Emerald King

Chapter 78 Arrangement

After breakfast, Lin Yue and He Changhe came to the villa again. This time, Lao Liu didn't wait for everyone to come, but came early, but he really looked tired.

"Old Liu, how did you handle that matter?"

He Changhe came to Lao Liu and asked softly. He couldn't say it loudly at this time, it would be too bad to say it.

"We have done what we have to do. Don't worry, I am the only one who knows the final result. If you don't believe me, there is nothing I can do."

Old Liu said helplessly.Emerald King 78

He Changhe punched Lao Liu hard, and said, "Can I not believe you? Has that person been found?"

Lao Liu glanced around with his eyes, and then said in a low voice: "No, our action was late, that account was registered anonymously, the ID card of the account was also fake, and all the money in the account was transferred away. It seems that you are very careful about sending your thoughts."

"Is there anyone to choose?"

"Everyone is now a target of suspicion, including myself. Damn it, it's a shame that such a scum has appeared in Jingdezhen!"

Old Liu cursed bitterly.

"Looking at you like this, you know you haven't slept well in the past two days."

"Sleep well, I'm exhausted. Just in case, I changed almost all the porcelain and made some adjustments. It took too much effort just to find these porcelains."

"Look at our friendship, and my apprentice's meritorious service. Would you like to properly disclose the content of the competition?"

"Fuck off!"

Old Liu pushed He Changhe away.

He Changhe didn't take it seriously, laughed, and led Lin Yue to rest.

Soon, others came one after another.

When entering the gate of the villa area, Fade Chen and Wei Jinzhong looked at each other with sneers in their eyes.

Li Qianzhou and Wang Yue snorted coldly and turned their gazes to other places.

Regarding the last competition, everyone was full of anticipation and nervousness in their hearts. This was the final competition to determine the ranking, and it was also the competition with the highest score.

At eight o'clock in the morning, the exciting moment for everyone came.

Old Liu walked up to everyone and announced: "Today is the last of all three items. It is a concentrated test of all the numbers required for identification, such as your endurance, experience, eyesight, knowledge, etc. The person behind the villa There are fifty pieces of porcelain in a workshop, some are real and some are fake, but you need to find out how many are real and how many are fake. Everyone has three hours, each with a pen and a notebook, three hours After being invited out by our staff, just like the first day, write down the name and serial number of the authentic porcelain in the notebook before going out. One day, two people competed, five days were completely compared, and all the five days were known in the afternoon. The result of the test."

"Okay, I've finished what I need to say. I don't know if you have any questions?"

Lao Liu scanned the audience, and after confirming that no one had any questions, he immediately took out a piece of paper, looked at the names on it, and said: "The order of our competitions is arranged according to the results of the previous two competitions, from high to low. Low, Zhuang Mengdie participated in the first competition, from 08:30 to 11:30 in the morning, and Wu Yishan in the second, from 02:30 to 05:30 in the afternoon, and these two time periods will be used in the future, I don’t know Are there any objections to this arrangement?" Jade King 78

Lin Yue was taken aback when he heard the words, he was arranged to be in the last match, that is to say, he knew the result after the competition?

Thinking of this, he helplessly shook his head and smiled wryly.

The last game will be the last game.Take advantage of these few days to go to the museum again. Anyway, the museum is under maintenance during this period, but those who participated in the competition are allowed to visit, and no one will bother him.

Li Qianzhou has a lot of opinions on this arrangement. Since he already knows how many of the fifty pieces of porcelain are real, he can just let him in and perform, but he is arranged for the penultimate one. Want to show off but have no place to show off.

But he didn't dare to speak out, since no one else had an opinion, so he had no opinion either.

After confirming that no one had any objections, Lao Liu nodded and said, "Zhuang Mengdie, get ready, and enter the factory building behind the villa on time at 08:30."

Zhuang Mengdie nodded, and was pulled aside by Zhuang Dongfeng to impart experience.

But He Changhe held Lao Liu back, and asked suspiciously: "I remember that there is no factory building behind the villa, where is the factory building now?" "

"The newly built one is a prefabricated room specially built for the competition. It will be dismantled after it is used up. Anyway, it doesn't take much effort."

"You really have money to burn."

He Changhe didn't know whether he was praising the other party or hurting the other party.

"Stop talking nonsense, tell me, what is the purpose of pulling me here? I won't leak the secret!"

"Leak the secret? In your eyes, I am someone who wants to cheat!" He Changhe was furious.

Old Liu looked He Changhe up and down, and said something that made He Changhe vomit blood.

"It's very similar!"

He Changhe looked at Lao Liu helplessly, and said, "I want to ask you, can we go? I won't let us stay here till the end, right?"

"The legs are on your body, you can walk if you want, who dares to stop you."

"If you hadn't said it earlier, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have come. It took me so long to listen to so much nonsense from you, my ears couldn't stand it!"

He Changhe said as he dragged Lin Yuewan out of the villa.

Seeing this, Lao Liu hurriedly shouted: "Don't forget the end of the game, don't wait until it's over!"

"Remember, remember, I won't return if I'm not drunk with you!"

He Changhe waved his hands behind him without turning his head.Emerald King 78

Seeing that He Changhe had left, Jia Weigeng also dragged Zhang Huiming away. This time, everyone left except Zhuang Dongfeng.

Looking at the empty surroundings, Zhuang Dongfeng couldn't help but smiled wryly, and shouted at Old Liu: "Old Liu, you want to accompany me, now there is no one to talk to."

"Don't worry, you're not bored and I'm bored. I'll get a game of chess in a while, and the two of us will kill one."

Hearing this, Zhuang Dongfeng's eyes lit up immediately, and he said with a smile, "That's a good idea. If Lao He knew we were playing chess here, he would definitely come over immediately."

"Who told him to leave early, he deserves it!"


After returning to the hotel, Lin Yue had nothing to do for a while, so he immediately rushed to the museum. After spending a whole day recording the characteristics of porcelain stone and kaolin, he had nothing to do at night.

Lin Yue was lying on the bed like a dead dog. Today's mental power consumption was too much, but it was also beneficial. It made Lin Yue clearly feel the growth of mental power. In the past, the ability could only be used once a day, but now it can Use it twice, but you have to rest for a period of time in between. If you use it reasonably, maybe three times a day is fine.

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