Powerful and romantic

Chapter 12 Conflict!

('In the early 80s, because the turmoil had just ended, people's thinking was still unstable, and many people's thinking was still stuck in the idea of ​​"rebellion is innocent". It releases the desire that has been suppressed for many years.

Speaking of it, this is not a problem of a certain person, but a problem of the entire era.It is no exaggeration to say that after the turmoil, a large number of looters, robbers, murderers, thieves and gangsters have been bred on 960 million square kilometers.

Therefore, when Xu Junran heard that young man from Lijia Town molest Yuan Xiaoh, his first reaction was not anger, but sadness, for the whole generation.

However, what happened next made him unable to ignore it.

Seeing that the young man's hand was about to touch Yuan Xiaoh's body, the girl's face was already flushed, but she didn't dare to scream, so she could only subconsciously pull Xu Junran's sleeve vigorously.

Staring at all this, Xu Junran no longer hesitated, pulled Yuan Xiaoh to block behind him, raised his leg and kicked the young man, and under the crowd's push, the young man staggered. The guy fell to the ground and looked at Xu Junran in disbelief.

In his imagination, the staff of these county committees were particularly weak and timid, and they would not fight back when they were beaten to maintain order.But he never expected that this young man with a face would dare to hit himself!

"You, you dare to hit someone!" Someone who was with him pointed at Xu Junran and shouted.

Tu Wenyong at the side also hurried over to hold Xu Junran who was still going forward, and whispered in a low voice: "Xiao Xu, just say that he did it first."

Xu Junran's heart warmed up, and he had a slight liking for this Tu Wenyong. At this time, he came up and knew to speak for him, so this person can be friends.

"Yeah, Brother Xu, there's no need for you..." Yuan Xiaoh also said in a low voice, she naturally knew that Xu Junran did it to save herself, so she looked at Xu Junran with a much softer expression.

But Xu Junran shook his head at them, broke away from Tu Wenyong's arm, came to the group of people in Lijia Town, and kicked the young man who had just stood up!


Because Xu Junran didn't expect Xu Junran to dare to make a move, that guy was kicked by Xu Junran again and fell to the ground, this time Xu Junran kicked his stomach again, this guy couldn't get up at all, and howled on the ground.

"It's a disgrace, you've lost Li Jiazhen's face!" Xu Junran said in a low voice, facing many people from Li Jiazhen who surrounded him with uneasy faces.

Everyone was stunned, and Xu Junran had already shouted at a young man who was rushing over with a single-barreled shotgun: "Er Gouzi! Put that gun down for me! Point at me again, believe it or not, I'll ask your grandma to interrupt you!" Doglegs!"

The young man known as Er Gouzi was stunned for a moment, but when he walked up to Xu Junran, he was stunned for a while and asked tentatively: "That, is it uncle?"

Xu Junran nodded: "I'm back, I stayed at Brother Huzi's house yesterday."

"Crack!" Er Gouzi threw the shotgun on the ground within a week, rushed over and hugged Xu Junran: "Uncle, Uncle, it's really you!"

This guy was almost two meters tall, Xu Junran was picked up by him, and he immediately drew a circle on the spot.This scene stupefied the people around. There was a slightly older person in Lijiazhen, who thought of Er Gouzi's shout, and then looked at Xu Junran's appearance, and immediately remembered who it was.

The young man who was kicked to the ground by Xu Junran just now was a little dizzy, he didn't understand what happened to Brother Gou, who usually shows off his might in the town and is not afraid of anyone?Why do you call the person who just beat you uncle?

"Uncle, why are you here?" After being happy for a while, Er Gouzi put Xu Junran down and asked impatiently.

Xu Junran's face was serious: "Nonsense! If I don't come, you will die! What are you doing? You came out with a gun, do you think you are a mountain eagle or Yang Zirong? Where is the grandfather? Where is his old man? Take me to see him." The grandfather Xu Junran was talking about was Li Youde, the current patriarch of the Li family in Lijia Town.

"Grandpa is negotiating with those bastards from the Wang family." Er Gouzi replied, and then glanced at the unlucky ghost who was kicked down twice by Xu Junran: "Uncle, did Xiao Mao provoke you?"

Xu Junran shook his head, his face darkened, and said: "Ask someone to tie him up and send him back to the ancestral hall. I have to make a rule for the whole town about this!"

He is qualified to say this. Back then, the whole town of Lijia Town was dying of illness, and Xu Junran's father risked his life to save the people in the town. Since then, Lijia Town has added an unwritten rule: Xu Junran's mother and son are the only people with foreign surnames who are allowed to enter the ancestral hall. In this regard, even Yan Wangsong does not have that qualification.

Er Gouzi's face changed, not only him, but even Xiaomao's expression became panicked, entering the ancestral hall in Lijia Town means being punished by the family law.Maybe it's going to break my leg.

"Uncle, Xiao Mao belongs to my third uncle's family. If there is anything wrong with him, I will ask him to make amends to you immediately." Er Gouzi said sincerely to Xu Junran, he knew the status of this uncle in the whole clan Well, if Grandpa knew that Xiao Mao dared to fight Xu Junran, Xiao Mao's hands would probably be broken in all likelihood.

Xu Junran had a cold face, but in his heart he had long been concerned, and glanced at Er Gouzi: "Let's call and watch, and we'll talk about it later."

After a pause, he snorted and said, "Don't run, if he does, I'll break your leg!"

Hearing the meaning of Xu Junran's words, Ergouzi nodded quickly, came to Xiaomao, and waved his hands: "Da Ming, Mengzi, you guys watch Xiaomao."

After finishing speaking, he slapped Xiao Mao on the face and cursed: "You bastard! If you dare to fight with my uncle, I will deal with you later, you bastard!"

At this time, Xiao Mao was already dizzy, and his cousin, who had always respected him like a god, was silent like a cicada in front of the person who hit him. With the fear just now, he could see that Er Gouzi was really close to Xu Junran.

"Brother, he, who is he?" Xiao Mao couldn't help asking, he felt that his beating was too unfair.

Er Gouzi turned his head and snorted as he walked forward: "Who is he? My uncle, the first champion in the history of our Li family town! Don't say he kicked you a few times, if your father knows how dare you If you fight with him, your father will be the first to fix you! Bastard bastard, your grandparents’ lives were bought by my uncle’s father!”

As he said that, he couldn't help but spit out: "Pfft! What a disgrace! You have learned to repay kindness with revenge!"

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