Emerald King

Chapter 69 Damn!Too cruel!

He Changhe looked at Fade Chen's uncertain face with a smile on his face, feeling so relieved in his heart, but soon he frowned.

What if Wei Jinzhong asked these two questions when Lin Yue was assessed?

With Wei Jinzhong's personality, there is a great possibility that he will do so!

He Changhe couldn't help worrying about Lin Yue. He wondered if his apprentice could make it through. Although He Changhe had talked about these things, he didn't explain them very systematically, and there was no real reference. Lin Yue finally listened to it. How much he does not know.

I can only hope that Lin Yue can remember as much as possible.Emerald King 69


Fade Chen slammed the table, stood up and yelled at Wei Jinzhong who was smiling: "Is this a question about appraising porcelain? This is obviously a question about making porcelain, and has nothing to do with the content of this competition!"

Wei Jinzhong smiled "hehe", and said to the staff in the corner: "The timer can start."

Then he turned to Fade Chen, and said with an incredulous expression: "Brother Chen, you have been an appraisal expert for so many years and have gained so many titles. Don't you know what fraud has to do with appraisal? If you don't understand how fraudulent appraisal works It’s true or false? As an appraisal director or a standing committee member, it’s impossible for you not to know this? There are still two minutes and 45 seconds left.”


Fade Chen was trembling with Wei Jinzhong's anger, and wanted to rush up and beat him up, but he held back, let out a rage, and sat down heavily on his seat. When he saw Li Qianzhou looking at him, he didn't get angry. At first, the answer just now made him feel ashamed, he yelled at his apprentice: "What are you looking at, why don't you answer quickly!!!"

Li Qianzhou trembled all over, and a trace of resentment flashed in his eyes.

Damn old man, I wouldn't respect you so much if I hadn't been a teacher yet. When I become famous, I will throw away you as a stepping stone. How far should I go?

"Etched with chemicals to eliminate" thief light.The method is to mix half and half hydrofluoric acid with water, immerse the porcelain in the prepared solution, or evenly brush the surface of the utensils with a brush, brushing from bottom to top. It can be relatively short. Generally, after about 1 minute of brushing, rinse it with water immediately, so as to avoid too long time and the surface of the glaze layer will be dull if it is corroded too much.If you still think it is too bright, you can apply some salad oil on the surface, and the effect will make people feel warm and moist as jade. The luster, though diminished, is very dull and unnatural.If there is a magnifying glass, the identification method is simple. This kind of porcelain treated with hydrofluoric acid can show countless small holes corroded by acid under a high-power magnifying glass, commonly known as "pitting".In addition, if you boil it in boiling water, you can smell the pungent smell of feces it releases..."


"time up!"

Li Qianzhou closed his mouth helplessly, and he answered the third question with the fastest speech speed. He could only look at Wei Jinzhong with extremely resentment.

Wei Jinzhong smiled slightly, then shook his head regretfully, and wrote "2" on the front card with a pen.

It only scored two points!

Fade Chen snorted angrily when he saw the number on Wei Jinzhong's card, and then turned his gaze to other places. He was really afraid that if he looked at it again, he would not be able to help but make a move.

If it wasn't for the fact that one person had to hand in the piece of paper after the competition, he would have torn off the piece of paper with Wang Yue's score written on it, and then wrote a big "0" on it!

The competition continued, and after 25 minutes, He Changhe came to the eighth place.

He Changhe smiled and said to Li Qianzhou: "Since someone makes things difficult for you, then I won't make things difficult for you."

Hearing this, Li Qianzhou's face suddenly showed a look of gratitude.Emerald King 69

But the following sentence made Li Qianzhou fall into an ice cave.

"Tell me about the characteristics of the porcelain of the Republic of China."


Li Qianzhou opened his mouth wide and looked at He Changhe in astonishment. Just as he was about to say something, he suddenly realized that the old man in front of him was his master's enemy, and a flash of resentment flashed in his eyes.

What a shit master, you have made so many enemies!How can this make me tough in this link!Who the hell thought of this link at the beginning, isn't this asking for a dead end?

Li Qianzhou thought for a while, and it seemed... that he proposed it himself!

Damn, it turned out to be me!

Li Qianzhou scolded jealously and resentfully, he really wanted to slap his own mouth, because he was such a cheap mouth back then!

There are so many porcelains in the Republic of China, and there are so many imitations, what can I say!If the lecture is real, it may not be finished all morning.

Bite the bullet!

Before Li Qianzhou could open his mouth, He Changhe said, "I'm just asking this question. If you answer correctly, I will give you all [-] points, but you must clearly explain the characteristics of the imitated porcelain and other details. Let's start."

Oh shit!Too cruel!

Li Qianzhou also knew that he had to bow his head under the eaves now. If he really confronted He Changhe now, maybe the other party would give him a big duck egg.

Thinking about it, Li Qianzhou felt that he was wronged. It was a good time for him to become famous and famous in the universe. Why did he worship a master with so many enemies? Otherwise, how could it be so bad!

"During the period of the Republic of China, important porcelains from past dynasties were imitated in an all-round way. A small number of imitations were fine and beautiful, but most of the carcass was rough, and the glaze was not tightly bonded, so it was easy to fall off. The most unique feature of the porcelain in the Republic of China is the light crimson that was popular in the Xianfeng period of the Qing Dynasty. Colored porcelain and new pastel porcelain that emerged in the early years of the Republic of China. Light crimson colored porcelain originated from the light crimson landscape painting method of Huang Gongwang in the Yuan Dynasty. When this painting method was applied to porcelain decoration, it was different from the previous dynasty. New pastel porcelain Its characteristic is that it regards porcelain as a drawing board, adapts fine brushwork paintings of previous dynasties, especially landscape, flower and bird paintings, and fully embodies them in porcelain decoration, expanding the scope of colored porcelain decoration. The mainstream of porcelain painting. The varieties imitating porcelain are..."

Soon, 6 minutes passed.

Li Qianzhou was dejectedly preparing to accept the assessment of the ninth examiner.

Looking at Li Qianzhou's expression, there was a conspiratorial smile on the corner of his mouth when it got worse. When writing the score, Tai Hu deliberately glanced at the gloomy Chen Fei, and then picked up the pen and wrote a "4" on the piece of paper in front of him.

Although he also wanted to write less, and he also knew that Fade Chen would definitely make things difficult for Lin Yue when he took part in the assessment, but this was also a good time to test Lin Yue's level, so although he was worried, he was somewhat looking forward to it.He didn't intend to deduct more points from Li Qianzhou, as much as he should.

He Changhe believed that Lin Yue would perform better.

Four or ten minutes later, people outside finally saw Li Qianzhou come out of the villa dejectedly, and when he came to the gazebo, he gave Lin Yue and Wang Yue a hard look, and then found a place to squat down by himself.

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