader hesitated for a moment, and continued to let that Lin Yue Jump bandage.

Immediately, a cold light flashed in Lin Yue's eyes, who was bandaged against his head, and he exerted force with both hands, a grabbing movement had been formed, and at the same time, the muzzle of the gun was directed at the empty place.

The boss didn't expect Lin Yue to attack suddenly, but his reaction was fast enough, since Lin Yue's capture failed.

Practice family!

Lin Yue was slightly startled, and the strength in his hands became stronger. Since he couldn't do it with one move, let's fight hand-to-hand.

Lin Yue raised the leader's right arm holding the gun high to avoid accidentally injuring other people.The left hands are entangled, and the lower legs are attacking each other.

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