Powerful and romantic

Chapter 111 Why is she here?

Secretary Qin was very upset, but Secretary Yan was in a good mood now.

Although Yan Wangsong's expression was serious at this time, he was extremely happy in his heart. Although he didn't know how the reporter who claimed to be Chu Wentian got the news and came to Wude County, but since he knew Xu Junran, he was still Xu Junran's Friends, that means Xu Junran can influence his decision.

In the 80s, media such as television and computers had not entered thousands of households, and the power of radio and newspapers was absolutely unimaginable.It is hard for people living in the new century to believe that a city cadre can be deceived by using a fake press card, but in the 80s, this is the real thing.

If Yan Wangsong hadn't seen Chu Wentian's press card and letter of introduction with his own eyes, he wouldn't have believed that a big newspaper in the capital like Qunzhong Daily would send a reporter to a poor place like Wude County. It's as if the emperor's censor suddenly appeared in a certain county government office.

"Xiao Xu, do you really know that reporter?" Yang Weitian looked at Xu Junran nervously. He didn't know the inside story, but he just heard Yan Wangsong tell him something about the situation, so he was still a little worried, so he couldn't help asking road.

Xu Junran nodded respectfully and said, "If he calls himself Chu Wentian, then he should be my college classmate."


Several people breathed a sigh of relief. As the saying goes, there are people in the court who are easy to handle. At least if Xu Junran knows that reporter, things will be much easier to handle.

It's not that no one has thought about whether Xu Junran got this reporter, but everyone immediately denied this idea.To them, Xu Junran is just a rookie who has just entered the officialdom. Although he has a degree and good ability, he is not a big threat. After all, he has just started work, and even if Yan Wangsong thinks highly of him, there is no one above him.Xu Junran still didn't have much development, at most he was very good in Wude County.

As for this reporter, everyone was terrified, but no one felt that Xu Junran had such a great ability to instigate a reporter from a major newspaper in the capital.If he really had that ability, how could he stay in such a small place as Wude County.I have already entered the city or provincial capital.

"Xiao Xu. Can you ask your classmate what's going on in our county?"

Even Qin Guotong had to slow down and speak politely to Xu Junran.

No matter what he thinks in his heart.Now I have to treat Xu Junran politely, after all, only this little guy is familiar with that reporter.

Xu Junran nodded and asked Yan Wangsong: "Secretary Yan, may I ask if he came alone or with someone else?"

Yan Wangsong looked at Wu Liangxin, the director of the County Party Committee Office: "Old Wu, you are in charge of receiving the reporter from Chu, please introduce the situation."

Wu Liangxin nodded: "Reporter Chu arrived this morning, and there were two people accompanying him, one of whom was said to be a photojournalist from the People's Daily in Beijing. There was also a woman who said she was also a reporter from the People's Daily. I saw them The introduction letter and work permit are indeed from the Qunzhong Daily.”

Xu Junran was taken aback, originally he only asked Chu Wentian to come here by himself, but he didn't expect three people to come, including a female reporter.What is Chu Wentian doing?

Looking at Xu Junran, Yan Wangsong asked: "Comrade Xiao Xu, the county has entrusted you with the task of receiving reporters from the Central Committee this time. Is there any problem?"

Xu Junran quickly stood up and said solemnly: "Please rest assured, the secretary. I will definitely complete the task."



Inside the guest house of the Wude County Party Committee, a young man in his twenties looked at Sun Jingyun with a wry smile on his face: "Sister Sun, why do you insist on following here? It's a pilot project here, so I came to see it, it's good for you, you are the deputy director."

The dignified and virtuous Sun Jingyun smiled slightly, and said flatly to the young man sitting opposite her, "Xiao Chu, how do you think sister Sun treats you?"

That young man in his 20s is Xu Junrong's third brother in the dormitory, Chu Yuntian. He said helplessly at this time: "Sister Sun, you are really kind to me, and I am very grateful. But..."

Before he finished speaking, Sun Jingyun interrupted: "I just came to have a look with you."

Rolling his eyes, Chu Wentian curled his lips secretly in his heart, not believing Sun Jingyun's words at all.

Although this sister Sun has taken good care of herself since she joined the newspaper office, Chu Wentian also knows who the other party is.The youngest daughter of the Sun family in the capital, although she is an adopted daughter, is very much liked by the old man of the Sun family. She was the deputy director of the social news department of the newspaper when she was in her early thirties. But much more powerful.

It was such a person who, when he heard that he was coming to Wude County, Quanzhou City, Jiangnan Province, actually offered to come with him!

If Chu Wentian knew that Sun Jingyun was not that kind of person, he would have thought that the number one beauty in the newspaper office had some bad thoughts about him.

"Director, since you're here, you're the one to interview Professor Jin from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

Chu Wentian's heart moved, and he said to Sun Jingyun with a smile.

Sun Jingyun gave Chu Wentian a meaningful look, and nodded: "Well, I plan to hang around here too."

As she said that, she turned around and said to a figure who had been silently standing in the corner, "Yuxuan, come out with me for a walk, okay?"

The figure stood up and nodded: "I will accompany my sister."

When the two of them went out, Chu Wentian let out a sigh of relief, and said to the person sitting over there fiddling with photographic equipment, "Brother Zhang, what exactly is the director doing here?"

Brother Zhang raised his head, shook his head and said, "I don't know, I just heard that our director comes to Jiangnan Province several times a year for interviews."

Chu Wentian nodded, but didn't say anything else, but smiled at the photographer: "Brother Zhang is going to trouble you this time, take some good photos, and I'll treat you later, Dong Lai Shun!"

The photographer smiled honestly and nodded.

Leaving that room, Sun Jingyun and Sun Yuxuan were walking in the aisle, and Sun Yuxuan suddenly said: "Sister-in-law, otherwise, tomorrow I will go to the grandfather's grave by myself."

Sun Jingyun stopped in her footsteps, then shook her head: "I'll accompany you. Chu Wentian should have made an appointment with Professor Jin when he came back this time. I knew a long time ago that he and Professor Jin's son-in-law are college classmates. So, if I really steal his job, I might not be able to see Professor Jin."

Sun Yuxuan is silent, he is the kind of person who doesn't like to talk, and he is more used to doing things instead of talking.

"Yuxuan, you have been here a few years ago, have you found out where your eldest aunt is?" Sun Jingyun suddenly asked in a low voice.

Sun Yuxuan shook his head lightly: "I have been to the place grandpa said, but no one has lived there for a long time."

Sighing, Sun Jingyun said helplessly in a low voice, "I don't know how the eldest sister has been doing well these years."

After hesitating for a while, he opened his mouth and hesitated for a long time before Sun Yuxuan asked slowly: "Sister, why did aunt run away from home back then?"

Sun Jingyun smiled wryly: "No one can blame this matter. At that time, your aunt was studying in college, and the family arranged a marriage for him. The old man didn't say that she must marry, but the eldest sister's temperament belongs to the kind of condescending Nei Gang, I heard that a marriage was arranged in the family, and he ran away from home the next day. Until then, the family didn’t know that he had a date in college, and I heard that he was a talented person. At that time, I You are still young, and many things are said by your third uncle, and he still knows that man."

"Oh..." Sun Yuxuan nodded his head in a rare way, but didn't say anything. The affairs of the elders are not something that a junior like him can evaluate.

As for the legendary eldest aunt, Sun Yuxuan only heard a few words from his parents when he was young. He heard that she was a well-known beauty and talented woman in the capital at that time. A legend!It is said that someone saw her in Jiangnan, because the man who was with her was also from Jiangnan.There has been no news for these years. When grandma was dying, what she missed most was the eldest daughter.Because she was born on the Long March, she fought with her parents in the north and south when she was a child, and suffered a lot.

It's just that there has been no news of my aunt for so many years, which makes the family very anxious.

Although Sun Yuxuan has a dull temper, it does not mean that he is stupid. Grandpa occasionally looked at the family portrait and sighed. He had seen it when he was a child. Of course, he knew that he could make the grandpa in charge of the world look like this. Except for the lost aunt, there is no one else.

Because he heard from his little aunt that before his grandmother died, what she could never forget was that her daughter could not go home.

"Let's go, let's go around, tomorrow I will follow Chu Wentian to interview, and today I will accompany you to visit the grave."

Sun Jingyun said slowly.

After a pause, she pinched something in her hand and thought to herself, "I can always see you."

Sun Yuxuan nodded in silence, he is just like this, he is used to keeping silent, in the words of later generations, he is a cool handsome guy.

The two were walking on the streets of Wude County, thinking about finding a place that sold sacrificial offerings, but they didn't expect a large group of people to come face to face.

Sun Jingyun didn't see who it was, but Sun Yuxuan was stunned for a moment, and said involuntarily, "It turned out to be him? Why is he here?"

Sun Yuxuan's words made Sun Jingyun stunned. She grew up with Sun Yuxuan since she was a child, and she clearly knows the character of this nephew. To put it nicely is called inarticulate, and to put it badly, he is just a piece of wood who often reads alone. Or practicing martial arts can pass the day, and usually don't care much about other things.

Now that Sun Yuxuan showed such a surprised look, Sun Jingyun was a little surprised.

At this moment, a voice rang in the ears of the two.

"I said, you two, are you blind, stuck in the middle of the road!"

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