Emerald King

Chapter 279 1 Palm

Anguo's words are undoubtedly of a very high standard, completely avoiding the important point and explaining the problem lightly, and it also led the people on the scene to another point of excitement. The appearance of a point of excitement can easily make that person forget what happened just now, wait When I think about it, I probably don't care.


"That's right, I really saw it today"

"Haha, it's worth it for me to come today!"

 … Jade King 279

Anguo's words played a role, and the following words of approval spread everywhere.

In fact, these people still have complaints in their hearts. The real game cannot be recorded on the spot. The purpose is to prevent others from seeing his stone betting skills. secret.It would be great to be able to record video, so they can go home and analyze it, but now they have no choice but to shoot from a distance.

It's Qin Zhongshan! ! !

Lin Yue thought for a while, and immediately judged it!

This piece of wool must have been arranged by Qin Zhongshan!Besides the Qin family, who else has such counterfeiting technology?

Moreover, this piece of wool is obviously very difficult to identify, and the other party only took such a short time to identify it. Did you see it as a piece of fake wool at a glance?Unless a fool thinks so, can Qin Zhongshan see that the people from the Jade Association can't?Although it can be explained that the other party has seen a lot of fake wool, so they are particularly sensitive to fake wool, but the possibility of this is less than one in a thousand!It is completely negligible!

How did he insert the wool into it?

Lin Yue suddenly remembered that the other party had sworn not long ago that money could turn ghosts around and help him become the Emerald King. If this was true, it would be too easy to insert a piece of wool.

At this moment, he could already feel the coolness on his back. If it were someone else, he might be in trouble today.

Sure enough, I was playing dirty, it seems that I am still too pure!

Lin Yue thought viciously in his heart, since the other party has already made a move, then he will not be polite.

You want to win this round, no way!

Qin Zhongshan's identification time was counted, ten seconds exactly!

This result amazed the people around, but made Lin Yue sneer from the bottom of his heart.

Shocked, the people around looked at Lin Yue, wondering if this person who often performed miracles would be able to perform miracles again this time.Appraisal of a piece of wool in ten seconds has obviously become a possible event among impossible events. Is there still less of the most amazing scene in ten seconds to today?

No one expected that a competition would reach such a level, and the peak duel between the Emerald Kings would be nothing more than this. This time, Lin Yue and Qin Zhongshan let everyone see what the real strength of the stone gambling world is, not only It is only comparable to ordinary people's small fights. After this competition, the entire stone gambling world will surely usher in another spring!

After Qin Zhongshan wrote his appraisal price on paper and pasted it on the iron board, it was time for Lin Yue to appraise it.

Hearing that it took ten seconds for Qin Zhongshan's appraisal, Lin Yue intentionally revealed a look of shock and solemnity.

Qin Zhongshan looked at Lin Yue with a sneer. He was sure to win this competition. He didn't believe that Lin Yue could identify the piece of wool. Even if he saw the difference, it would probably take a few minutes.After he wins this game, it will be his match point. As long as he wins another game in the afternoon, he will win.It is undoubtedly very difficult to change the woolen material in the afternoon, because the five pieces of woolen material have already been selected, and they will not be replaced unless there is something special. What can be done, who can prove that he did it, even if someone can prove it, what can be explained, Lin Yue has already lost, and it is impossible to recover the halo of honor on his body after it is lost.At that time, Lin Yue will be a disabled person. As long as he uses some means, such as accidental car accidents, etc., then a big threat will disappear.Emerald King 279

Master, come on!

Guangping silently prayed for his master in his heart. Thinking of what his master said just now that he used half of his strength, he felt a little bit at a loss. Isn't half of 25 seconds equal to 12 seconds?As long as the master works harder, he will be able to break through ten seconds, for sure!

"The appraisal begins!"

With an order, Lin Yue immediately turned around and started the appraisal.

After doing a few bullshit movements with his hands that he didn't even know, he immediately raised his hands.

Have five seconds?

Lin Yue didn't know either, he felt like it took him almost five seconds.

Seeing Lin Yue raise his hand, everyone on and off the stage was shocked.

Although they don't know how much time Lin Yuejing spent, they know very well that it must not exceed ten seconds.

Appraisal of a piece of wool within ten seconds?

Did he use his true strength or is there something wrong with this piece of wool?

As a result, the audience in the audience once again focused their attention on the judges, and the judges felt even more embarrassed now. It would take at least 10 minutes for them to identify this piece of wool, but now two people took ten seconds each, and Another person used the insufficiency, and they really didn't know how to explain it.

If it doesn't make sense, then don't explain it.

This is Anguo's idea of ​​cutting the mess with a sharp knife. I have already explained it just now. Explaining it again may make people feel guilty, so I will not explain it.

Qin Zhongshan stared at Lin Yue firmly, his face was a little ugly, and he had a bad premonition in his heart at this moment.

Lin Yue took so little time to appraise, there is only one possibility, that is, the other party also saw that it was a piece of fake wool, but how could this be possible, this is the piece of wool with the highest counterfeiting skills in their Qin family, even if he It can't be seen that it is fake, how can Lin Yue see it?

Judging by quality?

The weight of this piece of wool is the same as that of the same volume, there is absolutely no big deviation, and the other party did not pick up the wool to see, so this possibility can basically be ruled out.

How did you find out?

At this moment, a shocking scene happened.

Lin Yue raised his right hand and slapped fiercely at the wool beside him. There is a lot of liquid in this wool, and one part of it is relatively weak. He is confident that the prototype of this wool will be revealed with his palm. He has this strength.

"Crack!" Jade King 279

Lin Yue withdrew his hot and painful palm, looked at the wool, and found that the wool was much harder than he imagined, and there were some small cracks, but the whole wool could not show its original shape.

Not once but twice!

Lin Yue clenched his fist with his right hand and slammed it down until a hole was made.It's not that this piece of wool is not good, but that Lin Yue's strength is too great.

Seeing Lin Yue's unusual behavior, An Guo had already moved closer. When he saw a hole Lin Yue smashed, his face immediately became extremely gloomy. He thought of a possibility, a possibility that he could never bear. possible.

The stone gambling world doesn't care about face, what matters is truth!

So Anguo didn't care about the impact on the Jade Association at all, and yelled at the judges in public: "What's going on???"

When the judges in charge of wool selection saw the piece of fake wool on the ground, they immediately showed disbelief on their faces. How could this be a piece of fake wool?Could it be that it was dropped by someone, or was this piece of wool fake from the beginning?

(Thanks to the book friend Weilan Xiong for the reward, thank you~~)

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