Emerald King

Chapter 95 Dark Box Operation

A woman's hatred is insane, once formed, I'm afraid it will never end, especially for a delicate woman.

Wang Yue and Li Qianzhou looked at Lin Yue contemptuously, and snorted coldly in their hearts. If Lin Yue could identify porcelain that they could not, they would not believe it even if they were killed.

Unless he is a god, he can't do such a thing at all!

The others also looked at Lin Yue vaguely, their eyes full of disbelief.

Lin Yue was taken aback when he heard Lao Liu's words, and his first thought was: How is this possible?Emerald King 95

I'm afraid that everyone else knows what I know, so how can I identify porcelain that others can't.



Lin Yue suddenly realized that he had been forgetting his most advantageous weapon, that is supernatural power, which is unique to him and the only thing that makes him stronger than others.

Suddenly Lin Yue thought of a piece of porcelain. If other people could not identify it but he could, it was only that piece of porcelain.

No.40 eight pieces of porcelain, Yongle blue and white porcelain!

That piece of porcelain was absolutely flawless, and it was very possible for anyone to drill a hole. Up to now, Lin Yue still hasn't found any traces of fraud on the surface of the porcelain.

Thinking of this piece of porcelain, Lin Yue began to believe what Lao Liu said, and also began to believe that he had won No.1.

After Lao Liu finished speaking, he kept observing Lin Yue's body. He saw surprise first, and then relieved. He could understand the surprise, but he couldn't understand Shi Ran. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard someone speak. up.

It's Li Qianzhou.

"Hearding Mr. Liu's question, I have a few doubts. I would like to ask Mr. Liu to explain the stone. First, why is there differential treatment? Since they are all porcelain, why is the piece of porcelain with the highest score? At the same time, I would like to ask Mr. Liu to explain. At the same time, explain why he didn't explain it before the written test, but he didn't say it until after the test. The second thing is that seeing is believing. Will Mr. Liu take out that porcelain to open our eyes and let us see what it is? That piece of porcelain made all of us drill eyes, but it happened that No.1 was identified and No.1 was obtained, and it also let us see if No.1 is genuine, or there is a black box operation."

Li Qianzhou mentioned the key parts of the problem almost every sentence, and at the same time kept mocking Lin Yue.

Hearing Li Qianzhou's words, others couldn't help but nodded, even Wang Yue nodded in agreement.

Lin Yue was aroused by Li Qianzhou's sarcasm. If it wasn't here, he would have given him a good beating to let him know that there is a price to pay for farting!

"The first question, that piece of porcelain is worth five points, which is also the five points deducted by Ms. Zhuang Mengdie."

Hearing the sudden look of everyone here, it turned out that this piece of porcelain got five points deducted.

Without giving everyone any time to think, Lao Liu continued: "This piece of porcelain was specially prepared for the purpose of distinguishing the gap. It was originally not planned that anyone could identify it, which means that if Lin Yue fails to identify it, the third round The highest score in the competition is 45 points instead of the full score of [-] points, but to the surprise of all of us, someone identified it, so we gave him a full score of [-] points. Porcelain worth five cents, does it still have that mystery? There is no way to test your identification ability, so I don’t need to explain what I mean, even a fool can think of it.”

Old Liu Ke kept Li Qianzhou's "black-box operation" in mind, and did not forget to satirize Li Qianzhou.

Li Qianzhou's face suddenly became extremely ugly when he heard this.Emerald King 95

Old Liu sneered in his heart, fighting with me, you are still tender, and your master is almost the same.

"As for which piece of porcelain is that, I can tell you right now, No. 40 eight pieces, blue and white porcelain from the Yongle period of the Ming Dynasty are fake!"


Lin Yue cried inwardly.

Then he really became extremely excited, and he won the first place, worthy of the name!I did not live up to my master's expectations!

For some reason, he suddenly had the urge to burst into tears.


Many people exclaimed.

Except for Lin Yue, the other nine people showed disbelief on their faces.

No.40 Eight pieces of porcelain are fake?

How can this be?

How could such a perfect piece of porcelain be fake?

When Fade Chen and Wei Jinzhong saw everyone's expressions, their hearts sank suddenly. They knew it was going to be broken, and there was indeed something wrong with that piece of porcelain.

But He Changhe became a little excited. Could it be that Lin Yue was the only one who identified it.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Yue's face, and didn't find the slightest look of surprise, it was very calm, which made him more sure of his conjecture.

Happiness comes too soon, right?

He Changhe has experienced many great scenes, but he has never been as happy as this time, and his apprentice won the first place after finishing the competition with no hope at all!

However, he was not overly excited, Lin Yue's first place was still in the air until the last lesson.

"Now you have no objection to my positioning that piece of porcelain with the highest score?"

Old Liu coldly glanced at the last nine people in front of him.

Those nine people couldn't help shaking their heads. If that piece of porcelain is really impossible to be real, then the score of five points for this piece of porcelain is not high.

What the appraisal circle looks at is eyesight, and you are the number one when you identify porcelain that others cannot identify.Emerald King 95

"Impossible, impossible, how can that piece of porcelain be fake, it is absolutely true! You are lying to us, you deliberately fabricated it to cover Lin Yue, right? Why do you say that piece of porcelain is fake ? Bring out the evidence!"

Li Qianzhou jumped up and yelled at Old Liu.

He is so sure about that piece of porcelain, the most sure of all porcelain appraisals, how could it be fake!

This incident hit him too hard.

Wang Yue also looked at Lao Liu coldly. He had been suppressing the anger in his heart, and the last one had already raised his anger to the extreme. If he hadn't been suppressing it all the time, it would have erupted long ago.He didn't expect that the result of the suppression would be to wait for an explanation that couldn't be an explanation, and suddenly there was another burst of anger in his heart, and he couldn't suppress it anymore.

"Old man Liu! How could that piece of porcelain be fake, and how could I be the bottom one!!! If you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, I will smash all of you here! I will do what I say !"

Hearing this, Old Liu's expression darkened suddenly, and he said coldly, "Are you threatening me? Don't forget what place this is?"

As soon as Lao Liu's words fell, the staff behind him took a step forward, looking at Wang Yue coldly. If he dared to speak rudely again, everyone would not mind cleaning him up.

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