Emerald King

Chapter 44 A Touch

As he spoke, he pointed to Lin Yue.The value of this piece of jade is definitely more than 26. He is still very happy to bet on Lin Yueneng. After all, he is his apprentice, but he still has some doubts in his heart.

Hearing this, Ma Lao turned his attention to Lin Yue again.

Lin Yue pondered for a while, thinking of He Changhe and asked: "Mr. He, can this piece of jade be sold to Rong Lexuan?"

All he has now is this piece of emerald, and he will go to gamble with He Youzang a week later. He needs enough money, so he has to sell this emerald first.The fat and water don't flow to outsiders' fields, so naturally they can't be sold to other places because of the relationship with Mr. Ma.

"Sell it?" He Changhe was taken aback, then smiled in relief, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll accept it on behalf of Youzang, how about 60?" Jade King 44

"60?" Lin Yue was shocked. He judged that it was worth 30, but he didn't expect it to be worth 60. Could it be that Mr. He deliberately took care of himself?Lin Yue hesitated.

"Do you think the price is too low?" Lin Yue's hesitation made He Chang or a little puzzled.

"No, I think the price is a bit high. I don't think this kind of jade is worth 60 yuan, at most 30 yuan."

Lin Yue expressed his true thoughts.

The people next to him were amused when they heard it. They have seen businessmen, but they have never seen such businessmen. They are not willing to pay a high price, but they want to charge a low price.

"Hehe." He Changhe said with a smile: "The price of jadeite has gradually increased recently, and this piece of jadeite is not as simple as you think. It is definitely a treasure when it is carved. Although the kind is not very good, the price will not be too low , if the engraving is good, a small million will not be a problem, and the price of 60 is definitely not low."

Lin Yue was speechless when he heard the words, and felt ashamed at the same time. He had received the news a few years ago. Now that the jadeite market is changing rapidly, he can no longer keep up with the situation. He must pay more attention to this information when he has the opportunity.

"Old He, this time the emerald is yours, right? Let me carve it." Ma Lao was still thinking about the emerald in front of him.

"Hehe, don't worry, old horse, this must be yours."

The matter of wool materials came to an end, and Lin Yue took the opportunity to pester He Changhe to learn about jadeite in preparation for his one-week trip to Tengchong.He Changhe was so entangled by Lin Yue that he had no choice but to teach him little by little according to the woolen materials in the processing factory. At the same time, he also warned him to learn the knowledge of porcelain and not to be left behind.Lin Yue wildly nodded in agreement.

Back home at night, Lin Yue suddenly received a call from a stranger.

"Hello, are you Lin Yue?" A rough but haggard man's voice came from the phone.

"Hello, that's me. May I ask what you can do for me?" Lin Yue was sure that he had never heard this voice before.

Hearing Lin Yue's confession, the other party became a little excited: "Hello, hello, did my daughter find you this morning, and then you bought a piece of jade wool for 26?"

"Your daughter is Ming Yiran, yes, I bought it."

"It's just you. I'm sorry. The child is not sensible. She doesn't know the weight. That emerald wool is not worth that much money. I know you are a kind person, but we can't take your money. You give me your card number. Me, I'll return the money to you." Ming Yiran's father said anxiously.

Lin Yue was shocked physically and mentally when he heard these words, and was deeply moved in his heart.

What a simple person!My mother is seriously ill in bed, and I would rather bear this responsibility by myself than take a piece of money that is unconscionable!

Only such parents can teach Ming still such a pure person.Emerald King 44

Hearing the other party's voice, an image of a simple middle-aged man appeared in Lin Yue's mind. He was haggard and haggard, but his eyes showed determination.The suffering of life cannot be overwhelmed, he has his own code of conduct.If it is not your own, you will never be greedy.

Lin Yue slowly suppressed the emotion in his heart, tried his best to keep his voice steady and said: "You don't have to pay me back the money, that piece of wool is really worth so much money."

"You don't have to lie to me. No matter how many people you ask, they say it's a piece of waste." The man's voice was very sincere.

"What I said is true. I definitely didn't lie to you. I untied the piece of wool this afternoon, and the emeralds came out of it, so you can accept the money with confidence. It's important to see a doctor for the old man."

"You didn't lie to me, did you really produce emeralds from that piece of wool?"

"Really, I didn't lie to you." Lin Yue's tone was very sure.

The man didn't speak for a long time, and he didn't know what he was thinking. After a long time, he said with a slightly choked voice: "Thank you, you are a good person, no one else would give a child so much money, our whole family Don't worry about you, if it weren't for your money, I really don't know how the old man will do the surgery at night..."

Speaking of this, the man's voice stopped abruptly, and there was a faint cry from the phone.

The crying sound pressed tightly on Lin Yue's chest like a stone, making him feel extremely choked up.A man does not flick his tears lightly, but he has not reached the depths of love.

Lin Yue can imagine how much pressure Ming Yiran's father has been under these days. If it hadn't been for Ming Yiran unexpectedly appearing beside him holding the woolen material, if he didn't have the ability to see the inside of the woolen material, and if he hadn't He is a mercenary person with a hard heart, and a life may pass away like this.

He had a life-saving money, and when his mother was about to have an operation, he called others to pay back the money. Lin Yue thought he couldn't do this.It's not that Ming Yiran's father is not filial. Lin Yue can know the filial piety of such a person from his crying, but there are some things that cannot be compared. Lin Yue knows that if the other party returns the money to him, the other party will be considered as selling blood and organs He will also heal his mother.

What more can a mother ask for if her son is like this!

"Let's save the old man. Is the money enough?" Lin Yue took a deep breath, suppressed his inner emotion, and tried to keep his voice steady.

"Enough...enough." The voice was choked up, mixed with sympathetic cries.

"Call me if you need help with anything."


After hanging up the phone, Lin Yue couldn't calm down for a long time, and secretly prayed to God to bless Ming Yiran's grandma to escape this catastrophe.

Qin Yaoyao walked into Lin Yue's room, saw Lin Yue's face was a bit ugly, and asked concerned: "Are you okay? Your face is a bit ugly."

"It's okay." Lin Yue waved his hand and said.

"Are you okay?" Qin Yaoyao asked again, the more Lin Yue said nothing, the more worried she was.

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